...life can be translucent


Is it possible to try to too hard? (and other reasons for insomnia)



I?ve revealed in another thread, that I?ve been dealing with a prolonged period of insomnia. Rather than attempting to infuse this into one of the many other interesting topics, I?ve decided to present this separately.

Yes, I?ve been working with Yi to penetrate into the reasons behind this malady. The most focused and deliberate reading on the question yielded 21 with 6 at the top. There were other change lines as well, but that one shocked me out of my tree. I tenaciously sought to ?bite through? the obstacle of my obstinacy, that which was blocking the natural flow of sleep. I pondered possible anger, I might be harboring, and insecurities, fears, untruths, anything which might reveal the truth of the matter to me. I?ve pondered posting the question here, but wanted to allow enough time to penetrate, as best I could, into the meaning first.

I?ve mentioned elsewhere, my good fortune of having a long time friend who I grew up with and who plunged into the I Ching alongside me, many years ago. I asked him what he thought of my dilemma. If you think I?m direct in my approach, you?ve never spoken to my friend. ?Put the Ching away for two weeks. Your subconscious is overactive. Your system has locked up, the same as a Windows program will. You need to clear out of the program and reboot.? This was all he said.

My initial reaction was to defend my reasons for the current absorption into such things which lay beneath the surface of my conscious mind. But then I remembered #21 with that nasty change at the top. I realized at that moment, he?s right. I?ve allowed myself to go back to what I?ve evolved from. Rather than living life as a natural occurrence, I?ve again become obsessed into penetrating through to every meaning and proper actions required by the understanding of such meanings. While this is not immoral, its not profitable, at this time, where my overall well being is concerned.

All this explains why #60 has been floating and flowing through my mind, recently. Limitations are indeed the answer to my sleeping challenge. I?ve allowed my desire to do right and to be perfect, to become an obsession, to the exclusion of natural phenomenon such as sleeping. I?ve been here before and have learned this lesson before. While the Yi has not directed me to #4, I place myself squarely into that category, and from there, I willfully move toward #24. I?ll again return to trusting my instincts and relying less on confirmations and admonitions from an oracle.

This in no way casts a negative light upon the I Ching, overall. It only says that I?ve penetrated deeply enough into realms unseen and its time to return to living life in a more natural rhythm. That, in time, will allow the blockage to dissolve and I will again enjoy the natural phenomenon called, sleep.

Blessings to all.


Hi Candid,

I experienced something similar a few years ago with my own attachment to divinational tools. Most people were content to explain my insomnia as having to do with premenapausal symptoms but I was getting a completely different gut-sense about what was happening to me all together.

My instinct (and my dreams) were directing me to abandon Tarot, I Ching and anything else I relied on for guidance. I deliberated for a number of days because like an addict I couldn't imagine going forward without, what had become my 'fixes', to get through the day.

When I finally *did* it, I decided that it would be for one whole month. I would not read for myself nor for anyone else during that time. That first week was the hardest. I put all my *tools* away where I would have to really dig to get at them to avoid 'slipping'. The first week was the hardest but it got easier after that.

I began to feel like I was lighter and freer which was coming from not feeling 'dependent' on anything or anyone. I really needed to reconnect back to my own personal power but more than that I needed to experience life without 'strings attached'.

My sleeping pattern didn't return to normal right away but the more relaxed I became from not relying on divination, the more in tune I became with my own intuition. Answers to my questions began to surface more easily to my mind. I've become a better reader as a result of the hiatus.

I don't know if this is exactly your situation but maybe you will find some common feelings and experience that will make it easier to take a break from divination for a time and know that it can only lead to something better.



Thank you so much, Dharma. I really appreciate your understanding of this point in the cycle of things. I nod in smiling agreement to every word you've spoken.

#60 pointed out, that galling limitation is not to be persevered in. So, its not a matter of giving up friends and resources, at all. Just a matter of living life with no strings attached, as you so simply put it. We need to test our lessons, sometimes without training wheels. The trainer is always with us anyway.

I'm not going anywhere (that I know of) and will certainly be checking in to see the goings on at Clarity. My personal involvement with Yi will be limited, however. At least until six hours of uninterrupted sleep is something I can regularly enjoy.

Tai to all.. and thanks again, Dharma.


Jun 22, 1970
Reaction score
Greetings To All...

Yes Candid, there are times when we have to balance our lives. I've put oracles away several times out of fustration and picked them up later, after more life experience. The Master law of Cosmology is Equilibrium. Until you find out what is keeping you externalized you should limit your thinking activity. Maybe you can try to drink Chamomile tea in the evening. When my Acid Reflux was at it's extreme in anxiety, the Chamomile helped to calm my person, so that I could get some rest. You may want to try some Yoga before going to bed in the evening. Insomnia is *Tension*. To relieve *Tension* one must Relax.
I hope This Helps.


Hi Supa,

The inner child is being something of a brat, kicking and demanding its midnight feeding of thought. Since I've created this pattern, I'm being a bit gentle with it. Galling limitation would do more harm then good, right now. The good news is that I've enjoyed 5 hours of real sleep last night, though the inner clock still requires some adjusting.

I'm not quite to the Chamomile tea yet, but have cut back on coffee (the all American drug) and have been drinking more water. My diet is also changing for the better. Maybe I'll try the tea. It can't kill me, right?

Its not falling to sleep in the evening that poses the difficulty, its remaining asleep for more than two hours at a time. But, I again see this as being a developed habit of frequent feedings. With some gentle discipline, I believe the proper balance will be achieved.

Thanks for the tips.


Feb 7, 1970
Reaction score
Question: What to do about insomnia?
21: 6 = 51.

Nine at the top means:
His neck is fastened in the wooden cangue,
So that his ears disappear.

You might consider a better support for your neck -- maybe just two pillows. And maybe some sort of sleeping cap. A towel on the pillows could be used to cover the head, like a shawl.

Shock brings success.
Shock comes-oh, oh!
Laughing words-ha, ha!
The shock terrifies for a hundred miles,
And he does not let fall the sacrificial spoon and chalice.

"...spoon and chalice": Bedtime snacks and fluids are said to be bad for sleep. Have you tried melatonin? It's production is stimulated by light (Shock = lightning flash). Anything over 1 mg may cause bad dreams and groggyness next day.

I use it to go to sleep -- no matter what I have been thinking about -- but it doesn't increase total hours slept in my experience.



Jun 19, 1970
Reaction score
Hi Candid, its interesting how everyone so far has had a similar experience to yours. It has reminded me of times when I've done exactly the same thing - wanted to break free for a while of relying on divination and just live simply. By that I mean just do the next most obvious thing rather than try to think of the repercussions of an action. Like Dharma there have been times where I've kind of had to try to kick the habit and resist even when tempted. Its always a good idea I've found - just to get back in touch with your basic instincts - and hopefully reconnect with your natural sleep instinct. I hope your not reading this at 3am - but if you are I recommend hot milk with honey in it..sleep well


Hi Everyone...I relate to this question and the various input from everyone. I used to be a daily "Chinger" and have put it away for 99%of the time for years. I found it made me too anxious about life and was not responding naturally to circumstances. I am not saying it isn't a most wonderful & wise tool. I am saying that I needed to get to a place in life, where I didn't analyze every sentence Ching gave me with a magnifying glass and read it from 4 different books to find the interpertation I liked the best!lol....
...As to sleep...I've been in menopause and not sleeping for 5 yrs. so obviously I have no advice! But to the post above that quoted :

His head is fastened in a wooden cangue
So that his ears disappear

If I had received this line I would think that I was not relaxing enough and not listening to my body, hence the stress.


Hi silk,

Actually there were several change lines in 21, including 9 at the top. I too, have been through this cycle before throughout the majority of my life. I?ve just come through a very rough 3 years and found my way back to the council of I Ching. (It was cheaper than a therapist.) Then upon finding this site, began reading for others, while increasing the number of readings for specifics concerning the new beginning I?ve now ventured upon. I believe that I would have insomnia even if I wasn?t involved with the Ching. However, I also believe I?ve overdone it and needed to throttle back some and run on my intuition, acquired wisdom and plain common sense. I?ve not cut myself off entirely (as you can tell), but have adjusted the extremes which have been a source of discontent.

I do hope you will contribute more to the site and I?m very pleased to make your acquaintance.


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