...life can be translucent


Horrible work situation, looking for release 52u


Jan 22, 2019
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Thank you for reading my post.
I’m involved in a difficult work situation and I’ve decided to look for something else. Have sent some resumes and I’m currently waiting for a response.
At work frustrations are high with my boss, we don’t see eye to eye. I want out, now.
I’m asking if I was going to have a new job by next year (September, I’m a teacher) the answer was 9.3>61. Minor restrain, pushing ahead has a negative outcome. >61Inner truth. I interpret this as keep quiet, you are not seeing eye to eye with your boss. But maybe “husband can’t maintain a good relationship with wife” As, he just doesn’t see me. Don’t push ahead, it won’t change.
When asking, I want out of this situation, what is the advice? I got 52u, Keeping still. Look within and don’t let external factors move you. I interpret this as “don’t do anything now, just wait”.
I would appreciate other interpretations to this reading and that’s why I’m posting. There’s another job out there that interests me, I want to apply. My boss is pushing me and I feel I need to stand up for myself and push back. And everyday I get more anxious about keep working there next year. It has already cost me a burnout in the past two years.
Thank you for your responses. 🙏🏻

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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The reading says to stay at the job.
(52=don't go anywhere, keep still)
and that the issues between you and your boss are not as big as they feel to you,
and can be worked out once you & boss stop reacting emotionally to them, and do what needs to be done. (9,3)

Have you asked about the best way to deal with or resolve the situation?
Of not, you could.
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Jan 22, 2019
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The reading says to stay at the job.
(52=don't go anywhere, keep still)
and that the issues between you and your boss are not as big as they feel to you,
and can be worked out once you & boss stop reacting emotionally to them, and do what needs to be done. (9,3)

Have you asked about the best way to deal with or resolve the situation?
Of not, you could.

Thank you for your answer, moss elk. Very useful insight.
I've been in this situation for years now, if a good offer comes my way I will take it. I have had conversations, with him and different people within and outside of the school. He refuses to see a problem. He sustains it's my fault and I should do better even though I have been working hard for years. My colleagues support me in this situation but take no action. Many teachers have left the school because of this...

I will ask the question you suggest and report back to here.


Jan 22, 2019
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What has me a little puzzled is the 9.3>61 Inner truth. I dont understand the connection between 9.3 and 61. Maybe someone can enlighten me?


Jan 22, 2019
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Have you asked about the best way to deal with or resolve the situation?
Of not, you could.

When asking, what can I do to fix the situation? I got 4.5>59
"Assume a position of young inexperienced and humbly accept instruction."
So I should put my head down and do what he says? I mean, understanding that I don't have the experience to understand.
Or staying open like a child's mind? So going along accepting the situation letting the past go. I understand this but there is so much tension, it's difficult to let this go.

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
What has me a little puzzled is the 9.3>61 Inner truth. I dont understand the connection between 9.3 and 61. Maybe someone can enlighten me?

9.3 (61)
is where two people are having emotional reactions toward each other instead of fixing the flat tire.

4.5 is saying that by adopting the good student attitude, " I'm ready to learn, teach me everything and tell me why it's good, You'll have progress.

I am not saying you are completely wrong,
or that the boss is completely right,
just saying the correct attitude for you in the situation right now is: the correct attitude for this situation, not the correct attitude for an ideal situation.
Does that make sense?

You may find the boss becomes more appreciative when seeing your willingness to 'learn', maybe he will feel progress, and spontaneously begin to treat you differently. And maybe you will learn a little something too, it may surprise you.

Good luck.
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Mar 22, 1971
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Hi Carolion
It sounds like your approach to this work situation is really getting on top of you. Wanting out is not unusual especially as you have seen it as acontributing factor to your past burn out. Now jobs you like the look of are springing up and you wonder if now is the time to jump ship, so to speak.

At work frustrations are high with my boss, we don’t see eye to eye. I want out, now.
I’m asking if I was going to have a new job by next year (September, I’m a teacher) the answer was 9.3>61. Minor restrain, pushing ahead has a negative outcome. >61Inner truth. I interpret this as keep quiet, you are not seeing eye to eye with your boss. But maybe “husband can’t maintain a good relationship with wife” As, he just doesn’t see me. Don’t push ahead, it won’t change.

Question: I’m asking if I was going to have a new job by next year (September, I’m a teacher).
Response: 9.3>61.
Little Accumulation through Innermost Sincerity
So right now you are swimming in a sea that is based on the beliefs that you hold in the deepest part of you; you sincerely believe in them and hold them as truth. They have been built by your life experiences and are the way that you show the inner you to the outside world. (61)

Hex 9 : Talks of the cumulation of 'small' things around you building up to undermine what you consider to be your strengths. This hex is also called " Taming of the Small" and sees the restraints you are now feeling ('dense clouds') as being of a temporary nature. What you are seeing in the situation may not be the whole story, so this is not a time to force things but to take a number of small measures that will allow you to accumulate small advantages. This is not about you getting your way through force and more about gentle influencing, working slowly and towards a meaningful breakthrough for you. One that will not work against you in some way.

You may not like it that your boss has the upper hand at the moment and it may be worth considering why this is making you feel the way you do (9.3) before you take the step of applying elsewhere.
"My boss is pushing me and I feel I need to stand up for myself and push back. And everyday I get more anxious about keep working there next year. "
The image of 9 is for the 'superior person to cultivate their graceful virtues' so it may benefit you to look for small ways to rise above this situation rather than get pulled into the chaos of what is going on around you and reacting in big ways that may not be of benefit for you in the long term.

When asking, I want out of this situation, what is the advice? I got 52u, Keeping still. Look within and don’t let external factors move you. I interpret this as “don’t do anything now, just wait”.
Hex 52 is not something that I see as a call to “don’t do anything now, just wait”. The theme of 52 can be seen as a call for self reflection with a view to looking at things that may need to be restrained within you to assist the cultivation of inner peace. Bring balance through stilling parts that are over active.

As you say so clearly ' I want out of this situation' and Yi is advising that the answer is not through running away - perhaps the over active parts will just move with you. Here, also, the superior person is prompted not to allow their thoughts to run away and exaggerate the matter beyond what it really is (52-image). Maybe for you the respite that you are seeking is from working on the inside rather than on the outside. Here the call that is whispering to you from behind hex 52 is from it's nuclear hex 40; a call for release, loosening and deliverance. 'Just waiting' may of course be part of that process for you in this time.

....or it may be nothing like this at all for you.

Good Luck


Jan 22, 2019
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Thank you moss_elk and my-key, your insights have been very helpful.
I was nicely surprised when I read your replies since I have been reflecting my self in the situation and re-reading the hexes and came to the same conclusion.

I, my person, my mind and my soul are bigger than this situation. I should concentrate on my inner world at the moment and not let this situation disturb the work I am doing (I have been doing a lot of inner work since February, also related to this situation).
9.3 and 4.5 really got to me. Pushing with my own agenda is unwise. Adopting an open attitude and accepting I can learn from it is more beneficial. To be truthful, I'm having a hard time with this one, but it's an exercice I need to do, everyday.
52 Reflects that inner peace I am working hard to achieve. Don't let small thing disturb the deep waters. Turn inwards and keep working on yourself. And that's what I will do.

This is not the time to run, it's the time to learn and apply the lessons, and exercice my spirit.

Thank you for your support <3


Jun 3, 2006
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Hi Carolion,

I'm coming late to this conversation but a few things occured to me that might be worth sharing.
You interpreted your original question and answer, "Am I going to have a new job in September? 9.3 - 61" as being a comment about your relationship with the boss at your current job but I can also see it as guidance for getting a new position. 9.3 seems to resonate with your frustrations where you are right now and 61 could be affirming that you are not wrong for having these feelings. You haven't mentioned whether you have applied for other positions and if you haven't this answer may be your higher self encouraging you that you should. Perhaps it is telling you, "You know in your heart this guy is toxic. Working here is like having a flat tire and nothing is going to move forward." Or maybe it's saying, if you don't apply for a new position than it's like a flat tire with you knowing you need to move on but somehow you haven't taken action and until you do, well, obviously you wont.

As for the advice of 52. Keeping Still, this does not necessarily mean don't do anything. 52 is the hexagram about having clear boundaries. Perhaps it is counseling you on how to survive in the current situation. Like be very focused on your goals so what ever crazy the boss is up to doesn't derail your day. When you are feeling clear and strong and excited about what you're planning for the kids he'll be much less able to penetrate your force field.

What you can do to fix the situation? 4.5 Silly Fool! There is absolutely nothing you can do to fix this situation. The only thing you can do is remember the advice of 4: Persevere. That and remember 59: This too shall Disperse.

Well, just wanted to point out some alternative possibilities, especially because it seemed like you were leaning towards blaming yourself and thinking you somehow needed to be more...what? Anyway, on another note, Saturn is retrograde right now which may indeed manifest as better opportunities being limited for awhile. It will be moving full speed ahead in January so new opportunities - or maybe just improvement where you are - should be happening then so if you do decide to stay with the job for now it may not improve immediately but if you set your sights on seeing solid improvement by January you may find your able to keep up the prayers and positive affirmations through the dark time.

Best wishes!

p.s. Perhaps 4.5 could be seen as saying focus on the students and see your role at the school as a sacred calling, 59.
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Jan 22, 2019
Reaction score
Hi Carolion,

I'm coming late to this conversation but a few things occured to me that might be worth sharing.
You interpreted your original question and answer, "Am I going to have a new job in September? 9.3 - 61" as being a comment about your relationship with the boss at your current job but I can also see it as guidance for getting a new position. 9.3 seems to resonate with your frustrations where you are right now and 61 could be affirming that you are not wrong for having these feelings. You haven't mentioned whether you have applied for other positions and if you haven't this answer may be your higher self encouraging you that you should. Perhaps it is telling you, "You know in your heart this guy is toxic. Working here is like having a flat tire and nothing is going to move forward." Or maybe it's saying, if you don't apply for a new position than it's like a flat tire with you knowing you need to move on but somehow you haven't taken action and until you do, well, obviously you wont.

As for the advice of 52. Keeping Still, this does not necessarily mean don't do anything. 52 is the hexagram about having clear boundaries. Perhaps it is counseling you on how to survive in the current situation. Like be very focused on your goals so what ever crazy the boss is up to doesn't derail your day. When you are feeling clear and strong and excited about what you're planning for the kids he'll be much less able to penetrate your force field.

What you can do to fix the situation? 4.5 Silly Fool! There is absolutely nothing you can do to fix this situation. The only thing you can do is remember the advice of 4: Persevere. That and remember 59: This too shall Disperse.

Well, just wanted to point out some alternative possibilities, especially because it seemed like you were leaning towards blaming yourself and thinking you somehow needed to be more...what? Anyway, on another note, Saturn is retrograde right now which may indeed manifest as better opportunities being limited for awhile. It will be moving full speed ahead in January so new opportunities - or maybe just improvement where you are - should be happening then so if you do decide to stay with the job for now it may not improve immediately but if you set your sights on seeing solid improvement by January you may find your able to keep up the prayers and positive affirmations through the dark time.

Best wishes!

p.s. Perhaps 4.5 could be seen as saying focus on the students and see your role at the school as a sacred calling, 59.

Thank you so much for your insights, Rosada. This helps me a lot.

I have applied for other jobs but have not had any callback as of today. I think this also resonates with the Saturn retrograde indeed (and the other 4 planets in R :/)

But I know it will be alright. This is a huge lesson for me and that's how I'm taking it. I will land on my feet eventually. I just wanted to know what I could do in this situation. I think the answer is to keep true to myself, do my job well, don't let his chaos get to me and exercice inner peace and strength. These are all themes I'm working on anyway, I all other areas in my life.
Also, I am recovering from a burn-out and this job gives me the opportunity to recover slowly, while taking another job would put me at 100% immediately. So, I'm also taking this as a blessing.

Thank you again,

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