...life can be translucent


How to find the motivation...>3


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Jul 29, 2010
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Dear All
I am truly stumped by this and must confess that I had hoped for something more, well, motivational!

Briefly the situation is that my work as a freelance trainer and job counsellor, has dried up - its a long lovely summer with nothing to do -but no income either. So I decided it was high time I sat myself down and began designing the workshop I really would like to teach (as opposed to teaching things that others ask me to do) so that I can be free of saying yes to things I don't actually enjoy. Plus I do believe that what I want to teach does actually have a value.

However, I find that although I sketch out the ideas creatively and hang them on the wall, all the drive, all the excitement, the motivation to create my own life and work, is missing. Mostly I just couldn't care less.
The potential positives of doing it are great, the negatives (i.e. if it failed) are marginal. So why can I not find the passion, the drive, the belief to do it? I ask Yi "How do I find the motivation to create my worklife?" and back comes >3.
Every thread I have read with this combo suggests it's hard, it will take time etc.

Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated, it's actually something I have dreamed of for 17 years now and if I don't do it now, I probably never will....

Thank you


Aug 5, 2010
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I wonder if it's lack of motivation or other forces- counterproductive- that inhibit your motivation and creates a hex3 situation. The expectations - 17years of wishing to do this- might load this attempt in ways its not easy to proceed. All the lines of 54 you got talk about doing 'your thing' despite external circumstances/norms/customs but it requires consent and adaptation. The maiden doesn't lose herself even when she consents to a fixed marriage.

Its 54.5, makes me think whether you asked too much from your self- perfection- to materialize your dream

As a job counselor, what the advise you would give to someone with the same issue ? H3 suggest to find helpers; that could be you and your expertise ? or a colleagues of you to untangle the thread of H3 ?

just some thoughts


Feb 7, 1970
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How do I find the motivation to create my worklife? > 3

Note the idea of group activity/dependence in 54 and of beginning in 3. Get friends involved. You need the encouragement of feedback to develop this workshop.


Having difficulty in growth - Hexagram 3, because you've put your dream second - Hexagram 54. Line 2- You need something to shake the ground beneath your feet, so you can see clearly the potential harvest, and perhaps someone to share that harvest with. Line 4 - This comes around late, but will approach at the right time. This line reminds me of "The last to blossom is the most beautiful and rare of them all". Line 5- Then you will make a joyful connection with what you value most, your dream, as well as others who can share that dream.

Mostly I agree with Pocossin, you need some exchange and connection. Involve others, or at least another, in your dreams and projects.


Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. You are looking for ways to have your students or clients do the work as you teach, rather than setting out from the beginning and doing what you would rather teach to others. They are a surrogate or proxy for the example you yourself lack the self-belief and enthusiasm to go out and take on.

The principle of our local school started out in that same school as a teacher's aid.

The most respected crew member aboard a Naval ship is not an Ensign or Lieutenant, nor even the Commander or Captain. It is the Chief Warrant Officer, commissioned personally by the President, who came up through the ranks from a scurvy seaman. He is the Captain's right hand man, the one who has been there and done that. He is no one's maiden; the ship is his maiden.

The real Joseph Campbell was the same. He began his studies of American indigenous tribal culture and mythology at seven years of age. After graduation, locked himself away for five years, reading every worthwhile book he could find. He then traveled to distant countries, became a student of Jiddu Krishnamurti, who himself was groomed to be the new World Teacher but later rejected this mantle and disbanded the organization behind it. He also was no ones maiden.

I sense your lack of enthusiasm is due to your feet, who wish to be set upon a different path, a difficult beginning, and at times lonely and lack the kind of honor of being called teacher. And that this is where you will find your adventure, and yourself.


Hey Joe, I've been in this space you talk of so many times myself. Something that helps me is Australian Bush Flower essence similar concept to the Bach Remedies. I've been using them for over 20 years for different things, as do my children. My youngest, who is 19, calls them liquid gold as they are so effective. He suffers from depression at times.
Best one that comes to mind for your scenario is Dynamis Essence. - Liss


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Jul 29, 2010
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Wow, some fantastic input here, thank you to you all.
Very concise Pocossin, thanks for that - I had actually considered doing a free "dry run" for anyone who wants to try it out. That may be a good start.
Blue Angel your observation struck at the very heart of the matter - the need for this to be for someone/something more than just me. I want to share it and also the benefits of it (preferably with my girlfriend) but find that I am on my own with it all.
And Sooo - I am not entirely sure I understand the last part of your message, although the first is crystal clear and I have indeed done the work, been the CWO, so I know of what I speak (and for the record, the old quote you use at the beginning has been proved false so many times that it's just an irritating cliché - the "real" Joe Campbell is a good example). But there is something more, if I understand you correctly, and that is the "feet" - do they really want to do something entirely different? Should I listen and if so, how? (mostly rhetorical). I'm approaching 50 and am abundantly clear that much of this has to do with building a life in the second half of life.....dammit.
Liss - thanks, I'll look it up because at times this does seem like a depression and all it is doing is creating sadness and paralysis.
Thank you all.


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Jul 29, 2010
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Hey sooo - I just came back to this posting having put a new one up about pursuing a completely different line of business. Your reply has a completely different resonance now :) thanks!

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