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Hexagrams from Long Dice Sticks, Example & Continuation, H33.2.4 > H9


May 9, 2024
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Title. Hexagrams from Long Dice Sticks, Example, H33.2.4 > H9

2. Interpretation Gist from Log book. From the log book, the first hexagram H33.2.4 cast using the long dice sticks. The long dice are configured to give the same probability as the Yarrow Stalk Method. I cast the hexagrams for a third party client. Per Hilary on get the most, the logged question was should "Yada-Yada." have another XX. Believe the client was satisfied with answer, since free reading and no charge. But I have much to learn beyond the basic hexagram cast. My main question is how an interpretation is weighted or proportions of weighted decision matrix? Japanese 80/20 rule comes to mind, or else 75/10/5 rule off the cuff. Note. H33.2.4 > H9.
3. The third party client "Yada-Yada." has received the first Hexagram drawn as H33 for Retire. The changing lines were 2, & 4 in the first hexagram H33. The second hexagram drawn or transformed was H9 for "Small Accumulation." Some scholars believe that the second Hexagram is a later result or slightly later time slice than the first Hexagram. From the King Wen Sequence, the drawn hexagram H33 has a neighbor concept and "complimentary pair" in Hexagram H34 for Great Power. What do the changing lines 2 & 4 in Hexagram H16 infer. Note. H33.2.4 > H9

Table of Changing Lines
A. Changing Line 2: The second line of hexagram 33 in the I Ching suggests that one should not retreat too quickly or too far

2. zhí zhī yòng huáng niú zhī gé.
HOLD the beast WITH a rope of YELLOW OX HIDE.
mò zhī shèng tuō.
Ten Wings 2 & commentary == Noble has rectitude & purpose is firm.
B. Changing Line 4: The fourth line of hexagram 33 advises that one should not retreat out of fear or weakness.

4. hǎo dùn. jūn zǐ jí. xiǎo rén pǐ.
From Ten Wings 2 & commentary == Small person can not leave desires behind. Noble has rectitude to leave desires behind.
Table 1, Marking Sides of Stick Dice and Example
Table. For each stick die here, there are 4 sides. One may use black dots, Arabic, or Chinese numerals. Summing or adding the side numbers on the upper side of a cast would give 6, 7, 8, or 9 as possible results. The markings or circular black dots on the successive sides are as follows:
Die 1: {3,3,3,2}
Die 2: (3,3,2,2)
Die 3: (3,3,2,2)
Table for H33 from sum of Log dice throws
Adding sums for 6 throws.
3+2+2 = 7 , 6th throw
2+2+3 = 7
3+3+3 = 9X is changing line
3+2+2 = 7
2+2+2 = 6X is changing line
2+2+3 = 7 , 1st throw
Note. X is used here to emphasize moving line.
Note. For example, the first hexagram cast for H33 or sequence of {7,6X,7,9X,7,7} could be expressed as a binary number of 6 digits, 101111. For binary conversion, odd numbers are converted to 1 Unity and even numbers are converted to 0 Zero Null. The constructed second hexagram H9 could be expressed as sequence {7,7,7, 6,7,7 } or a binary number of 6 digits, 111011. The complementary pair hexagram H33 could be expressed as sequence {7,7,9X,.7,6X,7 } or a binary number of 6 digits, 111101, reverse sequence of H33..
H9 Transform from King Wen Sequence
7 6th line
9 >> 6 Fourth line in transformed.
6X > 7 Second line is transformed.
7 1st line
H34 Transform to complimentary pair from King Wen Sequence
Here H33 is turned upside down.
7 6th line
7 1st line

4. There is an alternate treatment or line by line transform for H33 from table lookup of the King Wen Sequence. Hexagram H33 has a hexagram neighbor or "complementary pair" in the King Wen Sequence as H34 for Great Power. Other than table look up, the complementary hexagram here may be created by turning the first hexagram upside down, example 180° rotation.
5. From the I Ching traditions and Ten Wings text:: For brevity, the first and second appendices in the Ten Wings treat hexagram pairs H33 and H34. The Ten Wings uses polite round about philosophical dialog and flowery phrases. But the Confucian content is ardently promoting an ideal orderly society. The Confucian flowery phrases are consistent meaning with the earlier and more spartan text in the moving lines in H33. The context of the individual lines in Chinese may be far removed from modern times. The interpretation of individual lines in the ancient text can indeed be complex and multiple meanings for a single picture character may sometimes lead to confusion. However, it is essential to remember that the I Ching is a tool for guidance and not a definitive answer to life's questions.
6. H33 and H34 From the King Wen Sequence. This hexagram H33 for Retreat tells us that sometimes, we need to step back and think about our choices. This can help us succeed later on. H33 has a complimentary pair as H34 in the King Wing Sequence. This hexagram H34 for Great Power shows strength and growth. H34 reminds us to be patient and strong. When we put these two hexagrams together, we learn that we should be careful and patient. We should also remember that we can do great things. It's smart to take a break sometimes. This can help us grow and make better choices. We should believe in ourselves and our ability to make a difference. Growth comes from facing challenges and learning from them. Life is about finding a good balance. We should try to be patient and strong at the same time. Embracing Challenges: When things get hard, we should remember that challenges help us grow. They can lead us to success.

7. . From the I Ching traditions and Ten Wings text:: Each hexagram represents a unique combination of elements and can offer different interpretations depending on the situation. The second Hexagram H9 is a transform of Yin and Yang bars from the first hexagram H33. I might point out that the "complementary pair" in H33 & H34 is also a transform of Yin and Yang bars. Other than table look up for brevity, the complementary pair hexagram H33 & H34 here may be created by turning the first hexagram upside down, example of 180° rotation. But this transform was created and ranked some 3000 years, by no less than the King Wen followers in the Zhou era of China. But it is curious here than certain moving lines lead to one door while another combination or set of moving lines lead pass other doors. One analogy is that the message given here in the moving lines as H33.2.4 is a combination lock in modern terms, tailored to the User. The other analogy is that the first garden path in H32 leads past multiple other gardens or even other second bridges across streams in the King Wen Sequence. I am a visually oriented person myself. I use pictures and charts to jog analogy. I do not have the answers.

Feedback Thread
Ultraviolet >>> I am a retired engineer. Not sure that I can add much other than bits and pieces from my computer programs. Some of my original contacts on I Ching Oracle Book have made the transition. but thanks for your articles on I Ching and Clarity as to peak my interest again. I am a visually oriented person myself. I use pictures and charts to jog analogy. However, I do have friends that are much more clever than me. My main question is how an interpretation is weighted or proportions of weighted decision matrix? Japanese 80/20 rule comes to mind, or else 75/10/5 off the cuff.? Feedback on the raised discussion issue seems very encouraging. Thanks to all parties for constructive feedback.


Notes on png Charts
Fantasy pictures of Hexagram Staircase with plenty books
Each line is a step up to a different time or stage in the Hexagram Energy Qi

Home made, long dice sticks.

Home made, stick dice using popsicle sticks or tongue depressors, marked by felt tip or black magic marker.
Good and easy project for grand children, teaching counting objects in math.

Replica stick dice, Alternate Method: These 6 flat sticks can be shuffled in a sack or "blind". Note the inside cuts or inside slots possible on the flat wood sticks, which could be read by a blind person or in the dark and dim lighting. Each stick may have a hole on the end for easy carriage on a string. From the markings, alternate sides of each stick may be equivalent to Yin or Yang, Zero or One in some quarters. The other example was the 6 flat pop sticks made for a children's game. Note. Very interesting probability on Numerics, not completely understood here.



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May 9, 2024
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Continuation on Hexagrams from Long Dice Sticks, Example, H33.2.4 > H9
Notes on png Charts
Fantasy pictures of Hexagram Staircase
Each line is a step up to a different time or stage in the Hexagram Energy Qi

Home made, long dice sticks.

Home made, stick dice using popsicle sticks or tongue depressors, marked by felt tip or black magic marker.
Good and easy project for grand children, teaching counting objects in math.

Replica stick dice, Alternate Method: These 6 flat sticks can be shuffled in a sack or "blind". Note the inside cuts or inside slots possible on the flat wood sticks, which could be read by a blind person or in the dark and dim lighting. Each stick may have a hole on the end for easy carriage on a string. From the markings, alternate sides of each stick may be equivalent to Yin or Yang, Zero or One in some quarters. The other example was the 6 flat pop sticks made for a children's game. Note. Very interesting probability on Numerics, not completely understood here.
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May 9, 2024
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Continuation on Hexagrams from Long Dice Sticks, Example, H33.2.4 > H9
Notes on probability calculations.

This article is intended as example or continuation on Long Dice Sticks. My main question is how an interpretation is weighted or proportions of weighted decision matrix? Japanese 80/20 rule comes to mind, or else 75/10/5 rule off the cuff.? Notes here on probability calculations, how to. I must have been taking a smoke break on this topic in high school. Feedback on the raised discussion issue seems very encouraging. Thanks to all parties for constructive feedback. 5/17/2024

3 Coin Method under Math check
For the 3 Coin Method, Calculate the probability for different number sums in throwing 3 coins. For each coin here, there are 2 sides, marked with numbers. After a throw of 3 coins. Summing or adding the side numbers on the upper side of a cast would give possible sums as possible results. 2 sides of coin 1 are marked as numbers {2,3}. 2 sides of coin 2 are marked as numbers (2,3). 2 sides of coin 3 are marked as numbers (2,3).
The sums you can get in this scenario are: 6, 7, 8, 9. Here's how you calculate the probabilities:

Sum of 6: This can only happen if all coins show a 2. This can happen in only one way{2,2,2} :. The probability of this happening is (1/2) * (1/2) * (1/2) = 1/8.

Sum of 7: This can happen in three ways: (2,2,3), (2,3,2), (3,2,2). The probability of each of these is (1/2) * (1/2) * (1/2) = 1/8. So, the total probability of getting a sum of 7 is 3/8.

Sum of 8: This can also happen in three ways: (2,3,3), (3,2,3), (3,3,2). :. The probability of each of these is (1/2) * (1/2) * (1/2) = 1/8. So, the total probability of getting a sum of 8 is 3/8.

Sum of 9: This can only happen if all coins show a 3. This can happen in only one way{3,3,3} :. The probability of this happening is (1/2) * (1/2) * (1/2) = 1/8.

sum of ways = 1 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 8 ways

So, the probabilities for each sum are:

Sum of 6: 1/8
Sum of 7: 3/8
Sum of 8: 3/8
Sum of 9: 1/8

Math Check For the 3 Coins Method, the combined probability of any throw is

sum of fractions = 1/8 + 3/8 + 3/8 + 1/8 = 8/8 = 1
sum of fractions = 2/16 + 2/16 + 6/16 + 6/16 = 16/16 = 1
sum of fractions = .125 + .125 + .375 + .375 = 1

sum of fractions = 12.5/100 + 12.5/100 + 37.5/100 + 37.5/100 = 100/100 = 1

Now, we can calculate the probability for each possible sum:

  • Probability of sum = 6: 1/8
  • Probability of sum = 7: 3/8
  • Probability of sum = 8: 3/8
  • Probability of sum = 9: 1/8
Therefore, the probability distribution for different number sums in throwing 3 coins is as follows:

  • Probability of sum = 6: 1/8
  • Probability of sum = 7: 3/8
  • Probability of sum = 8: 3/8
  • Probability of sum = 9: 1/8
3 Stick Dice Method under Math check
To calculate the probability of obtaining different number sums when throwing 3 stick dice with the given sides, we need to consider all possible combinations that result in each sum.

Given the sides of the dice:
Die 1: {3,3,3,2}
Die 2: {3,3,2,2}
Die 3: {3,3,2,2}

The probabilities for different number sums as follows:

For a sum of 6: There are 1 possible way. Possible combinations: (2,2,2) Need Check this????

For a sum of 7: There are 3 ways. Possible combinations: (3,2,2), (2,3,2), (2,2,3)

For a sum of 8: There are 3 ways. Possible combinations: (3,3,2), (3,2,3), (2,3,3)

For a sum of 9: There is one possible way. Possible combinations: (3,3,3)

The sum of ways is 1 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 8 Need Check this????
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