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Did you get 63 with no changing lines?
If so, it looks fairly positive. Everything is in place the way it should be. Things may change over time, but forewarned is forearmed, so you can anticipate any problems and head them off at the pass.
That's great thanks all!! It's really good of you to take the time out and help
Just a question though I'm not too clear on the moving lines thing - I use 3 coins to get a hexagram - is the moving lines to do with asking the same question again? To see what the hexagram changes in to?
I'm not sure you see if that result had moving lines or not... I could ask the question again tonight and see?
Thanks Frank that's interesting insight and I do need to just talk to them more but one of them is a bit unresponsive sometimes.. although that could be my paranoia...
I guess you mean for me to just ask them to tell me two numbers randomly between 1-64? I could try that though I'd need to make up a reason..
I mean it should be ok because it's only 5 of us as it stands.. but yeah I guess only time will tell as to whether there are stable enough foundations there...
I am going out with them all on Weds night so we'll see how that goes! I guess I'm just aware that because there is the prospect of living with some of them again next year the dynamic has changed a bit and maybe I feel pressure to prove myself.. But the girls are really nice and supportive.. but I just can't help but worry!
Thanks again!!
After Completion
Fording the River
Navigating the Stream of Life
Keywords: Completeness, Conclusion, Endgame, Death,
Attaining perfection, Finalising, Keeping things going,
Maintenance, Maintaining momentum, Afterthoughts,
Hindsight, Change for change's sake.
Interpretation: After benefiting from a crucial insight and,
by keeping ourselves small, we discover our opening, it
follows then that we shall find ourselves on the right path.
So, After Completion describes a time when we find
ourselves proceeding in a direction that is right for us. It
also, describes the potential pitfalls we might encounter
along the way.
Difficulties have been resolved. What we are doing, the
direction we are moving in, is correct. We have entered the
stream of our life, picked up the vital current and can feel it
carrying us along. It is as if things take care of themselves
without the need for our constant intervention.
Or we can liken the times to our crossing a swiftly flowing
river. Having decided on our course we are fording it from
one side to the other. We find ourselves in balance and on
the correct course. This is right and we should go on. Now
is not the time to look around for other options.
But also, at times when things are going well, when we are
pursuing the correct course, we should take care not to
forget the possibility of a reversion to chaos, to confusion
and losing the way. Only our awareness of danger keeps us
safe and here we should take care not to lower our guard or
take the good times for granted. Nor we should we fall prey
to debilitating doubts about our ability to sustain our course.
Rather, all that is needed is a return to neutrality and
acceptance of our direction. We must neither ignore things,
nor regard them too closely.
Equally we have to understand that nothing lasts for ever.
What has come to fruition and is at its peak now can only be
sustained so far before a natural process of change leads to
decay, through which a new direction will reveal itself. If
we have maintained our sense of balance in sustaining
things this far, then we will recognise the new direction for
its potential, when it arises, and we must then work towards
If, in making the crossing we suddenly find the water too
deep or the current too strong, deliverance does not come by
ploughing on blindly, but by reading the situation as we
come to it and allowing ourselves to be guided by the
opportunities that present themselves.
from The Hexagrams of the Book of Changes by Michael Graeme (2007) (free ebook).
Just a question though I'm not too clear on the moving lines thing - I use 3 coins to get a hexagram - is the moving lines to do with asking the same question again? To see what the hexagram changes in to?
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PO Box 6945,
United Kingdom
Phone/ Voicemail:
+44 (0)20 3287 3053 (UK)
+1 (561) 459-4758 (US).