...life can be translucent

How to get beyond personal prejudice?


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Jun 3, 2006
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After reading comments about how we tend to bring our own perspective to the interpretation - which of course restricts our ability to see the big picture - I asked the I Ching how we can get beyond our own limited beliefs?
I received 16 no change lines.

The ancient kings made music
In order to honor merit,
And offered it with splendor
to the Supreme Deity.
Inviting their ancestors to be present.

Music, the universal language.



I asked the I Ching how we can get beyond our own limited beliefs?
I received 16 no change lines.

I think the key in your question spawned the opposite as an answer. To get beyond our own beliefs is to exceed the limits. As Mr. Lofting once said, to "pick up the beat." Or, to grow outside the relativity box, and give it wings, or maybe a trunk, make it too big not to notice. Exaggerate it, blow it out of proportion, dramatize it, act it out.

I also see that as saying, it may not be necessary to exceed ones limited view. It's the limits which set our life's tempo and pitch. 16 quantum leaps reason, and then explains it later, as a sacred personal story.


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Jun 3, 2006
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For some reason I equate 16 with a funeral celebration - not sure why, when I was re-reading it yesterday I couldn't find anything about funerals, maybe it was the reference to inviting the ancestors to be present. Anyway, after 15, the one modest man, 16 has a feeling to it of EVERYTHING, everyone being there, a veritable circus of performers, everyone showing up to tell the person's life story without prejudice, and all of them being necessary to make it the greatest show on earth. All viewpoints being valid.

I like that idea of 16 encouraging exaggeration, acting it out. I think of the trick question for causing one to consider the effects of their actions, "What would happen if EVERYONE believed, acted as you do?"



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May 29, 2006
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After reading comments about how we tend to bring our own perspective to the interpretation - which of course restricts our ability to see the big picture - I asked the I Ching how we can get beyond our own limited beliefs?
I received 16 no change lines.

The ancient kings made music
In order to honor merit,
And offered it with splendor
to the Supreme Deity.
Inviting their ancestors to be present.

Music, the universal language.


Without a self, a limited perspective, we couldn't make sense of anything. We do have to accept our understanding will be limited , we aren't omniscient....well not most of the time anyway ;) This is not a restriction....its just part of being the animals we are...

I think the idea that there is one objective truth we could reach via the I Ching if only we knew how is a false one. So that is why when asking global questions one must take into account ones own perspective....which is fine because your perspective is what you live with and act through...and whats relevant to you. And IMO its what the I Ching talks to us all about, our meanings, relating to perhaps greater meanings yes...but still its a one to one conversation we bring our selves into .

To me 16 here would indicate your idealism, that there is one truth to be accessed at all. That one person can ask Yi a question about global issues and receive the one and only truth there is on the matter.

In the Bin Laden question I think your interpretation was the right one for you. When others translated your answer, so to speak, into their terms I'd say the answer lost all meaning. If they wanted to know about Bin ladens death I feel they needed to ask individually and Yi would give them the answer relevant to them.


Feb 7, 1970
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When we invite the spirits to be present, aren't we taking a perspective beyond our conventional ken.


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May 29, 2006
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When we invite the spirits to be present, aren't we taking a perspective beyond our conventional ken.

Obviously when we consult we seek to go beyond our conventional ken or there would be no point in consulting.

But its soul work, its personal, a personal conversation with the spirits or the divine or however one chooses to think of it and I think it will always speak to that in us...it cannot leave it out because it is with that, with our soul or energy that we make the connection.

Personally I cannot understand why one would seek to make this something else...or call it a limit. Its what we are.
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Jun 26, 2008
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I'm having trouble with the big picture too . . doesn't it imply a finished work? as long as we are living and in the making of things, constantly preparing them, maybe there is not one common big picture to consider, or maybe what we need is to exceed our view towards one direction each time lest we implode vision altogether . .

Rosada your 16 had me stumped, I couldn't tell if it was talking about an illusory goal or the imagination we need to fill in the gaps of what is beyond our own thoughts . .
It could be saying that getting beyond personal views resembles art -I think it's mostly in the arts that we find expression going beyond one's scope to encompass all other meanings too

hmm, the more I think of it, I think this was a trick question Rosada :rolleyes: . . asking us our opinions on how to get beyond them . . . I think I just tripped over my own thoughts! :rant: :mischief: :)


Aug 5, 2010
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After reading comments about how we tend to bring our own perspective to the interpretation - which of course restricts our ability to see the big picture - I asked the I Ching how we can get beyond our own limited beliefs?
I received 16 no change lines.

The ancient kings made music
In order to honor merit,
And offered it with splendor
to the Supreme Deity.
Inviting their ancestors to be present.

Music, the universal language.


dance with the hex/lines in a trance-like way ?

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