...life can be translucent


Hex 53.6


Jul 15, 1970
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I found this on the ichingresources.co.uk site. Hilary, since this is your site, could you perhaps comment on the following remark please?

"...it seems to me that 53, line 6 here told of a relationship that would go well beyond the sexual one the anonymous messager wanted - exactly what Xinhao achieved.)"

Why do you believe line 6 speaks of a relationship going beyond the sexual? Is it the reference to the "sacred dance?


Apr 8, 1970
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Yes, exactly. The lines of 53 seem to tell the story of a relationship's evolution as the geese fly home - but by the sixth line I feel we're at a whole new level. Here's a good thread about it.


Jul 15, 1970
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Well, it's still quite puzzling....but it feels very positive.


Apr 8, 1970
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Hi Rwynne,

I'm afraid that link was from 15 years ago, and I can't retrace it. You can use the hexagram search here to find a lot of specifics on 53.6, though.

so songs

Mar 21, 2017
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Hi All, If this line could be read for relationship in a couple,it could be read as well as a relationship with a larger relationship,it seems. It's been more than three months that I moved to a flat in the same area I was before,but now I am located in the heart of the village between the grocery store and the bakery,in'the' sociale house flat. Perhaps the old flat was with a small garden in a hamlet but it was a tough time living there for several reasons,and I kept to myself most of the time except for a few neighbors. Social drifts,sort of, I suppose.(?) I'm a bit like the 'new kid in the block'(I'm approaching my 70's,LOL) and the people of the shops and I are getting to know ourselves better, and,since I'm in the arts stuff,and I've noticed that the young mother(of the grocery shop) of a little girl of 6yrs.,is sometimes very busy, it came to me to propose drawing lessons to the child.(free) We have a good time,no constraint for inspiration lessons,only practical tips. . We put on soft music and sometimes, I just dance a bit during the focused drawing period of the'student'. Doing qigong daily helps me to express more and more. Sacred dance&feathers? Today I had two little girls here,and my question to the IChing was about the happy drawing session this morning: 53.6 to 39,! Just wanted to share this.


Clarity Supporter
Dec 21, 2022
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Hi All, If this line could be read for relationship in a couple,it could be read as well as a relationship with a larger relationship,it seems. It's been more than three months that I moved to a flat in the same area I was before,but now I am located in the heart of the village between the grocery store and the bakery,in'the' sociale house flat. Perhaps the old flat was with a small garden in a hamlet but it was a tough time living there for several reasons,and I kept to myself most of the time except for a few neighbors. Social drifts,sort of, I suppose.(?) I'm a bit like the 'new kid in the block'(I'm approaching my 70's,LOL) and the people of the shops and I are getting to know ourselves better, and,since I'm in the arts stuff,and I've noticed that the young mother(of the grocery shop) of a little girl of 6yrs.,is sometimes very busy, it came to me to propose drawing lessons to the child.(free) We have a good time,no constraint for inspiration lessons,only practical tips. . We put on soft music and sometimes, I just dance a bit during the focused drawing period of the'student'. Doing qigong daily helps me to express more and more. Sacred dance&feathers? Today I had two little girls here,and my question to the IChing was about the happy drawing session this morning: 53.6 to 39,! Just wanted to share this.

Oh my goodness - what synchronicity!! My question this morning was whether taking an abstract painting class would rekindle the desire/fire in me to paint again. I've been a bit burnt out in the last few months, and tired of the same-old representational painting style..... I feel I need to branch out and try something new and different - so I got 53.6 to 39 - this comment for 39 hit the nail on the head!!! "Can you imagine going a different way?" and my answer is yes- I can and will !!!! Oh my gosh - I-Ching is the fairy godmother that I always wanted!!! P.S. I also do Qi Gong every day :)

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