...life can be translucent


hex 26.2>22



My life has changed in so many ways for the positive since my long term relationship ended nearly 4 years ago. I have had some not so nice very challenging things happen but I know it has brought me a whole lot of learning which I have embraced and made changes within.

However I feel I have been 'stuck' for a very long time and continue to have an element of discontent in my life.

A couple of questions of Yi have resulted in mostly talking about a hindrance stopping me moving forward in a way -

What is the hindrance in my life Hex 26.2>22

26. Major Restraint

Line 2:

The axle mounts of the wagon are loose.

It is not possible to move on, as a vital part of the situation is damaged.
(The axle mounts keep the axle in place, and thus the wheels.)

OK well clearly this resonates because it feels like I constantly like I can't move forward.

Please show me a pic of the damage that has been done

Hex 11.5>5

Not so sure about this result.

thanks for any help - Liss
Dec 15, 2011
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Sounds like this is saying you just have to wait for things to come together. 26.2 shows parts in the axle are loose, so they just aren't tight enough for a move forward. 11 is heaven and earth coming together and line 5 talks about a beneficial union between high and low. Hex 5 is waiting patiently and nourishing yourself during that wait. So, perhaps you need to nourish your higher self, find a way to join the spiritual in your life with the more mundane areas. Maybe even actually put some more of what you know into actual practice. Could that be?


Thanks dwf very much for you interpretation.

I nourish my higher self all the time pretty much and it's how I live my life and it enables me clear thinking - my problem I believe is as you said trying to pull Heavenly and Earthly aspects together and meeting a man that gets where i'm coming from - well actually females for friendship and males for either friendship or love.
I have a few close gf's who sorta get it but my closest, bestest friend is my son who is 21 but he has is own life to live and lives and couple of thousands km's away.

I do my psychic work through my readings, I have a casual unexciting job, I am studying teaching and at present I am creating a new space for myself to live and fortunately have a very nurturing environment but still I miss the close connection you can have with others.
My ascendant is in Libra so I am blaming that :eek: - Liss

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