...life can be translucent


Hex 44 Unchanging - Selling House?


Feb 1, 2010
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Having asked the question, What is the potential to sell my house soon? -- I got the baffling answer, Hexagram 44 unchanging. I can't imagine what that means, so can anyone else interpret this please?

I'm getting a bit anxious because there are so many reasons that I need to free up the capital just now, including finding a home for myself. I'm in another country and renting, which is to my mind throwing money away.

The property I'm selling is attractive, placed on the market at a really good price about eight months ago. As in many parts of the after-the-recession world, there are many properties for sale just now, but it's coming into the season when this area normally has a lot of buyers. How can 44 relate to this situation?


May 3, 1971
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At first glance it was hard for me to get anything out of this. But...and let me know, if you will, if this makes sense... There is a part of the commentary that says, "the ruler is far from his people." This hints to me that maybe, just maybe, there is not enough of a magnet so to speak, or proper advertising, or something of this nature, I can't think of the proper words, that would make it possible for the buyers to be well enough exposed to your available home. The rest of the commentary says, "but he sets them in motion by means of his commands and decrees." Perhaps there is a way you can gain a wider audience for knowing the availalility of your house.

Does this make any sense?

Good luck



Jun 18, 2006
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Having asked the question, What is the potential to sell my house soon? Hexagram 44 unchanging.

Hex 44 relates to the middle of June and that may well be the time someone takes a serious interest in your property.

Hex 44 is about showing extra attention to something, being lured into a deal, or whatever.


Feb 1, 2010
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Thank you both, this all rings true.

Gene - unfortunately I'm not on the spot and have someone else staying at the house, making all efforts to sell it for me, but not so aware of "staging" a property and what that contributes to getting it sold. So I'm lucky he's looking after the place and it is safe and maintained -- but the ammenities of salesmanship are another question. I don't know what can done with this situation as I'm in another country working a tough schedule and not able to visit the property or be much help. I know many buyers can't see past clutter or somebody else's stuff and I've been begging him to keep things cleared away, dusted and vacuuumed inside and pruned and mowed in the garden. He's trying hard, but I know it's a big job, especially alone -- a major reason I'm selling. It's really a home for a big family.

I've just lowered the price significantly and will not recoup what I've got invested if it sells without further negotiation. So I'm hoping buyers will respect that. But who knows?

Thanks, Willow Fox, you never let me down, straight to the point. June sounds truly wonderful. Even if a bit of negotiation were required to get it sold by then, it would be worth considering. Hanging on, paying utilities, maintenance costs and taxes again and again, holds no magic at all! Fingers crossed. That would be excellent.

Great readings, much appreciated!


Dec 2, 2008
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Hexagram 44 Unchanging

Maybe it means you'd need to go there: Go to Meet.

You asked about the potential for selling your house, and since you need the money from the sale of this house, I believe Yi is telling you the potential would be there if you would go to see your house.

I have seen H44 with no moving lines mean the birth of a new era for the person receiving this from the I Ching. I have seen this here on this forum.

It would be great if you could follow up and let us know what happens.
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Feb 1, 2010
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Thanks to you, Ginnie. Yes I will let you know what happens.

In fact, this is a new era in selling the house for a couple reasons. One is the effort just made to have the person living there do a reorganisation of things in the house. I know it's still not the perfect thing, but it's bound to be better.

I can't possibly go there now, no matter what else happens. I'm up to my neck in work during a critical business period, so that's just not possible. But, the other new era is that this is the first time anyone will have seen the house in Spring or Summer, when the property, a small farm and orchard, is most beautiful. So maybe that will suffice as the "new era" that is called for here. Again -- Fingers crossed, because I desperately need to resolve this soon.


I'm getting a bit anxious because....

How can 44 relate to this situation?

It is believed by some, myself included, that often Yi speaks to our condition rather than to our direct question, particularly if our condition interferes with our ability to understand our situation objectively. It's worth considering that 44 speaks to your anxiety more than providing a crystal ball view into the future.

My view is that 44 is typically charged with distress, the feeling of "I need this" or "I am entitled." Or, "I'm getting a bit anxious because...." or "I desperately need to resolve this soon." Generally a lot of tied up emotions involved with 44.

You first have to get your bearings: get those in charge of assignments (inside and outside) working together as a team. Beware of distractions, especially emotionally powered ones. Keep your ethical and your practical compass functioning well.

That will increase your potential of a creative solution.


Feb 1, 2010
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Yes, this is certainly a feature of how I feel: desperate. The desperation stems from the sense that I've done everything I can from a distance.

The person at the house is the only one I know who can be there, although not equipped really to keep it the way I would. Still, I'm so lucky because places left empty in the area are often burglarised in the extreme -- even the fixtures are stolen. However, in the broader picture a guy alone in a property has different abilities and priorities than I have. It's a sense of hmmmmmm frustration I suppose that there's not more I can do to make this move as I am the "mover and shaker" type. Also, this fella says he wants to leave in several months and then the property will be empty. Also, a worry. I can't afford to move things from the house without the purchase money it should bring. And where I am, until I can afford something bigger, there is nowhere to put the furniture and boxes of belongings anyway.

In my mind, this just goes around in circles and I find no new roads to take, only ways to refine, as best I can, what I've done already. For instance, eight months into offering the house I have three property agencies working on this rather than just the one who began. None of them is booking a lot of viewings, however, because the market is so slow in Winter and the first weeks beyond. Spring and the temperature and visits abroad heating up are my great hope. I'm trying not to let this gnaw at me, to stay positive and just work hard where I am to keep cash flowing in. Not sure that there's more I can do except, as Meng seems to be suggesting, rise above the feelings of desperation and stay focused and organised.

Unless, of course, there is some perspective and solution I'm missing entirely.
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This is a little elaboration on "beware of distractions". Everyone knows what it's like to walk by something in a store window, and be taken by something you've just got to have, and can't afford. Sure, you can find some way to justify it, and with buy now and pay later options... but it doesn't sit right somewhere inside. That's the ethical compass giving commands; commands the troops don't always want to hear or obey, but that's why the centralization of command which comes from a good leader.

Just noticed we posted at the same minute.
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Feb 1, 2010
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Meng, I get what you're saying about profligate urges and buyer impulse, the wrong message coming through at times. And maybe that's what put me into this property in the first place? However that's years ago now and no going back -- I have to cope as things are.

In any case, how would you apply the "beware of distractions in this case?" I was thinking, keep to the plan, keep phoning and encouraging realtors and the man holding the fort for me there. Anything else?


Off 44 a bit, and just a suggestion.

Finding someone responsible to manage your property while you're absent, who pays enough rent to cover your mortgage, may provide the peace of mind for you to focus on other pressing matters. but there must be something in it for them too.

I'm such a case. The owners of this property live a good distance, and the less they have to worry about it, the more they can focus on getting ahead where they are, and still keep their investment safe here. As a result, my rent goes down, not up. I treat it as my own, and take care of what needs taking care of. They sleep at night.

Just a thought to share.


Meng, I get what you're saying about profligate urges and buyer impulse, the wrong message coming through at times. And maybe that's what put me into this property in the first place? However that's years ago now and no going back -- I have to cope as things are.
Yes, I wasn't literally applying my example to you personally, only to that sense of being tied up between what we want and what is immediately available.


Feb 1, 2010
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Oh, I see. Yes, very apt. There aren't even any buyers on the ground just now. But I'm hopeful there will be soon and try to stay focused anyway and not TOO frantic about it all. Many around the globe are in my shoes at the minute, so best not to panic. Thanks.
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Agreed. There's quite a bit more creativity, lease to buy options etc, now going on, and people are happy just to manage to break even for awhile.

My job moved me to Spokane and I had to sell my home in Wenatchee. I would commute weekends, on weekdays I would just take a room in Spokane. I was desperate to sell the house so I could move my family to Spokane. Right at that time, my older son was discharged from the army, returning from Germany with boxes and boxes of stereos and stuff young guys collect. He turned his bedroom into a gym, and it smelled like one. Dishes were piled up in the sink, etc, etc. My Realtor called me and frankly told me she refused to even show the house in that condition. Meanwhile, I'm managing and training a new group of people in a new (to me) market, requiring my full attention and dedication. Those on the home front were angry with me for having to move and offered only more resistance and zero support.

So, I can dig where you're come from. :hug: hang in there and good luck.

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