...life can be translucent

Hexagram 14


Jul 15, 1970
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I noticed that hexagram 14 has the idea of receiving something from a higher power/the transcendent running through it...moreso than the others. Would anyone like to comment on this?

dobro p

May 19, 1972
Reaction score
Dunno bout a higher power - what I've clocked of 14 so far is the 'big having' is an important orientation - if it's a transcendent function, then that function is along the lines of a guiding light. (And although I don't really pay much heed to trigram meanings in hexagrams, 14 does have li as its top trigram, and 'light' is one of the meanings associated with it, I think.)


Apr 8, 1970
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I get a lot of 'mileage' from the simple word 'you', possess: an outstretched hand, sometimes holding meat.

Owning? Sharing? (Is there a difference?) Ready to receive?


Mar 16, 1970
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The universal focus is of expansive bounding operating in a context of expansive blending.

The bounding focuses on a boundary that is moving outwards - as a fire does.

Move into the IC proper and fire is a manifestation of a quality of direction-setting, promotion of an ideology (and so as the boundary moves outwards so all is converted to sameness - 'ash'; fire in lower is more gentle, reflects a sense of guidance)

In 14 all is operating in a context of perseverence, heaven in lower. As such the trigrams of 14 read "With/from perseverence comes direction (an ideology)"

The focus on material gain is in the force of the direction-setting, it is positive, the individual in the centre is being proactive when compared to the individual in the centre of 08 where the focus is on passive attraction (water in top reflect the notion of control - so 08 reads "with/from devotion comes control")

14 falls into the set of hexagrams that are mediating in general (heaven in general) and as such are high energy and focused on replacement of 'something' with something considered 'better' - as such there is the presence of a sense of transcendence in all of them:

11, 26, 05, 09, 34, 14, 43, 01

if we limit analysis to this sequence then 14 is an exaggeration of 05 - we are not waiting for an opportunity, we are making opportunities to then exploit.

In hex 14's spectrum we find such mappings as the skeletal form of 14 is described by analogy to hex 32 - a sense of commitment of/to 'something'.

its 'beginning' is described by analogy to 50, IOW it begins where hex 10 'ends' - a focus on transformation (which is what mediation aims at)

its 'completion' is described by analogy to hexagram 06 - with its focus on compromise (recall that mediation is a root property in heaven-associated hexagrams) - this being where hex 10 begins ;-)

the summary of the full spectrum of 14 is:

00 :: (02) : What is this hexagrams's potential form? :: 14
01 :: (24) : How does this hexagram 'start', express 'beginning'? :: 50
02 :: (07) : How does this hexagram express uniformity, establishment of? :: 30
03 :: (19) : How does this hexagram express approaching the 'high'; defer to the 'low'? :: 56
04 :: (15) : How does this hexagram level things out, keep words close to facts? :: 38
05 :: (36) : How does this hexagram protect its 'light' when not its time? :: 64
06 :: (46) : How does this hexagram become more entangled with something/someone? :: 21
07 :: (11) : How does this hexagram balance/harmonise, mediate? :: 35
08 :: (16) : How does this hexagram express foresight/planning? :: 26
09 :: (51) : How does this hexagram express surprise, enlightenment, shock? :: 18
10 :: (40) : How does this hexagram express tension release through relaxing structure? :: 22
11 :: (54) : How does this hexagram expend early energy, imaturity? :: 52
12 :: (62) : How does this hexagram express overacting to establish unconditional loyalty? :: 41
13 :: (55) : How does this hexagram deal with abundance/overflowing? :: 4
14 :: (32) : How does this hexagram express commitment? :: 27
15 :: (34) : How does this hexagram actively invigorate others? :: 23
16 :: (08) : How does this hexagram passively attract? :: 1
17 :: (03) : How does this hexagram 'sprout'? :: 44
18 :: (29) : How does this hexagram assert containment/control? :: 13
19 :: (60) : How does this hexagram standardise? :: 33
20 :: (39) : How does this hexagram obstruct, go against, stand up to, the flow? :: 10
21 :: (63) : How does this hexagram complete, 'get it right'? :: 6
22 :: (48) : Where does this hexagram get its nutrition, what sustains it, keeps it going? :: 25
23 :: (05) : How does this hexagram wait for opportunity to come? :: 12
24 :: (45) : How does this hexagram celebrate its 'faith'? :: 9
25 :: (17) : How does this hexagram find a faith? What is its faith? :: 57
26 :: (47) : How does this hexagram integrate with the context, be it by choice or otherwise? :: 37
27 :: (58) : How does this hexagram express itself intensely, self-reflect? :: 53
28 :: (31) : How does this hexagram 'woo', express restrained enticement? :: 61
29 :: (49) : How does this hexagram reveal, unmask? :: 59
30 :: (28) : How does this hexagram express excess, go beyond what is required? :: 42
31 :: (43) : How does this hexagram 'seed', spread the word? :: 20
32 :: (23) : How does this hexagram 'housekeep', clear chaff to bring out the wheat? :: 34
33 :: (27) : What is the basic, skelatal form of this hexagram, The mud from which it has emerged? :: 32
34 :: (04) : How does this hexagram learn social skills? :: 55
35 :: (41) : How does this hexagram achieve clarity, concentration, distillation? :: 62
36 :: (52) : How does this hexagram express blocking, discernment? :: 54
37 :: (22) : What does this hexagram look like, how does it present itself to the outside? :: 40
38 :: (18) : How does this hexagram correct corruption, express that correction? :: 51
39 :: (26) : How does this hexagram express 'holding firm' to traditions? :: 16
40 :: (35) : How does this hexagram bring something into the 'light'? :: 11
41 :: (21) : How does this hexagram resolve problems? :: 46
42 :: (64) : How does this hexagram remain 'open', mis-sequence? :: 36
43 :: (38) : How does this hexagram 'mirror', deal with opposition? :: 15
44 :: (56) : How does this hexagram demonstrate conditional loyalty; loyalty at a distance? :: 19
45 :: (30) : How does this hexagram express guidance/direction setting? :: 7
46 :: (50) : How does this hexagram express conversion of the raw to the cooked, transformation? :: 24
47 :: (14) : How does this hexagram manage from the centre? Direct operations? Push ideology? :: 2
48 :: (20) : How does this hexagram elicit admiration and so invigorate others passively? :: 43
49 :: (42) : How does this hexagram reflect augmentation? :: 28
50 :: (59) : How does this hexagram make things clear, dispell illusions? lift the fog? :: 49
51 :: (61) : How does this hexagram express empathy? yielding, soft core, hard exterior? :: 31
52 :: (53) : How does this hexagram express gradual development, maturity? :: 58
53 :: (37) : How does this hexagram reflect rigid structure as a form of tension release? :: 47
54 :: (57) : How does this hexagram cultivate and become influencial? :: 17
55 :: (09) : How does this hexagram express making small gains to be noticed? :: 45
56 :: (12) : How does this hexagram neutralise attacks on its core beliefs? :: 5
57 :: (25) : How does this hexagram stand up to say its piece, ignoring consequences, disentangle? :: 48
58 :: (06) : How does this hexagram compromise, meet half way? :: 63
59 :: (10) : How does this hexagram traverse a path carefully? :: 39
60 :: (33) : How does this hexagram draw-in its enemies, competitively entice? :: 60
61 :: (13) : How does this hexagram express association with the likeminded? :: 29
62 :: (44) : How does this hexagram persuade/seduce? :: 3
63 :: (01) : How does this hexagram express singlemindedness, competitiveness? :: 8


May 31, 1972
Reaction score
You know it's interesting, Clarissa, now that you point this out - I always thought of 14 and it's lines as referring to states (of being) rather than a process. But maybe the line sequences reflect a sort of process for achieving this.

Not sure what to make of this, I'll have to think about it for a while (possibly a long while...)

- Jeff

dobro p

May 19, 1972
Reaction score
14.6 seems part of a sequence, yeah, but the other lines don't obviously fit into a sequence. If we open that door, then that means that *all* the hexagrams can be considered as sequences, whether it's obvious or not. I don't mind, but how useful is it if it's not obvious?


May 31, 1972
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"14.6 seems part of a sequence, yeah, but the other lines don't obviously fit into a sequence"

Dobro, I'm confused. What sequence does 14.6 fit into if not that of the other lines in 14?

As for other hexagrams, yes I agree that is a quandry. Some seem to map quite well sequentially, but others just don't (seem to).

Maybe if I understood how the whole thing fit together. When I get to that point, I'll be sure to fill you in... ;-)

- Jeff


Clarity Supporter
Jan 11, 1973
Reaction score
This was meant to be shorter

Hope it is useful.

There is a process in 14 ? Pretty magnificent.

Sometimes the metaphors of the text change and makes it harder to see. Sometimes the text of a line can surprise one as being particularly good or bad when on would not expect that. A little looking around usually explains why.

Trick is to see hexagrams as seated in clusters joined by changing lines, the hexagram pair, the nuclear hexagram and more. They are constantly circulating ideas and energy amongst themselves and within themselves.

Staying with 14 I shall try to truncate some of that and try to show what flow I think is going on within the hexagram. (Also where the that 'something from Heaven'.)

The trigrams are the basic vocabulary of the Yijing - Shuo Gua explains all of this.

Li above Qian. Bright clinging awareness of the spirit in heaven. Pretty good time. Both Li and Qian are inspirational (Yang), but they are in the Yin side of the pair, even numbers. So they are inspiration which is realizing or manifesting in the world.

So the hexagram is about great inspiration clarity insight and awareness manifesting in real, possibly material terms.

Nuclear hexagram shows the quality of the energy flowing into the time and empowering it. 43 Deciding Parting, whose own nuclear hexagram is Qian 1. So the flow is of Creative Force inspiring the departure from things which would hold them back and which now manifests here.

Lower hexagram represents the inner world of the person. - Qian Inspiration / Creative force

Upper hexagram represents the expression of the time in the outer world ? here is is Li ? Awareness, clarity and the spirit of things clinging to that which supports them.

The direction of flow is always bottom up through the hexagram with line one being the fading in of the time/energy and line six being the culmination, sometimes excess, sometimes fading out of the time energy. Again examination usually explains why.

Line 1 Before the inspiration is established in ones inner world.
Text ?Without mingling harm, in no way faulty.? The yin in the 5th place ?holds? the other lines and this one is line one which is ?before the time?. It is on the edge in danger of not mingling with the others. However there is no real problem with this, no danger. Why should there be?

Line 2 The energy of line 2 is centred in the inner world, it has formed and is stable.
Text ?The Great Chariot used to carry. Having a direction to go. Without Fault.?
Or ?The great chariot used to carry. Amassing Centring not destroying.?
So it is not a war chariot, but one to hold the great having of the time. Qian can be associated with fighting. But this line exchanges energies with Li? 30 Clarity brightness? so it is ?used? or expressed well here.

Line 3. The 3rd position is when the energy in the inner world starts burgeoning and is almost ready to express itself in the outer world in line 4. Not in balance but not necessarily harmful either.
Text: ?A prince avails of growing, a sacrifice to the heavenly son. Small people nowhere controlling.?
So the energy of line two is still growing on nicely. There are no small people, inappropriate lines around. So all continues well. Sacrificing to the heavenly son, means keep looking up and ahead all is going well. Changing line here exchanges energy with Dui ? Joyful voices calling up to heaven. Often associated with ritual and festivals with sacrifices - perhaps the reason for the reference to sacrifices. All pretty good

Line 4. This position can be tricky as it is the first expression of the energy in the outer world. Beginnings can be tricky.
Text: ? In no way ones preponderance. Without Fault. Brightness differentiating clearly indeed.?
It exchanges energy with 26 Great Accumulating. The appearance of the trigram Gen can be a real show stopper. But in great accumulating the mountain ?holds? the accumulating energy of Qian and articulates it. So instead of line 4 pushing ahead it accumulates the energy ? most good. (Oh, the differentiating is obvious ? we are now in the brightness of Li not Qian)

Line 5 This line position is generally the one which is in balance in the outer world. Where the energy is neither beginning like line four or ending like line 6.
Text ?Your connection to the spirits, mingling thus, impressing thus, auspicious.?
Sure it is? When line 5 changes we have Qian. It is drawing on energy of bright creative force and this hexagram sits in a manifestation position. Heaven manifesting in clear inspirational brightness of a Li quality ? awareness, well informed and clinging to the good. eg ? Hillarie?s, ?hand holding meat to take or to give?

Line 6 This line position is where we can get a fade out or excess etc. It marks the end of the time of a hexagram.
Text: ?Originating from heaven shielding it. Auspicious. Nothing not advantageous.
Why? What originates from heaven?
The energy of Li originated from Qian in the lower hexagram. It also flows in through the nuclear hexagram and when this line changes we have Zhen, First Son of Qian (originating in Qian) Which is the more mundane expression of Qian energy which stirs up life and shakes things into being manifested. Which is why anything undertaken will be successful.

(Quotes from Ritsema Karcher 1994)



Oct 2, 1971
Reaction score
Don't know if transcendence is the right word, but in 14 the queen is apparently high.
High on what? Perhaps we shouldn't ask?

She is in such a state that she sees kings and queens and gold and diamonds everywhere.
No exceptions. The leaves of every tree are precious gems and all the ants that cross her path wear little crowns ..

It may be said that this queen is the owner of 'great possessions'. She isn't possessive though, she doesn't keep track of her riches in a control freakerish way.
Why should she? She only knows wealth, it's in her and around her. She is it and she lives in it.
And the thought of poverty has never entered her mind.


dobro p

May 19, 1972
Reaction score
Kevin - I've seen something similar to what you've described here, and it's interesting. I'll consider it for a while with both 14 and other hexes. But about line 6: "Line 6 This line position is where we can get a fade out or excess etc. It marks the end of the time of a hexagram."

It can also mark the high point of the energy symbolized in the hexagram. For instance, 14.6.


Mar 16, 1970
Reaction score
When working in a strict temporal sense of 1 to 6 note that the lines have qualities associated with single yang line hexagrams:

1 - 24
2 - 07
3 - 15
4 - 16
5 - 08
6 - 23

The 'step' mode through the lines treat each as if equal yin/yang value but this is not so in that traditional movement is from general to particular and so will 'refine' expressions. If you want to use a temporal mapping then you cannot use general-to-particular; each line is particular, period, in that they serve as sequence markers and so syntax only.

We thus have TWO orderings, one with no memory, no consideration of the previous other than a focus on order (syntax), the other with memory and so a development of semantics.

If you focus on trigrams then you are focusing on combining some memory (three lines worth) with a rigid sequence - top following on from bottom.

When focusing on trigrams there are refinement differences, a trigram in the lower position is not qualitatively the same as one in a higher position since the higher position reflects some degree of refinement. IOW once you derive an 'upper' position so you are deriving it from lines 4,5,6 and so qualitatively different from 1,2,3.

(this is UNLESS you are making the trigram oppose each other, in that case the interpretations must be re-ordered where in a hexagram the top trigram is read top-line down vs the bottom trigram read bottom-line up. Thus hex 28 is either:

(a) context of wind in which is operating a context of lake (full bottom to top mapping)
(b) wind bottom up/left-to-right (011) against wind top (110 read right to left, or bottom-down)

For hex 14 it makes no structural difference but can make a semantic difference due to the opposition of trigram to trigam when we interpret as top against bottom rather than top operating within bottom.)

The general consensus is of a movement from general-to-particular, raw-to-refined and so top operating in a context of bottom. That perspective demands a different form of intepretation overall.

Once you move into these areas then a digram is no longer a sequence of A followed by B where both are of equal value other than their positions - the second line is more 'refined' than the previous line, more focused on particular etc etc.

For TRIGRAMS we thus have a REACTIVE lower and a PROACTIVE upper:

Earth as bottom - devotion to another
Earth as top - devotion doubled (dualmindedness)
Mountain as bottom - block/stop
Mountain as top - block doubled (discernment)
Water as bottom - containment
Water as top - contaiment doubled (control)
Wind as bottom - cultivation
Wind as top - cultivation doubled (becoming influencial)
etc etc

The hexagram, as a whole, reflects a hierarchy of qualities all expressed at once OR a symbol representing six steps of time. Move into the method used to derive the hexagrams and you move into a path through a hexagram as being made-up of 64 steps, not 6.

IOW we have (a) a hierarchy with all levels expressed at once, or (b) a sequence of steps - 64 of them, not 6.


Clarity Supporter
Jan 11, 1973
Reaction score
Hi Dobro

Oops, I was glossing a bit there

Your right.


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