...life can be translucent


I don't want to but>16



I love where I live except for the noise from the landlord that lives up stairs....it's just that his house has floorboards and I can hear just about everything from him talking to others to him making his coffee...basically you name it I can hear it and it's really starting to cause me anxiety, sadly.

I'm pretty quiet myself and any noise I make doesn't carry up there anyway and he's not doing anything wrong has made a few adjustments re the noise but unfortunately I'm 'sound' sensitive so the two just don't go together...

I told him of my decision to find another place a couple of hours ago and he appears to be devastated...so am I really because I don't want to move but my anxiety levels are getting worse because of this

What is the potential the landlord will find a way to encourage me to stay

Retreat is an interesting answer I think - as it looks like I will leave even though neither of us is keen on the idea

Line 3 - seems to suggest he may try and convince me to stay but it's not a good idea as I don't need to be dealing with the noise as it's causing me stress

Line 5 - says time to move so go

Line 6 - seems to say there be no hard feelings

thanks for any further insight


Feb 29, 2008
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I think you may have it right, i guess if it bothers you then I guess the army will start marching (16)




I think you may have it right, i guess if it bothers you then I guess the army will start marching (16)


Thanks Steve....it's causing me anxiety because one minute it can be so quiet and I might decide it's time to sleep or meditate or something and the next minute his stereo goes on or he has late night visitors or whatever....it's a shame, it's no ones fault just different ways of living :(


So far he's retreated by staying indoors and being very quiet. Strategy???



There's a lot in this reading about avoiding confrontation, when you don't want to get involved in a battle that neither side can win. Basically he is not engaging in any sort of argument with you at the moment, encouraging you to stay, which was the question you asked. The point is how long this can be kept this way.
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Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Thanks Steve....it's causing me anxiety because one minute it can be so quiet and I might decide it's time to sleep or meditate or something and the next minute his stereo goes on or he has late night visitors or whatever....it's a shame, it's no ones fault just different ways of living :(

I wonder if by a little negotiation you could come to a working agreement. You see what causes the anxiety and stress is not so much the noise but the fact that you cannot predict it, it can come at any time and this makes you feel out of control and always subject to disturbance.

This is what I have always found for myself at least. If I know a neighbour is going to do drum practise each weekday for 90 minutes it really doesn't stress me out as it would if he practised at any random time during the day or night. I can work around something if it's predictable. My neighbours below used to have dinner parties that got quite loud but they were always over at a reasonable time.

I'm just thinking if he really wants you to stay if he made a few minor adjustments you could both be happy. For example you could request he only plays his stereo between certain hours, that way you know when it will be quiet and so on. If late night guests come can they be very quiet. Sounds like he has no routine but maybe he could do well to get one.

Just some ideas. The reading does look like you withdrawing. Oh hang on the question was about him so maybe the 33 refers to his withdrawal.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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16 seems nicely transparent as music / partying / noise.

'Tied retreat.
There is affliction, danger.
Nurturing servants and handmaidens, good fortune.'

Any chance the "servants and handmaidens" could be you making your own counter-noise? I've found that if there's noise I don't like, it helps if I turn on my own television or music to drown it out. I've even tuned my TV to a non-station to make static (white noise). Of course that only works if the unwanted noise isn't too loud. (And also I'm very fortunate that I don't have much noise trouble in my apt. building to start with.)

I do get that the question was about the landlord, or the potential with the landlord, so maybe this doesn't make sense.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Well, and you probably mean you'd like it to just be quiet, period - not battling his noise with your own. One's own might be better in some ways but it's not the same as blessed silence.

I don't know. I'd hate to see you have to move again. I think the lines sound encouraging, just in general, but I get stuck on the fact that you can hear every little thing. He might see the reasonableness of not blaring the stereo after a certain time of night and really obvious things like that, but from what you're saying it doesn't seem possible to have actual quiet.


Using the Nanjing method to select one text per reading, as used in Zhou Yi Dao, we get 33, the fifth line.

The Forest of Changes verse for 33 changing into 16 is:

33 - 16

Wang Liang* was skilled at charioteering,
Bo Le** knew horses.
Pacing in a steady circle,
Setting a regular tempo.
Regulating rest and activity,
And thus extending life.

* Wang Liang was a courtier of the kingdom of Jin renowned for his chariot driving skills. The constellation ‘Four-in Hand’ is named for his chariot referred to here in this verse. It is α, β, κ, η and λ of Cassiopeia. He was cited in the Xun Zi and Wang Chong’s Lun Heng as a great charioteer and teacher of charioteering. See Knoblock, 1990, v. ii, p. 314, note 61.

** A famous judge of horses. In some works he is identified as being the same person as Wang Liang, but here he is clearly a different person.


Apart from being a very skillful charioteer is Wang Liang also the landlord in the building where oceangirl lives? Sorry, just asking ...


I am not at all sure. I include the verses from the Forest since I have access to them, but the work is sorely in need of tuning as an oracle, so I always defer to the Yi Jing reading. In this instance it looks like the move is costly in both physical and emotional terms, but would be beneficial in the long run.


Thanks everyone for your replies

mirian - yes he just basically disengaged, maybe he didn't have anything to say.

Trojina - exactly, I can't predict it that's what's causing the anxiety. I have spoken to him a couple of times about informing when he may be going to have visitors particularly his grandsons who came for a couple of weeks - the noise was just awful but he doesn't seem to 'get it'....

lisa - so many times I've had to counteract his noise with my own but some noises you just can't block out and I'm just sick of having to do it.

cjgait - sorry I honestly have no idea what your posts mean

Update: A few days after I told him of my intention to leave because of the noise, it had been very quiet, so I made some excuse and said I'd stay for a while longer and see how it goes.....oh my goodness it has been exceptionally quiet....just goes to show huh! he obviously didn't think my 'complaints' were valid before then.
Interestingly enough in about 6 weeks I'm going away for work for 2 months - now that's a kind of retreat from the situation in itself.

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