...life can be translucent


Inner Changes Outer Changes 36 PART II

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
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Hi Shelley...

I can't get back into the first thread. This seems to be a "Sunday" thing. I've rebooted twice now and the page still won't load...so here I am...over here...contemplating your latest greatest effort at understanding this odd reading.


Let me start off by saying the fading is ongoing. It really has been ongoing for longer than I've been in this forum. I actually gave up about two ago, and didn't think about him for almost a year. Then we "ran into each other." And we talked...but it was quickly ended when he said his feelings were too strong. It wasn't until I decided to learn to understand the Yi and let it guide me that it started up again...they pushed me back toward him...literally. I followed their directions one day...and there he was...and we talked again...and it ended quickly again...and then again...ending quickly again...but the Yi continued to push...rejuvenating the images. I'm pretty sure I know why now. I believe it's as I said before. I needed to learn some things through my association with him. I can see this a very difficult concept for some people on this forum, but... I love him, I don't need him. The difference believe love and need is very big. If he can't get past his obstacles...that's okay. I love him all the same anyway.

Because of the direction I'm headed now...because of what I want to accomplish, we can only reunite if he makes contact with me again. I'd love to see him. I'd love to spend as much time as possible with him. He's a wonderful man...being with him was very comfortable and exciting...he was a gift to my life. But he's not been able to get past his obstacles for a very long time now, and there's something I have to do, or at least try to do...that I really can't talk about now...everyone on this forum will understand eventually. It appears it's time now. I've already started the forward movement. I'm immersed in it now.

I have to laugh at this point because, after your latest reading, I suddenly realized something important about the dream. I dreamt of an old friend...in LA. He was jumping up and down and waving, smiling, doing silly things as if to entertain me. When I read your post, I realized that he was jumping up and down in my dream to get my attention...and the dream happened at the perfect point in the formulating my "plan." *slapping forehead*

He's the one person who can help me see it to fruition. He's the expert. I believe he's the mentor that Chuko saw (he did this amazing reading in one of my "dream" threads...http://www.onlineclarity.co.uk/I_Ching_community/messages/48/690.html?1055112433) and it absolutely corrobated things said to me by a woman (psychic) who approached me in LA a year before I came here because she said I had a strong travel vibe.

I can see why I have to stay here now. I realized it when I was writing my last post to you. And now that I understand, I'd actually like to be here when the company closes it's doors. I need the experience. I need the education. It's very important to my "plan."

I had that dream three days after I got 36, 36, 36, and I immediately launched into action after the dream. Does anyone see a brief window of opportunity there in those readings? It was like the force that talks to me through the Book used the dream as a back up since I didn't get the readings. Of course, they knew I wouldn't get the readings. Or maybe it was simply a natural sequence. I'll have to understand the readings better to know. At any rate, I know this "plan" is supposed to happen, is going to happen, and you'll understand when it does.

I do get the part about the three days or month to two months of lean times...I anticipate that. I'd better take that as a warning to be extra tight with my money. Thank you! It makes sense because now that I know what I have to do, I'm not looking for a "job" when I get back to LA. I'll do temp work and focus on getting this "plan" under way. I have a place to stay until I get my own...it's very nice...*grin* So that's not a worry.

Another interesting turn of events to note is that I did not want to go back to LA originally...I was very sad about it. I wanted to stay on the east coast. But I don't want to be alone any more. I want to be near family. So it had to be LA. But...as it turns out, this "plan" just kind of grew, and LA is where I have to be...at least for awhile...to make it happen. That's another reason I'm pretty confident it will come to completion. It's just too perfect. Oh...and to the person who wanted to offer me a place to stay on the east coast so I wouldn't have to move back to LA only to be told Hex 5 by the Yi...I do believe this is what the Yi wanted you to wait for.

I'm beginning to think 36 is about my move...a warning to be careful with money, etc. in preparation for it. But I think it's no coincidence the "injury" aspect came up when I was talking about the images of my shy muse fading. I think it's because I needed an outlet for my inner child to vent her feelings...and needed to be avaialable to console her. I was focused on my "plan." She's still venting. Everytime I think about him being hurt..."injured"...I burst into tears. That's her. She accepts my decision and trusts me...there's no conflict there...if we weren't communicating like we have been, there would be a conflict. She just needs to be allowed to feel.

As to affirmations, I don't believe in them. I did affirmations for years...and nothing happened. Then I finally realized I needed a professional to help me get past my obstacles. Once I started seeing results in therapy, I knew why affirmations don't work. In fact, I think they're more harmful than good. While one is reciting affirmations...an intellectual exercise, one is not available to do the necessary experiential work. Our obstacles are all about feelings we sublimated as children. Communicating with oneself is about communicating those sublimated feelings. It ain't easy. It requires trust building...and that took time for me. The closest I can come to any affirmative language I would endorse is using the "I" word...I think. I feel. I believe. And making oneself the object of actions and feelings in one's language rather than the subject. That language works toward trust-building. I'll just rely on the Yi if and when I start to panic...they've been right about everything so far...when I can understand them...*grin* Oh...and prayer. Prayer works because it's a surrendering...letting go of control.



cal val

Apr 30, 1971
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Shelley and Sun...

This "plan" is not about painting. It is creative. But it's totally different than painting...or drawing...or sculpting.

The psychic who approached me in LA said I wouldn't know what it was until it happened. And she was right. I never would have imagined it. I imagined painting great paintings with my shy muse by my side as inspiration.

So...although trips to the art galleries and museum in LA are, of course, a must, they're not necessary to my success. I do think I've got the educational part covered...*grin*


Love always,



Oct 31, 1971
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Hi Val, Shelley, Sun

Have been following this thread and thought that I might add a little from another oracle I use. The oracle is the Secret Dakini Oracle a tantric system of divination. There is one dakini called 'solar return' and it is likened to the hexagram 36 of the I Ching. The image is of a solar eclipse.
It is described as a cosmic point of reference. All the talk of fading etc. made me think , hey, a solar eclipse is an image of something that may fit the bill. If you would like more I will add the reading that goes with this card.

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
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Thank you so much for your kind offer. If you don't mind taking the time, I would love to read it.





I've got to sleep now... just caught up on this thread (a bit)... I have waited and watched for many months for this life thread of yours (ammongst the others!) to reach its cathartic moment of creativity... Hey, I might not be able to be there at the birth... But I know this is going to be good...

Waiting and...

Believing in you



Oct 31, 1971
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Here it is val,

Ist section (edited)

'Solar return' bears the number "24" signifying the cycles of time resolved and returned to a cosmic point of reference, the integration of opposites in balance, the number of stability in the microscopic-macroscopic relationship.

The Image

The image consists of a solar eclipse forming a Black Sun, with a corona of light seemingly contracting and receding into the centre. This symbolises the archetypal forces of heaven, influencing through the stars, planets and lunar cycles, forming subtle tides of destiny. The eternal recurrence, as light recedes into the darkness through the completion of an Aeon of time. The card evokes the concept of a black sun or black hole, from which a new reality emerges. This is the abstract image of great time, another aspect of Mahakali, the devouring and creating principle of all experience.

Divinitory meaning (the reading is different for where ever this card fell in your spread but I'll edit some.

Return to the roots of the personality. Consider the astrological influences at birth, in order to find the path of least resistance in the present situation. Try to decipher the past in order to predict the future. Bring the future into the present. This card relates to The darkening of the light hexagram of the I Ching, but presents a time when one may be forced to confront the inner structure of the psyche. The relationship of the individual to the collective unconscious is to be considered. The overcoming of obstacles through recognition of self nature: the calculation of exterior influences to compute ones evolutionary direction. Cultivate the faculty of being aware of auspicious signs such as dreams or omens. A positive card, very much the path of the warrior, a chance to make gains by confrontation, the burning of karma, a return to the source. A way through to eternity.

Thats it, interesting connection also to 24 and maybe 55?
Is 55 describing an eclipse, solar or lunar ?
And of course weve just had the concordance?

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
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I just NOW read your post, and I just had another dream this morning. So I'm sitting here saying WOW WOW WOW! What timing! So many great coincidences keeping happening in my life. I feel very fortunate. This is definitely one of them. I do believe your post is an omen that I'd better take this dream seriously.

They were building on the other side of the bed again. Making the stacks. Streamlining them...getting things out of the stacks that weren't going "in the shipment." But they were starting to throw away whatever wasn't going, and I urgently told them not to do that, but to put it aside because I would want it later.

Thank you so much for this. I related to every single word. It all fits like a glove. This is the place I'm in...exactly. It's just like Kevin has observed. Thank you for noticing Kevin...*grin*




Feb 22, 1972
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Hi Val

I guess I overreached myself a bit with that last attempt! Intoxicated by your very generous appreciation of my earlier efforts and hoping to make all the readings fit more neatly (too neatly?) together. I haven't been around here for long enough to have all the background. I'm glad you found some value in it anyway.

I'm looking forward to when you can tell us more about your plan. It sounds very exciting and you sound much more positive about your whole situation than you did. From Karcher on 43: "Having a clear plan to follow will bring profit and insight".

I had a feeling you were getting to want to be around when the company finally closes. Or perhaps just that you're the kind of person who would. It makes a lot of sense to me.

I do see what you mean about affirmations. I do them occasionally & find it can give me a boost but I guess I'm just reminding myself of things I know already. I don't suppose they'd have done me much good before I got help to tackle my problems and started learning to communicate with myself. The 18 months I spent in therapy was the most useful gift I've ever given myself.

Like so many others here, I'm rooting for you, Val. Keep us informed.

Love & hugs,


cal val

Apr 30, 1971
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You didn't overreach a bit. I was fine with everything you said. I'm fine with just about everything on this forum.

I'm so happy I went into therapy as well. I can't even imagine where I'd be today if I hadn't. Don't even want to imagine actually.




May 10, 1971
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Dear David: This dakini is very interested in this I Ching. I study at the Parbawattiya Center -that's one of the dakinis. Could you give the title.




Oct 31, 1971
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Hi Sun,

The text was taken from:
The Secret Dakini Oracle, written by
Nik Douglas & Penny Slinger
Destiny Books, One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767

I have been using the oracle for about 15 years. Its wonderful. The Oracle comes as a card set and book. The spreads are based on chakra points. These authors are well regarded in there field. If you are interested their book 'Sacred Sex' is a tantric sex classic for beginners or experts.

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