...life can be translucent

hexagram 21 > 16 What does the biting lead to?


Apr 14, 2007
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I've never actually been sure if hex 16 is a positive or a negative one. If you get 21 changing into 16 (re love life) would that mean that the biting led to positive or to negative outcome?
To bite or not to bite?


Clarity Supporter
May 30, 2006
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I'd say Biting Through > 16 re love life would be to fairly forcibly get obstacles to relationship out of the way. For instance, if there are a lot of unknowns between two people, or games being played, a refreshing frank or candid talk would bite through those obstacles.


Clarity Supporter
Jul 11, 1971
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21 to 16 means your hexagram was 21.1.6>16, right? My book says about these lines: (1) you are locked up for now; and (6) aren't you listening? I'm embarrassed to admit that I usually get these lines after asking too many questions and that the resulting 16 means that the answer has already been provided. Did you perhaps ask a lot before that?



I've never actually been sure if hex 16 is a positive or a negative one. If you get 21 changing into 16 (re love life) would that mean that the biting led to positive or to negative outcome?
To bite or not to bite?

all hexagrams are interpretable as positive or negative (or some composite).

From a universal perspective ( and so a focus on the generic process not necessarily tied to your particular question) 21 to 16 is problem solving to foresight/planning a future etc. and so apprehension as well as excitement of what could be in a context of solving a problem (21 covers a focus on sticking to a path, avoiding divergence from it. As such it covers setting down laws/rules to deal with such issues of those diverging.)

The line positions of 1 and 6 of 21 cover the 27-ness of 21 and that is 16. 27-ness deals with infrastructure and as such the infrastructure of 21 is described by 16 - the sense of use of foresight/planning in a generic form of meaning reflects the infrastructure then filled-in to give us 21 and its particular focus on dealing with divergence through rules/laws (and the divergence can be positive or negative)

so - a 'lite' interpretation of 21 to 16 in the context of a love life is in need to 'deal' with an issue of divergence leads to consideration of the future, planning etc filled with apprehension as well as excitement. ;-)



Jun 18, 2006
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I've never actually been sure if hex 16 is a positive or a negative one. If you get 21 changing into 16 (re love life) would that mean that the biting led to positive or to negative outcome?
To bite or not to bite?

Hex 21.1 This is a warning not to go too far with any stubborn or aggressive tendencies in this relationship, keep everything in check.

Hex 21.6 It seems that someone in the relationship is refusing to learn from their mistakes and to carry on this way will only lead to serious trouble. This is another warning for that someone to change their attitude and fast.

Hex 16 enthusiasm is a positive hex in the fact that some influence has now been achieved over the wayward person referred to in Hex 21.1,6 and they have seen the light. So, this about getting the other half to be enthusiastic and to cooperate for the general good of the relationship.


Hi Sollina

Just in case the comment could be useful

a) 16 can be positive and can be negative; that depends on how realistic is your enthusiasm. Many times, 16 is more a warning: beware of blind wishful thinking.

b) The sooner you drop the idea of "positive hexagram or negative hexagram", the deeper you could understand the Yijing.

Best wishes


Apr 14, 2007
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The sooner you drop the idea of "positive hexagram or negative hexagram", the deeper you could understand the Yijing.

I know that but the thing is that some of them simply do appear to be more positive than negative and the opposite.
However, this time I was more interested in this particular case where it "becomes" out of 21. It made it doubtful, in a way, whether "biting" would be a good idea after all.

But thanks for the advice. I do have the tendency to see it a bit black&white (while fully aware of the mistake). :blush:


Clarity Supporter
May 30, 2006
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b) The sooner you drop the idea of "positive hexagram or negative hexagram", the deeper you could understand the Yijing.

This is especially true if you're not a big believer in fate or predestination.
Then the readings describe choices, where it becomes doubly important
to perceive the up and down sides of the time. That rilly helps with the
risk assessments and cost-benefit analyses.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 15, 1970
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It is not so much about a choice between biting or not biting, but an advice what might need some biting. For a good 16, you need more openness and some guts in your exchange, like daring to show who you are, and daring to take some initiative.

If you want it to be a rich one you have to take the steps to achieve that (21.1 to 35). If you want it to be an honest, warm and true exchange, where each really hears the other, you have to dare to take risks and be open to the unexpected (21.6 to 51). It will not harm you, on the contrary.

Having a 16-relationship can be great, lots of fun, colorful, "pleasing to the spirits" or whatever you call it. Or it can be one of cheating and make-believe.

With biting in the right way, you create it yourself.



Apr 14, 2007
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This is especially true if you're not a big believer in fate or predestination.
Then the readings describe choices, where it becomes doubly important
to perceive the up and down sides of the time. That rilly helps with the
risk assessments and cost-benefit analyses.

Well... I am not a big believer in predestination but I do think there could be some things that are "meant to be", especially since there is usually a limited range of choice. Rarely are you in a position to choose from whatever you want.

And my question re hex 16, its "positivity and negativity", was related to its relation to hex 21. I am far from being experienced in I Ching and some things are simply more clear to me than the other.

For example: when I got 64 => 4 a while ago as the answer to a question about a confusing relationship the future of which, for the time being, depends on everything more than it does on me, I just didn't know what to make of it. If it had been tge other way around, if it had been 4 => 64, I think I would have been able to realise the potential more easily.
And, don't you think that the latter combination does seem more "positive" than the former?

That's what I had in mind.


Clarity Supporter
May 30, 2006
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Well... I am not a big believer in predestination but I do think there could be some things that are "meant to be", especially since there is usually a limited range of choice. Rarely are you in a position to choose from whatever you want.

This business of good and bad hexagrams is a recurring theme in Astrology and Tarot as well. Crowley, in discussing benefics and malefics in Tarot, said something like this:
Imagine listening to a Beethoven concerto with the preconception that C is a bad note and F is a good one. Obviously you're going to miss the music. You are ALWAYS in a position to choose what you want, and to choose to how interpret what it is you get.
If you go into a reading having already foreclosed on half of the available information, you will get only the information you deserve.


Clarity Supporter
May 30, 2006
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Might as well post this one again

The Taoist Farmer
A farmer named Sei Weng owned a beautiful mare which was praised far
and wide. One day this wonderful horse disappeared. The people of his village
offered sympathy to Sei Weng for his great misfortune. Sei Weng said simply,
"What makes you think this is bad?"
A few days later the lost mare returned, followed by a whole herd of wild
horses, led by a beautiful wild stallion. The village congratulated Sei Weng for his
great good fortune. He said, "What makes you think this is good?"
Some time later, Sei Weng's only son, while riding the stallion, fell off and
broke his leg. The village people once again expressed their sympathy at Sei
Weng's misfortune. Sei Weng again said, "What makes you think this is bad?"
Soon after, a war broke out and all the young men of the village except Sei
Weng's lame son were drafted and sent into a horrible battle. The village people
were amazed as Sei Weng's good luck. But Sei Weng only replied, "What makes
you think this is good?"


Apr 14, 2007
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The English author, W. Somerset Maugham wrote the following parable:

A merchant in Baghdad sent his servant to the market.
The servant returned, trembling and frightened. The
servant told the merchant, "I was jostled in the market,
turned around, and saw Death.

"Death made a threatening gesture, and I fled in terror.
May I please borrow your horse? I can leave Baghdad
and ride to Samarra, where Death will not find me."

The master lent his horse to the servant, who rode away,
to Samarra.

Later the merchant went to the market, and saw Death in
the crowd. "Why did you threaten my servant?" He asked.

Death replied,"I did not threaten your servant. It was
merely that I was surprised to see him here in Baghdad,
for I have an appointment with him tonight in Samarra."

So, this exists in western world just as well but that's fatelism, don't you think? Were we to accept that, then why educate, why work, why have children? Why live if nothing depends on us?


Clarity Supporter
May 30, 2006
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The English author, W. Somerset Maugham wrote the following parable:
So, this exists in western world just as well but that's fatelism, don't you think? Were we to accept that, then why educate, why work, why have children? Why live if nothing depends on us?

That's actually an old Sufi story, faithfully retold by Maugham.
But it's parable, not history or even anecdote, and the lesson isn't
on its "fatalistic" looking surface.


Apr 14, 2007
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That's actually an old Sufi story, faithfully retold by Maugham.
But it's parable, not history or even anecdote, and the lesson isn't
on its "fatalistic" looking surface.

But your attitude IS pure fatelism. Which I strongly disagree with.


Clarity Supporter
May 30, 2006
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But your attitude IS pure fatelism. Which I strongly disagree with.

Somehow you are reading my words completely backwards. And misspelling fatalism.
I am saying that it's fatalistic and erroneous to see a gua as inherently good or bad.
To do so inhibits our flexibility, the breadth of our understanding and our freedom.


Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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Somehow you are reading my words completely backwards. And misspelling fatalism.
I am saying that it's fatalistic and erroneous to see a gua as inherently good or bad.
To do so inhibits our flexibility, the breadth of our understanding and our freedom.

Oh yes, certainly our Freedom.

I think I received many hex's that seemed to be highly negative to the small, whining wish of my personality, very negative indeed. But to the higher part of ourselves - one could call it soul - it has turned out to be on more than one occasion a nourishing rote of experience and learning - eventually. Does anyone really learn from being happy-clappy all the time?

The light can't exist without the dark and vice versa. That means we have to be able to SEE the choices we have before us and that means building our awareness via knowledge. Good for one person may be pure evil in consequences for the next. That's the thing about positive or negative, creative or entropic, yin-yang, good or bad - its seems like the choices we make decide the mid-point between the two - to ignite a third way if you will.

So, if the I Ching is a system of alchemical teachings then it stands to reason that there is no positive or negative in the common sense that we understand it. There are only choices to be taken which, over time show us what path we have taken. The gift of painful lessons and their nnegativity is that we begin to see what choices are beneficial for our highest good and that of others. We become conscious of what choices lead us to our preferred destination whether it be "good" or "evil" - both our valid choices. The I Ching just tells it as it is.

At least that's my take on it...:D


Apr 14, 2007
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Somehow you are reading my words completely backwards. And misspelling fatalism.
I am saying that it's fatalistic and erroneous to see a gua as inherently good or bad.
To do so inhibits our flexibility, the breadth of our understanding and our freedom.

You did manage, however, to decipher it. Your "rilly" had taken more time to be decoded. If people in Colorado mountains happen to spell the word in that manner, I do offer appologies.

As for the rest of it, it is sheer preposterous philosophy.


You did manage, however, to decipher it. Your "rilly" had taken more time to be decoded. If people in Colorado mountains happen to spell the word in that manner, I do offer appologies.

As for the rest of it, it is sheer preposterous philosophy.

If you'd like more cooperation, it's a good idea to be more cooperative. Brad didn't just pull those comments out of a hat, and LiSe offered a couple very good insights. Those two are among the forums finest Yijing authorities. But, maybe this stuff just isn't your cup of tea?

dobro p

May 19, 1972
Reaction score
I've never actually been sure if hex 16 is a positive or a negative one. If you get 21 changing into 16 (re love life) would that mean that the biting led to positive or to negative outcome?
To bite or not to bite?

It ain't just biting, cuz just biting's 10. 21's biting through or even chewing on it. Hex 21's never gonna bite you in the bum (which, in the context of a relationship question, might be disappointing news lol), which is always a concern with Hex 10. Anyway.

No, it's more likely to be biting through an obstacle to the truth, and I mean *who knows* who might be associated with that obstacle, right? Maybe even you. Who knows? So what obstacles to truth are there as you address this issue all upbeat like that? Looks like they're easy enough to get through, cuz you got the demeanor for it right now. Obstacles in a relationship or love life? Easy to find. 21>16. Easy to work through.

Sorry to weigh in so late.

Any use?


Apr 14, 2007
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No, it's more likely to be biting through an obstacle to the truth, and I mean *who knows* who might be associated with that obstacle, right? Maybe even you. Who knows? So what obstacles to truth are there as you address this issue all upbeat like that? Looks like they're easy enough to get through, cuz you got the demeanor for it right now. Obstacles in a relationship or love life? Easy to find. 21>16. Easy to work through.

Sorry to weigh in so late.

Any use?

Thank you so much. Finally a sensible answer.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Biting through does require some clarity of mind. You might need to work on that.


Clarity Supporter
May 30, 2006
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I feel like I've just been sprayed with mental patient residue.
You just never know when one of those is coming.


Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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I feel like I've just been sprayed with mental patient residue.
You just never know when one of those is coming.

Well, you never can tell with folks...but doesn't that residue keep you on your toes? :rofl:


Clarity Supporter
May 30, 2006
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Being a candystriper on this ward is still immensely rewarding,
even if you have to go hose yourself off now and then.

dobro p

May 19, 1972
Reaction score
Thank you so much. Finally a sensible answer.

Great. Glad it helped. And the second post in this thread dovetails with and enhances everything I said:

"I'd say Biting Through > 16 re love life would be to fairly forcibly get obstacles to relationship out of the way. For instance, if there are a lot of unknowns between two people, or games being played, a refreshing frank or candid talk would bite through those obstacles."

Does it make more sense now? (Although I'm not so sure that a frank or candid talk is always refreshing lol. But it does bring the other person into the arena, once you've looked at your own motivations and possible contradictions.)

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