...life can be translucent


Hexagram 12



Hello everyone,
I'm new here and pretty inexperienced. I could use some help interpreting hexagram 12, line 5, changing to hexagram 35. After a couple of positive answers to relationship questions, I asked, Is this relationship good for me? Of course I was startled by drawing hexagram 12, it seemed the answer was a big huge NO!!! But line 5 seems to say something different. Can anyone help me with this one? Thanks so much, Dalila

dobro p

May 19, 1972
Reaction score
Although the context of Hex 12 is pretty negative, line 12.5 is very positive. It talks of simply letting go of blocked meaning and blocked communication. But the key is to operate at the level of your spiritual ideal or spiritual guide, whoever or whatever that is. Do that, and obstruction vanishes, and you're attached to an impulse of strong growth.

See, it's a positive line, but positive in the context of 'obstruction', which is an issue in your relationship. Now, whether that 'simply letting go' applies to communication in the relationship, or whether it applies to your doubts about the relationship, or whether it applies to the relationship itself (!) is up to you to decide. Which option feels most appropriate?


That is so amazing Dobro. I had to read your message a couple of time, because I didn't know what how 'simply letting go' could apply to communication in the relationship. It came clear though, I mean honestly I don't know what took me so long to see it, but we agreed yesterday to have a period of silence in our relationship. It is my hope, and his too I think, that this period will allow both of us to get some things off the table in each of our respective lives, before we come back together again. Enabling us to start fresh and ready for each other. Since we have not made a commitment I have been anxious about this period of silence, which is what prompted me to ask the question in the first place. I guess the answer is pretty clear now. Let go and let the silence happen, and the obstructions will disappear?

So would you think the relating hexagram, 35, predicts a possible happy outcome? You can see I am pretty nervous about all of this.

Thank you so much for your help.

dobro p

May 19, 1972
Reaction score
If you believe that the relating hexagram indicates the direction that things are moving in, then yes, a very happy outcome is indicated - Hex 35 is pure progress and thriving in the light and being honored.

If you believe, like me, that the relating hexagram is merely a layer of meaning built into the changing line in the primary hexagram (in this case 12.5), then it helps to explain why 12.5 is a positive line, but it doesn't talk about the future. See, I'm one of those people whose view of the Yi is completely influenced by their view of life - I think the future is contained in the present in potential only or in little beginnings that we can avail ourself of. So I think that when you draw a line in the Yi, its meaning applies to the present (which contains the future in potential etc). So, looking at what I know of your situation through my bias, I'd say that the relationship is situated pretty nicely right now, with good potentials. In other words, no guarantees about outcomes, but lots of insight and advice about how to handle the present moment. Life as an adventure, rather than as having all your flights and hotels booked in advance, if you know what I mean. Relationship's exciting and difficult, isn't it? :)


You are so kind to answer me in such detail. Thank you so much. I think you are right about not getting ahead of ourselves, not just me and my partner, but all of us. Sometimes the present is tough and rather than simply learning from the toughness it seems nicer or easier to look ahead to a time less tough. Now isn't bad though...I am learning a lot. Thanks again!




I am new to this community. I like the way Dobro impart the message of iching to Dalila. I mean, it is so nice to know that people with knowledge of iching can help others by telling the querant exactly what iching tells says.

I hope I can help also, I can answer questions here thru Super Iching or you can visit my site to avail of free iching services, too.

Thanks a lot.


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