...life can be translucent


How to read for demanding client?


Jun 3, 2006
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I work as a telephone psychic. People call me with questions, I look at their astrological charts and lay out cards and try to give them helpful answers. Because the cost of calling me is so high (of which I'm only paid a small percentage - darn!), the callers are usually very focused which makes the readings much clearer and easier to do. I have this one client however who is evidently very well off and he calls me almost every day wanting to talk about the same issue over and over, namely why did she leave and will she ever come back?
I like to think of myself as this warm supportive friend who would never abandon a soul in pain, plus business has been slow lately so having a regular caller is financially a great blessing, but the reality is this fellow is sucking my brains out! (I suspect the real reason she left was because he's just too much..) Anyway, I don't want to tell him to stop calling me - I need the money and we are sort of friends - but I wish his issues were more interesting...
I asked the I Ching "What should be my attitude towards Bob?" (not his real name of course.)
I received 46 with no change lines. I see this as saying I should consider that he has left some sort of association (46 follows 45. The Group) - perhaps this refers to his association with the woman and all the hopes and wishes that involved -and have pity on him that he is now Pushing Upward all by himself trying to create a new life? Or does it mean I'm the one on my own here - that he's not really trying to get a fresh perspective at all? The fact that there are no change lines makes me uneasy - does this mean this climb could go on forever, without ever getting anywhere?
Any insights greatly appreciated!

Feb 19, 2010
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Hi Rosada. I was just reading 46 out of Jane and Carrin's -Yijing Wondering and Wandering (you probably know of it:)) and it gives a picture of plants that have been grouped together because they help each other out. Maybe the reading is pointing out you and him both benefit (in different ways) from his calling. You with money, and him with emotional support. It almost seems to be just pointing this out and also that it is a very slow process. If he was not your client, it might not seem like it right away, but if you added up all of the money you received from him over time it would amount to a lot. I think the unchanging aspect of this could be that this is the way your support is working for him as well, little by little. You might think he is not progressing, but little bits of your help seep in to help him.
Feb 19, 2010
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hmm... took a closer look at the book :) and the section regarding the plants growing together is (fittingly) about 45. Sorry. But I will leave the last post, it might help anyways.


Jan 27, 2011
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Hello, nice to see you here.
To me it looks a two way street, he is a receptive one of your gentle influence and you are receptive of the money from his pushing upwards, so to speak.
Perhaps you should offer him something different - IC reading, outside of the phone business if you want to speed up the process ?...but I would not worry of loosing him as a client if he is partial to this sort of consultation, and who would not value your imput?
Another thing is - how close a friend yyou would like him to become.


Jun 26, 2008
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hey Rosada :)

I won't be around much the coming days for watching this unfold for you, but I had a very strong image about your client's attitude and thought I'd share . . The obsessivity of the situation made me think of another similar story I had read of, where the client was 'stuck' in the same state and couldn't get around the facts and move on . . I'm not too savvy of astrology but I wonder if he's into some kind of plutonian vortex, if there's any strong aspect there in transit or progressions that could help him understand his own denial in moving on from this? Sometimes it can help when we relax in the 'stuckness' and see it as part of natural flow . .

Aside from my astrological ideas though (;)), I have seen 46 to mean both 'rise above it' and 'grow through it/grow over it' . . In terms of trigrams, there's subtle influence and receptivity and wind becomes obvious because it persists in the same way over and over again (kinda like your client's thoughts?) Now writing about it makes me wonder whether this also makes a good chance for you to work on being a channel for your clients' emotions while avoiding to get too wrapped up into them? If you are being sucked by the calls then something works on you instead of just passing through - and another, maybe bolder thought: could it be there's something of your own being also dredged up? :bag:

just a couple of thoughts, I hope they help some - wishing you all the best in dealing with this!! :hug:


Feb 7, 1970
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Can't you help the guy to grow upward? His obsessive focus on a lost love must be causing him to sacrifice other aspects of his life. Really, he is harming his own life as much as he is harming yours. When a child focuses on something he cannot have, the parent shifts attention to the things he can have. Couldn't you shift (raise) Bob's attentions to the good things in his life that are available to him now?


Jun 3, 2006
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Thank you all so much for your attention to my question!

rodaki - yeah, you're right. It's helpful to consider what is this client mirroring in Me? I have Pluto on my ascendant these days...

answer questions - I think you have hit on something here about 46 meaning things develop slowly. Recognizing this gives me patience. I think I've been worrying about how much money he is spending and beating myself up thinking that if I were being a "good reader" he would be dancing down the road foot loose and fancy free by now.

dragona - I think that's a good question - How close a friend would I like him to become? The reality is while I think he might be a fun to know personally, he's not my "friend" and I signed a contract agreeing that I would not try to take clients from the company. Perhaps I would not feel so exhausted by his demands if I were to stop thinking of him as a friend I would do anything for and remind myself I don't need to do back flips!

Pocasson - 46: Needs to grow up! Ha! I love it!

Thank you all so much. Now I want to give you a little feed back about something I think is magical. Shortly after I posted my question I got a call from Bob. He barely touched on his relationship issue and was wanting to ask questions about other things entirely! I really do think that by bringing my situation to the group here the weight (Pluto?) got lifted and things got moving. Maybe 46 with no change lines was the I Ching telling me I was burdened cause I felt I was Pushing the whole thing by myself. I needed 45. The Group (Thank you answer questions!) to get things unstuck!

Thanks again,
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Jun 3, 2010
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Hey, Rosada. Missed ya around here. Hope life is being kind to you and yours these days.

My impression of your 46 reading was that it's time to move on and move up. Not saying that you should force this growth beyond this man's natural ability, but that encouraging him to grow around this obstruction (like a root grows around large rocks) is in his best interest. Perhaps 46 foretold of this guy coming to this place on his own, as you reported he did. Cool.


Jun 3, 2010
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I can not fathom the degree of diplomacy professional readers have with these types of clients. I failed miserably, not because my interpretations were bad, but because the client only wanted the kind of answer they wanted, and some would become pushy (46?) about it. I never had a demanding client past one reading. But then, not many cared to peel back enough real layers to satisfy me as a reader/interpreter either. I retreated from such activity before long, not on any sort of moral ground, but I was not nourished by the depth of dialogue, and I lost too much of myself in the process. It simply cost too much for what I received in return.


Feb 7, 1970
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I like to think of myself as this warm supportive friend who would never abandon a soul in pain, plus business has been slow lately so having a regular caller is financially a great blessing, but the reality is this fellow is sucking my brains out!

The ethical problem here is true in any business. It's their money, they make bad decisions, and they won't heed advice. As the saying goes, The customer is alway right -- even when they are wrong. I am bothered by sales I made 40 years ago when I warned the customer that the purchase was inappropriate, but they insisted on buying anyway.

long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score
you need the help of someone powerful and influential

Hexagram 46: you need the help of someone powerful and influential to make the wish come true.

Six line:
神煞:天乙—子申 福星—未 日禄—午 羊刃—巳 驿马—亥 桃花—午 华盖—丑
干支:壬辰年 丁未月 己巳日 戊辰时
旬空:午未  寅卯  戌亥  戌亥

六神  伏神    震宫:地风升 
         【本 卦】
勾陈       ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼癸酉金  
朱雀       ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母癸亥水  
青龙 子孙庚午火 ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财癸丑土 世
玄武       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼辛酉金  
白虎 兄弟庚寅木 ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母辛亥水  
滕蛇       ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财辛丑土 应

Line 1 = Bob; Line 4 = you
The female character in line 1/4 is probably his ex (empty seat under the house of marriage).
His documents (marriage) sits empty under the house of spouse in line 2/5.
Life moves on in August after Aug 8 2012.
His ex or you may have a child to take care of (line 4)
His marriage relationship: he has no one(line 2), not even a third party.

Things are very sad for him (line 1 - line 4, line 2 = line 5, line 3 = 6 in 5 elements character). His mind is unsettled.

By November 6 and after, his is over with it in his relationship.

Since this your job to read for a living, his equivalent tarot Card is 8 of cups. You probably know what it means. There are regrets and life moves on.

Note: I conduct research in the science of Iching and other astrology database information, and never charge for a reading, nor do I read for relatives.

Under line 2, the hidden character can be you. There is an empty and hollow association with Bob thu the business (line 2 and 5). This leads to a conflict of interest because he is being charged and is asking for advice.

The man is just looking for a loose association when he is lonely. He has nobody by his side. This is reflected in the hour and day of your reading.

You want him to leave. Please let him know either on Jul 12 or 18 2012.

In any event, he will leave things behind by Aug 8 2012, probably after he see his credit card bill.

In business, it is called the theory of sucker and suckee. You cannot choose their destiny for them. If you give Bob the cold shoulder in your conversation, he will leave. :bows::bows:


Jan 27, 2011
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The man is obsessed with the issue and you are always available to discuss it (look who`s talking).
He is in need of attention and you provide. Some extra time would make him feel more special but the question is how healthy that situation would be for both - I meant what I said in that sense.
But pushing upward is happening, even if on the microscopic level. Good luck.


Dec 2, 2008
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Maybe you might emulate the I Ching, the way it is so patient. It will have many ways of saying essentially the same thing, or it will look at things from a slightly different and new point of view each time we ask, encouraging us to do the same. People take a long time to change.


Jun 3, 2006
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Thank you all for your time and suggestions.
Long yi, I wish I knew how to do what you can do and I am going to pass on your insights to Bob.
Bruce, you give me backbone and Dragona and Ginnie, I appreciate your interpretations that the I Ching is reassuring me that these things do take time.

Thank you,


But then, not many cared to peel back enough real layers to satisfy me as a reader/interpreter either. I retreated from such activity before long, not on any sort of moral ground, but I was not nourished by the depth of dialogue, and I lost too much of myself in the process. It simply cost too much for what I received in return.

Hi Rosada, this has been an interesting thread to read. I always wondered about the psychic call line thing so thank you for sharing but I have to agree with Meng I am not very good at hanging in there for clients who keep asking me the same question cause they don't like hearing the truth.

So good on you for being there for this guy but I do think if it wasn't you it would be someone else - but hey if he wants to keep paying out the money and your psyche can handle it then take the financial nourishment he is offering you. - Liss


Jun 3, 2006
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Yes, I think people reach out to psychics for all sorts of reasons and perhaps the core one is people need someone to talk to. I think how 3.Difficulty At The Beginning talks about the first thing we need to do when we land on the planet is to connect with others - "It furthers one to appoint helpers."



Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Hi Rosada
Dragona kindly referred me to this thread as I have just put one up about
a neighbour who is obsessed in a different way. All the comments bear relevance
- people stalk after a bereavement. You may be serving him more than you know
- by having an outlet with you he is not bothering his ex which is saving his dignity
and keeping him safe. In other words you are 'holding' him. I cant see that this is
a direct harm to you as long as you can shield yourself as psychics do.

Therefore - I agree that 46 may mean helping the push upwards - that a new and better
thing is coming for him as soon as he can let go. Can you divert to his business or work
and offer him an alternate focus. In astrological terms this sounds totally plutonian -
rip it up and start over -crushing but cathartic.

If you fail to see where new hope lies for him or he wont allow you to go there - take the
odd day off and wean him away - let him fly solo bit by bit..

in ref to mine - the girl lost a sister but in her case its more a kind of attraction:duh::bag::eek::brickwall:


Jun 3, 2006
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Thank you, Hopex. I would never have considered that talking to me might be helping keep him from stalking her and I think you are absolutely right!

It's really useful to be able to get this feedback from you all. Curious how we can all say what we really think when we're discussing a third party - like being able to suggest that he needs to grow up or the stalking potential. If we said that flat out to someone posting here for a reading the thread would probably be quickly heading for Moderation. Ha!

Now another bizarre twist. Not only did Bob call me shortly after we all started focusing on this wanting to talk about other subjects entirely - thus demonstrating he is starting to get past stuck - but last night my boss called out of the blue (we talk once or twice a year) just to see how I was doing and commented that she could see from the phone records that I was talking to this one caller, Bob, a lot and that if it ever got to be too much I needn't feel obligated to read for him! I mean how synchronistic is that? I reach out to you good people here and suddenly all my concerns are being handled! Group energy rocks!

I wonder if the fact I was not asking for myself but for someone else had something to do with the speedy results? I'd like to try an experiment. Does anyone else have a client situation that we could offer some assistance with? Not so much for an interpretation of the client's question - although that could be part of it - but for issues on how to actually deal with the client? I'd like to see if group support has an effect!

Feb 19, 2010
Reaction score
Now another bizarre twist. Not only did Bob call me shortly after we all started focusing on this wanting to talk about other subjects entirely - thus demonstrating he is starting to get past stuck - but last night my boss called out of the blue (we talk once or twice a year) just to see how I was doing and commented that she could see from the phone records that I was talking to this one caller, Bob, a lot and that if it ever got to be too much I needn't feel obligated to read for him! I mean how synchronistic is that? I reach out to you good people here and suddenly all my concerns are being handled! Group energy rocks!

Life is so interesting. I love when things synch up like this!


Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
What is the role of a psychic reader?

In an earlier posting I asked for some group support in dealing with a demanding client. You all gave me some feedback that was very helpful and further just having your support helped me deal with the situation better too - especially from the perspective that this client's situation was possibly mirroring something in myself. The client was asking about a girlfriend who had left him and obviously was never coming back - my husband recently passed away so, yeah, accepting that a loved one is gone for good is a major issue for me just now too. Being able to talk here about the client's situation helped me separate it from my own. In fact while we were discussing things I got a very strong vision of my self diving head first into The Well and you all were standing around the rim holding my feet so I wouldn't drown.

Other questions came to my mind as we were discussing this case, particularly just what is the role of a psychic reader? The oracle at Delphi gave one -obscure- answer and that was it. Today people consult readers all the time - often more than one if they don't like the first answer. So it seems a psychic reader is everything from The Voice of God to the neighborhood gossip. Anyway, I put the question to the I Ching and received 53.2.5 - 18.
I can see 53.2.5 as perhaps meaning a partner that helps a person move forward in their life - and maybe this reflects my recent experience of feeling my client's situation was partner to my own - but I don't get 18? Any insights most appreciated!


Shoot, I meant this to be a fresh thread but I didn't do it right and I don't know how to move it so... here we are!


Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Thank you all so much for your attention to my question!

rodaki - yeah, you're right. It's helpful to consider what is this client mirroring in Me? I have Pluto on my ascendant these days...

Now I want to give you a little feed back about something I think is magical. Shortly after I posted my question I got a call from Bob. He barely touched on his relationship issue and was wanting to ask questions about other things entirely! I really do think that by bringing my situation to the group here the weight (Pluto?) got lifted and things got moving.
Thanks again,

hey Rosada - that's great news, good to know Bob outgrew his questions (no puns intended)

About the Pluto thing, I have noticed how people who have strong aspects (natally or by transit) they can get entangled a little too easily - Pluto as unseen common ground can make it hard to keep un-entangled, or become more personally concerned about things . . It has happened to me too in the past and I've been trying to keep my wits about me to keep more of my peace of mind intact . . still it can fail at times, so I definitely know how it must have felt like)

Reading your last comment about your boss . . a little while after I posted my comment here, I had thought of 'a raise', but couldn't figure out what it could mean exactly, but maybe it meant 'take it to your higher ups' . . Knowing now what you mentioned, it could have also worked well in this case . .


Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
In an earlier posting I asked for some group support in dealing with a demanding client. You all gave me some feedback that was very helpful and further just having your support helped me deal with the situation better too - especially from the perspective that this client's situation was possibly mirroring something in myself. The client was asking about a girlfriend who had left him and obviously was never coming back - my husband recently passed away so, yeah, accepting that a loved one is gone for good is a major issue for me just now too. Being able to talk here about the client's situation helped me separate it from my own. In fact while we were discussing things I got a very strong vision of my self diving head first into The Well and you all were standing around the rim holding my feet so I wouldn't drown.

Other questions came to my mind as we were discussing this case, particularly just what is the role of a psychic reader? The oracle at Delphi gave one -obscure- answer and that was it. Today people consult readers all the time - often more than one if they don't like the first answer. So it seems a psychic reader is everything from The Voice of God to the neighborhood gossip. Anyway, I put the question to the I Ching and received 53.2.5 - 18.
I can see 53.2.5 as perhaps meaning a partner that helps a person move forward in their life - and maybe this reflects my recent experience of feeling my client's situation was partner to my own - but I don't get 18? Any insights most appreciated!


Shoot, I meant this to be a fresh thread but I didn't do it right and I don't know how to move it so... here we are!

oooh, just saw this :hug::hug::hug: (sorry to hear of your loss dear-dear R, my thoughts go out to you and your family . . haven't been around a computer since my last post to you and now I had just written a comment . .)

I'll take a couple of steps back to and give some thought to this new query . . . sending you thoughts of support and care in the meantime :eek:


Jun 3, 2010
Reaction score
Today people consult readers all the time - often more than one if they don't like the first answer. So it seems a psychic reader is everything from The Voice of God to the neighborhood gossip. Anyway, I put the question to the I Ching and received 53.2.5 - 18.
I can see 53.2.5 as perhaps meaning a partner that helps a person move forward in their life - and maybe this reflects my recent experience of feeling my client's situation was partner to my own - but I don't get 18? Any insights most appreciated!


Shoot, I meant this to be a fresh thread but I didn't do it right and I don't know how to move it so... here we are!

18 is stirring up the wind at the base of the mountain. So even by stirring up these leads, hints, related metaphors, you are stimulating the stagnant air at the foot of the mountain. 53 sets a pace, an undivided cadence, to make steady progress.


Dec 2, 2008
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but I don't get 18? Any insights most appreciated!

Well, to take a stab at it, maybe you are repairing or revamping your concept of what you do for a living. From the Image: "Thus the superior man stirs up the people and strengthens their spirit." The commentary in W/B explains what is meant. The superior man has a public role to play in strengthening and tranquilizing "the character of the people." :)


Jun 26, 2008
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I don't think there's much more to add on what's been posted already on 18, Rosada .. the subtlety of divination stirs people and ideas and motivates them, one way or another

The lines could give the context : feasting by the edge of understanding, peering into the depths, talking and exchanging views and ideas, maybe creating a safe net or a clearing for the long process of discovering individual meaning? Here Hilary's translation makes the answer all the more explicit to your particular circumstances, R (she calls the hills 'ancestral grave mounds' . . )
. . a positive way to look at it would be a haven where people can take the time we need while healing
On a different pov, any long-term endeavor has constantly to work against decay, as any psychic would need to work against those who only want to hear what pleases them

Before you posted the reading though, I was thinking of the discussion here and thought that a diviner should be able to see beyond appearances, into the patterns created in the long-term, seeing the bigger picture - yet another way to read this :)

not sure for how long I'll be able to log in again - till next time around!
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