...life can be translucent


Job change anxiety - Please help!



Help requested? (I am pouring my heart out here? skip it if it is too much.)

I work in a Community Mental Health Team in a pretty tough borough in London.

People seem to think I am pretty good (Yup, I get those needed ego massages when I need them!)... I am realy happy where I am working in a seriously hot team with good hospital back up and Police who will turn up see me through the tough times (Riot squad when necessary, they are that responsive!)? It is hard, exhausting but good ? I am happy.

I will add to that and say there is a lot of love (and I mean love) where I work ? It is a tough streetwise job and we do the business with our patients - talking them through the crises and witnessing a lot of different versions of hell? But I go back to an office full of sussed folk a hug and seriously good practice guidance? we are a mature team of psychiatrists, psychologists social workers and nurses? I love them all... and they love me the same.

Over the last few years I have grown older (sic) and have for a while been someone that younger team members especially, have come to, or others because I know a lot of folk I can put them in touch with etc? I have come to enjoy growing staff on - watching their backs and seeing that they get the chance to develop their potentials even if they don?t fit into the accepted ?system?. (We loose new folk a lot with burn out).

A co-managers post has come up in the same borough different sector. That sector is efficient and has effective systems to the point that there is no creativity? no bending of the system and ?getting real? with people? Starting where they are at etc. There are some very good people there though, but they can?t keep staff and I am told that the team is competitive. The Co-manager I would be working with has a reputation of screaming at people or bursting into tears?

I would love to go here and help the staff grow into their various strengths ? encourage off the wall creativity in their work within the limits of careful risk assessment and care planning. Introduce psychodynamic thinking and encouraging staff to be 'really centered on the patients space'? I might as well urinate in a volcano methinks!

It means I will not be able to have my own patient list... very limited direct contact... and they are why I want to do this work...They take a lot but mostly give back so much more.

All the directors I speak to tell me I am mad to want to go there? This team is the end of the earth and where I am now I am wired to the top...I have influence where I am... I can change things and do!

I asked the Yi about this: (What would be the moment of the time if I go)

10.1.5 >64? (at least I did not get 2 this time for a change)

This is a big one for me? please help if you can.




Nov 19, 1971
Reaction score
10 reflects hierarchy at work, knowing your place, following a path.

64 reflects remaining open, not closing, not completing 'properly'.

interpreted as a warning, you are here being drawn away from the archetype of 10 through the qualities of 64. It would suggest that your work is not finished where you are.

interpreted as a true change, you move from rigidity in a hierarchic context to openness, lack of closure but ment in a positive context, remaining open to all possibilities.



That has a true ring - I am not quite getting a conection - My limitation - sorry.

Can you please expand?

And thanks for helping - It is very appreciated.




The decision to jump from lineman to manager is a huge one. Your observations are absolutely correct. You will lose the one-on-one contact with your patients. You will not be carrying (or kicking) the ball downfield. You will not have the sense of control you enjoy as a front lineman. You will be relying on others to run your plays. At the same time, you will learn to overview and new skills will need to be developed. It will take some time for you to be as good at being a manager as you are a first hand provider. But it too has rewards, some of them great.

Based on your reading alone, I agree with Chris' assessment. 64 means that you have not yet completed your work where you are, and that its important to skip nothing.

In practical terms, not only do the right thing but do it for the right reasons. This is what I get from 10. Have an order to your priorities. Line 1: be content with simplicity until the time is right. Step on the tiger's tail but use caution to step no harder that prudence suggests.

I envy you that you love your work. That is rare and most fortunate.

Take care,



Clarity Supporter
Dec 1, 1971
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Dear Kevin,

The first line of 10 means to stay with the simple, stay with what has been proven as working good for you and your patients. If you go there (which in my opinion is symbolized by the fifth line changing), sure there will be a lot of trouble and a lot to learn.

But I think you are very valuable for your patients and you get a lot back from them, too. This is why I refused to become staff male nurse of my ward (So I can relate heartfelt to your problem).

In 64, the first line seems to say what happens if you go there "frivolous", and the fifth line the outcome in the end.

And you got a lot of 2´s, obviously. They mean, stay like the earth, nourishing and caring, follow, don´t lead.

A little story:

When I were in Nepal a few years ago, a old monk asked me about my profession. I told him I am a male nurse. After asking me what exactly I am doing in my job (because there is no need for nurses in the Nepal countryside - the family is doing the work) he became very happy and said to me: "This is very good Karma! You are allowed to help others." And everything in his appearance spoke the same - it was not a joke or a attempt to make a fool of me - he was absolutely serious about that.

I wish you the very best,

Yours, Soshin


Nov 19, 1971
Reaction score
Kevin, the 'please explain'....

The ICPlus perspective on the I Ching is not the 'traditional' perspective. The IC+ perspective recognises TWO basic forms of 'change' in the IC. (which is vaguely touched upon in some texts etc but seems to be validated strongly in neurosciences data)

Form 1 - a changing line or lines pattern reflects a distortion of the hexagram that reflects the base situation where that hexagram is an archetype that context is distorting. Thus, in your case, the archetype is hexagram 10 and the distortion is in the form of the qualities expressed by hexagram 64.

A distortion AWAY from the archetype is considered 'negative', it is a distraction, the monkey-mind at work. Thus interpretations are in the form of WARNINGS.

This overall perspective reflects generic dynamics regarding change sourced at the level of our species-nature - the focus is on maintaining the core, shape-shifting to adjust to context. The overall focus is on PROTECTION and so to stay close to the core of the archetype, to avoid distractions. If left without action then the 64 will confuse perceptions, you are being 'tempted' away from the core situation reflected in 10.

Thus there is no 'change' per se, more a distortion.

Form 2 - a changing line or lines pattern reflects a true change of context. It reflects a need to escape in its reactive form, and a need to seek 'opportunities' in the proactive form. Thus we can escape a context by backing-away from it ('anything but THIS!?') and so 'back' into another context that we hope is 'better' OR we can proactively seek another context ('grass is greener') and go for it OR we can try and take-over the existing context by asserting our own (common is charismatic types and the associated management structures etc)

The IDM material identifies forms 1 and 2 as properties of our neurology with a focus on differentiating (form 2 bias, yang perspective) or integrating (form 1 bias, yin perspective).

Form 2 reflects a focus on REPLACEMENT of a context by another, form 1 reflects a focus on COEXISTING with the current context and with the contexts of others.

Hexagram 10 as an archetype reflects a type 1 context (cooperative exchange focus, lake) within which is operating type 2 -(competitive exchange - the singlemindedness of heaven). From self-reflection, intensity in expression comes singlemindedness (in purpose - as in 'treading', 'conduct' within a social hierarchy)

There are in hexagram 10 sharp distinctions of 'high' and 'low' as compared to the more balancing form of the qualities expressed in hexagram 19 where the attempt is to recognise the differences but reduce the rigidity (low defers to high, high is prepared to 'tread on the tigers tail' ;-))

My comments therefore were applied in general to the above forms of change. The application of those forms to the immediate situation is up to you in that I assume you used the 'random' method of deriving the hexagrams and so 'at odds' with the IC+ perspective overall as in the random method guaranteeing 'best fit' hexagram all of the time! ;-)

The alternative perspective is derived from the proactive IC+ programs - e.g. http://pages.prodigy.net/lofting/lofting/proact3.html

you might gain some further insights from that program - just think carefully about your answers to the questions. Let us know what you get and I will give you the whole 64-hexagram sequence most likely to 'fit' the situation.



Feb 19, 1971
Reaction score

It seems clear to me too that you should stay where you are. Candid is right. So few of us have the luck to be in jobs we love! (I love mine too.).

Best for your Quest



Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
Hi Kevin,

Stephen Karcher sent me this to post here for you. I'm afraid the formatting won't come out well, so I'll email it to you separately.



Hello Kevin

A big question. To me, the response indicates that it is somehow connected with real questions of your innate destiny and the challenge to step out to meet it. You are at home in your ?dwelling? now, but something is calling. Your job is to see into this and feel if it is truly a call. If it is, then answer it. Step out to meet it. Do not listen to what others counsel on a more or less rational level. That is the challenge in the situation.

The inner situation, the inspiration here is the first birth of a new time (3), while the outer possibilities are creating a new vessel (50), an image and a situation that would reconnect you (and those around you) to the spirit. That is what could be manifested.

There is no doubt this would take you into both argument and the sense of being an outsider. But it may let you deal with ?the ghosts that haunt the dwelling? in both personal and professional sense. Organizational connections with your lines show a movement from the lowest levels of the organization that connects with senior management levels. This is possible. I would say your job is twofold. Decide for yourself if this great challenge is a true part of your destiny (ming); then decide whether you can do it without becoming part of the problem itself. I do not feel this is a question you can solve ?rationally.? You have to know that this attempt to renew an organization is your ?destiny? and that you can do it with the right attitude, so that it does indeed become a ?sacred vessel.? Here is a focusing meditation from Daodejing connected with the situation. Ask yourself these questions?

Can you keep your desires from straying and hold fast to the One?
Can you concentrate your vital spirit and become soft as a little child?
Can you cleanse your sight of the real purpose until all is without a blur?
Can you love the people and rule the land yet remain unknown?
Can you always play the female, opening and shutting the gates of change?
Can your mind penetrate every part of the organization and never interfere?

If so, then rear them and feed them
Rear them but do not claim them.
Control them but never lean on them.
Be leader but do not manage them.
This is called the mysterious power.

I send some material from my sense of the images that could help. Here is your overall situation:
The Paradigm and the Pair
This is the overall model for your situation as a whole. Locate yourself within this model and explore its personal connections.

Inspiration: Small Accumulates means at first they are few.
Field of Realization: Treading means not abiding where you are.

The Paradigm is a model that holds inspiration and realization, yin and yang, in a single effective image. Here we see gathering and nurturing the Small, the ghosts that have passed through the underworld waters and are now ready to rejoin the human community. This gathering is the preparation for crossing a major threshold to meet the destiny given by Heaven. It embodies a Zone of Radical Transformation at the thresholds of human existence, a Tiger transformation where the Inspiring Force of the Dragon (1) emerges into the Opened Heart (61). This represents the first step out of the Decade of childhood and an encounter with the dangerous spirit that will shape life to come. It evokes the presence of Yu the Great, the limping shaman and culture founder who strides back and forth across the river of life and death, one foot in each world. Hidden Possibilities: 38:37>64:63, Confront the ghosts that haunt the dwelling. Prepare and make the crossing.

The Pair and its Matrix connect particular sites with this theme as they relate to the shape of culture and its relation to an individual life. Here, while the birth of the individual into culture is in its first stages, there is a call at the very edges of experience, a vision of a new world that reflects the destiny of Heaven. The Pair is empowered by 57:58 (The Great Intermediaries, the Lady of Fates and the Joyous Dancer). Its inner drive reflects the first encounter with high culture and religion in 5:6 (The Temple and the Council: Waiting for Visitors). Other lines connect the theme and process of transformation with 25:26 (Disentangling from the Ghosts that haunt old tombs and Accumulating the new spirit) and 37:38 (Founding the Dwelling and the confronting the Ghosts that Haunt it). The Shadow Site: 55:56, the New King who receives the Mandate and the Wandering Sage who circulates it through the shadow lands. This is a power you need. Let go of any obstructing identity suggested by these ages and the social position they imply to integrate the dynamic or theme.

The interconnected lines or Matrix of the Pair generate a series of Karmic Nodes that relate its central theme to the symbolic course of an individual life. Look at the ages and events these figures suggest for relevant personal experiences and connections. These are themes from your life that are interwoven in the situation.

1 5:6 25:26 37:38 57:58 61

You might see yourself at the ?moment of accepting the new position through the image of the Joyous dancer who goes out to meet the Tiger.

10 Treading (Mating with the Tiger) LU
Step, path; make your way; conduct, support, sustain; good cheer, good luck; meeting the spirit, acquiring a destiny and identity; site of creative transformation. Season: Summer, ripening the fruits.

This is the story of the time, how your inspiration can be realized.

Charge to the Oracle: When beings accumulate, they must enshrine the fates given by the Hidden Lord. The Joyous Dancer mates with the spirit. Accept this and use the energy of Treading. The accumulated power of the Small sets out to find a new destiny. Treading is the center of a complex series of myths and rituals linking sexual intercourse, fertility, intercourse with spirits and the Wu or Intermediaries who facilitate it in the Hidden Temple and at the Earth Altar. It points at the Spring and Autumn River-Mountain festivals, exorcisms, the birth of medicine and the miraculous birth of First Ancestor and the origin of agriculture. The character also suggests grass, thus life, birth and sprouts. It is the Corpse-Embodier (shi) at high ancestral ritual and those who work with the dead and the spirits who control the ?winds.? It is the dangerous process of directing a ritual invocation, waking the earth to open the fields in spring, and the ge-vine sandals of marriage. This whole complex of myths lies behind the birth of the Founding Ancestor described in the Odes:
? the birth of our people from Lady Yuan of Jiang.
How did it happen? She made sacrifice at the Hidden Temple
to exorcize the childless demon. She trod on the big toe
of Di?s footprint. She conceived in awe.
Good birth, she bore Prince Ji
She bore Hou Ji, Ancestor Millet.
The site of this occurrence, the Mountain Shrine or Hidden Temple, is the hidden hollow of a high mountain, the ?lower hidden? (xiami) below the summit where the Tiger Spirit dwells. It is a land of hidden shrines and retreats that have the power to enlighten and inseminate. Altars were founded here to make the jiao-sacrifice to the High Lord, sites of conception in the spirit. The ones who did this were the ?Wu who Tread in the Footprints,? walking in the steps of the God. Such a ritual opens the fields in the month of Hibernating Insects, when the King sacrifices the Red Bull and treads the fields, plowing the first furrows. It honors the birth of great souls with special destinies, bringing in the fates.
Treading is above all the figure of the Joyous Dancer, the Young Ancestress Wu who goes out to the Mountain Shrine to mate with the Tiger Spirit and Sky, calling the spirit down. She is an Intermediary, a skilled technician of the sacred who can make the invisible visible, dancing to call down the bright spirits into her body. She exorcises demons and prays for blessings: long life, wealth, health, fertility and the power and virtue that ennobles us. These are the blessings of a life lived according to ming, the mandate from Heaven that she carries.

This is the basic answer to your question, describing where you are and what you are facing.

Treading on the Tiger?s tail.
It does not maul you. Make an offering and you will succeed.
Treading or Mating with the Tiger describes your situation in terms of how you find and make your way. The way to deal with it is to proceed step by step. The path is there. Practice. Think about the right way to act and how to gain your livelihood. You are walking in the tracks of a tiger, a powerful and dangerous being. If you are careful, this being will give you what you need to exist and frighten off what is trying to harm you. Speak with it and partake of its power and intelligence. Do not do anything to make it bite you. You cannot afford to sneer and scold. This is pleasing to the spirits. Through it they will give you success, effective power and the capacity to bring the situation to maturity.

Tread, LU: walk, step; path, track, way; find your way, develop, cultivation; act, practice, accomplish; social cultivation; in the steps of, the Ancestor?s footprints; opening the fields, marriage procession; accomplish a rite or ritual, a dangerous step; salary, position, means of subsistence; happiness, prosperity, luck; virtue, rite, hold an office or domain; also: dignity, durable happiness; the paths of the stars and planets. The old character shows a person walking a path that moves back and forth, possibly the ?impersonator? of a deceased ancestor. It includes the body, three footsteps, a shoe, and the graph for walk.

LÜ3 (7485/44): The character represents a corpse or sitting man (1) impersonating the ancestor at a sacred meal; a foot on a road (2), a shoe or boat (3), and another foot (4).

The Shaman Speaks

Heaven above, Mists below. Treading.
Spirit speaks and spreads joy through the Intermediaries
as it wars in Heaven above.
This is a time when Noble One differentiates above and below,
setting right the common purpose.
Heaven struggles on in the outer world, persistent and unwearied, while Mists from within stimulate and fertilize, spreading joyous words that cheer and inspire. This is the Metal Moment, an inner stimulation that supports and inspires the outer struggle to articulate the path step by step. The ideal Realizing Person reflects this by differentiating the place of above and below, using their connection to set right our common needs. The Joyous Dancer is working with the Force now. Complete things through the receptive power of Earth.

First line connects with your entrance into the organization. It is frightening. You can only do this if you are sure of the call and the motivation.

Treading. Going simply in white silk shoes.
This is not a mistake.
Solitary and moving with your desire. Go your own way. Be simple and pure about your efforts. Move with your real desire. How could this be a mistake?
Direction: Crossover and Beginnings (9.6 > 5.6 : 6.1 > 10.1). You have achieved your goal. The rain has fallen to bless you and you live in honor and virtue. Carry on. Changes are coming. Move with them and the happiness you know can endure. From the wife?s side you face danger with its roots in the past. Do not try to discipline people now. Enter the cave, the hidden center and the spirit visitors will come without urging. There are three approaching you now. Respect them and bring the old adversity to completion. Leave old disputes behind. Gather energy for a decisive new move.

Fifth line connects with attitude to (and of) senior management levels. This is what you are up against, both in the organization and within yourself. Are you called to do this by your spirit and the real course of your life?
Treading and parting. Be decisive.
Trial: Adversity, hungry souls and angry ghosts.
It is right to correct this situation. This next step takes courage. You must decisively separate yourselves from the dangerous past influence that brought you here. Have no fear. Announce the oracle and your new destiny. Correcting the situation is definitely the right thing to do.
Direction: Outer Center (9.2 > 37.2 : 38.5 > 10.5). You have been lost and confused. Now you are simply hauled back to the Way like an animal dragged on a leash. Consider yourself blessed. Have no concern for glory or achievement. Locate yourself in the center and feed the people. The ancestors are gnawing through the flesh to find you and make you part of the sacred meal. All cause for sorrow will disappear. Step outside the norms. Co-operate with the on-going process of change.

I would feel that this may just be the ?logical evolution? in facing your destiny as a ?healer,? an attempt to heal the organization itself. Make no mistake, it is dangerous. But you must decide yourself on the basis of real inner work. And if you decide to go, be like the Small Fox. Gather the energy. Make no quick moves. You need to make the crossing, if and when the time comes, clean and clear and committed.


Mar 10, 1972
Reaction score
Dear Keven:

I went to the word library but someone named S. Karcher had checked out all the words, so I will be brief!

When you asked the question about the job, it was a done deal - you take the new job.

Hexagram 10 with the changing lines shows the changes that take place in you hospital administration to allow this change. Hexagram 64 means you enter a totally new phase of life. I waver a bit on Hexagram 64 - it may be that phase before the new life/job begin.

Hope this helps,



Thank you all for so much help!? I am going to sit and study it all on Sunday?

Even my 'quick read through' of your posts has led to the feeling of a connection growing.

Much headwork and meditation on your help is needed before I reply properly, hopefully on Sunday.

You have all given generously.

Bless you



May 10, 1971
Reaction score
One more thing, Kevin: if you remember, I said the I Ching merely reflected you were taking the job. In a sense, the Yi now opens up to further dialogue with it. So you may ask about specifics, for me this divination reassured me that the Yi was indeed reflecting your question (sometimes it doesn't). This is my take on the situation. Were you consulting me officially I would have you throw again with a few specifics but the new job, the new era of your life is here already in the Invisible World. With the new job there may a period of difficulty in the beginning, later peace and things fall into place.




Thanks Sun

I hear you well and your words resonate... Am finding connections in my inner world... been at it most of the day... Somehow 63 / 64 are a key here... I just know I need to understand them to find the space in which my Hx.2 energy sits...Instinct!

I will follow up with further questions... When I make sense of my nature witin this time I will post.

But all further insights very welcome.




Dear Chris
Thanks for the extra work on that? there were a couple of things in there that really made me look again at not just this situation but also made me reflect on how I use the Yi Jing?

I have taken your advice on board - it is clearly valid? though I am aware that to truly understand how you found your position I would have to study you paradigm? Sadly I am under too much pressure for that right now. I have spent some thirty hours studying your advice along with that of others who posted here? hours well spent? and I need to spend so many more. So I have saved your second reading as I think it will provide the sort of route into your method which I willreturn to in the next few weeks.

Having said that? I like your ideas of form one and form two distortions they rule out various ways of using the Yi Jing that I currently have thought reflect the development s of events. I have been looking at something a little similar? Let us call it proactive navigation of the Yi energies? As a staring point I have put a couple of entry boxes in my ?readings proforma? so that I can monitor the veracity of this idea over real time. ? Thanks

As for species nature and staying with the archetype of 10 with 64 being the result of monkey mind? heheheh? I do like the phrase monkey mind
Yup I can see where your coming from? but again you raise interesting challenges to my current paradigm? you leave me the interesting opening to look into questions as to whether one should stay with the archetypal figure or whether one might opt for the change by using the charged parts of Hx.10 (using the energy distortion) to ?navigate? ones way into 64? now there is both heresy and monkey mind for you!!!

Your comparison of 10 with 19? yes, very good? good link ? thanks.

As you can see you have not only given me well received advice but also some very interesting challenges to consider? Unlike your physicists responses that you quote on your site I am not entirely happy with my current paradigm? Little by little I will reflect on the implications of your ideas?

Thank you for your hard work here? it is respected and appreciated.



Ahh, Friend Candid

The voice of experience is in your words.

Yes, I enjoy my work, but not today I have had people screaming at me to make a new world by tomorrow and can they have a side order of fries, I you please? We all get it.

Looking at those neat photos of you on your profile made me reflect on something? Where we have all been, what we have done and what we can do? If I could paint or bring a smile to people with music? or let them express some mood or feeling by resonating to my music? Oh if!? I do not have anything like that? When I started photography I got 36 bad self portraits? then someone told me to point the camera the other way

I found the work I do I guess?

But your points re, the shift from lineman to manager? two years ago I left to run an agency supplying locums? I was miserable? One day I placed myself in a locum post instead? chuckles? the director was not impressed. Especially when he realised I had cut the agency out? but it was in my contract that I could do that if I ever left? The interesting thing is the yi Jing led me in there... a good lesson!

As you wisely say ?Line 1: be content with simplicity until the time is right. Step on the tiger's tail but use caution to step no harder that prudence suggests.? And, ?do it for the right reasons.?

I will feel my way forward? Am I still so foolish that I think I can change things? ? Probably.

Warm thanks




I loved your story from Nepal and agree so fully with its truth? and it is true? I do humble work ? I serve others and boy is it good.

When I was young I really wanted to be someone?to have power to change things?did the barricades? was a radical Community Worker when all people wanted was the factory to stay open so they could raise their kids well and have a life? Went into Training and Consultancy to hammer my message home? Made all of the mistakes? then found that listening and understanding and changing small things, saying little, quietly at the right time ? changed more than I ever dreamed?

I found an echo in your words that makes me feel ?not alone? ?that is very special.

I hear your comments on the lines? most apt.

There is no sign off for the way I feel toward you and your words? I guess you know that?




Dear Anita

Thanks for the support? it is such a joy to love ones work

I read all of your posts? I watch you struggle to find your truth and share your joys; work through your confusions to find insights?

In your story I have found many truths and heartaches that I too have felt for myself.

You have the strength and vigour I admire?

It is good to greet you at last

?When questing is exhausted and hope is lost? In quiet deapair, when we are stripped bare to ourselves, then comes understanding?




Hi Mary

Ahh, you wordsmiths are all the same (Chuckles)? I once was an explorer of underground places? a digger of blocked underground ways? always seeking a new passage or cavern never seen by people before? Days underground conserving light ? sitting in the timeless dark for hours, dirty wet and cold? Sometimes I would sit in that darkness and listen to the smallest sound made by a drip falling into a pool? and I would think, ?This whole moment is in that sound echoing in the dark cold? and the moment is ?Plop?? Then many years later someone posted the shorter word ?Mu?? It is life? plop is still OK

The few words you were able to get from the library were most eloquent...

Yes, it is a conclusion forgone? and thanks? Prompted by your post I did a fathoming of 64 and found the dangerous beauty of that difficult time with its promises for the prepared one who is careful and ready? There in lies the rub.

Yes, your words helped? they made me search and confirm.




One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
Reaction score
<BLOCKQUOTE><HR SIZE=0><!-Quote-!><FONT SIZE=1>Quote:</FONT>

When I started photography I got 36 bad self portraits? then someone told me to point the camera the other way...<!-/Quote-!><HR SIZE=0></BLOCKQUOTE>

Words to live by! This is why this is my best self portrait so far...




Luis - You too!!! - I am not alone

And the tripod - it held up the sky I guess....I love it.




Dear Sunpuerh

I suspect that one of your posts failed to stick? you said ?One more thing, Kevin: if you remember, I said the...?

My loss.

However you also said, ?the new era of your life is here already in the Invisible World.?

Oh, yes? I can see you have fathomed it? Over the last 8 months it has been a building energy? I often wake in the night just buzzing with the good feeling of it? It is a potential that has been almost unbearable? it tempts me into action, to use it? It is a question nagging too?

At work it is mostly drowned but in the last couple of months I have found a way to hold that energy quietly? It is Hx. 2 energy? It is so hard to explain how I am learning to do by not doing? I don?t understand it and my work is ostensibly so proactive?

If I can continue to be this ?not doing? it all might work?

Your words, ?difficulty in the beginning, later peace and things fall into place.? ? Maybe I can hold it together throughout the coming aggression an conflict.

Your first un-posted words are demonstrably a great loss to me because your second post had a succinct seed of knowing. They are sufficient.

Before it comes time to make a change in the outer world I will surely enquire further. But for now I must sift my inner world for truth and then weigh it against itself so that I might form a small destiny, for I will not have fate be my master.

The interesting thing is that the small shift I have made in making the Job application has echoed throughout the outer world before it was known, even through the gossip lines? how the smallest thought can change the moment of time? it is true.

I am abashed that you reached across cyberspace with such clear words of my life.



One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
Reaction score
From the left field of Chinese to English translations. Z.D Sung, 1935:

Hex 10, Li: The Symbol of Stepping Carefully

Li suggest the idea of one treading on the tail of a tiger, which does not bite him. There will be progress and success.

1. The first Nine shows its subject treading his accustomed path. If he go forward, there will be no error. (singly and exclusively he carries out his long-cherished wishes)

5. The fifth Nine shows the resolute tread of its subject. Though he be firm and correct, there will be peril.

Hex 64, Weitsi: The symbol of What Is Not Yet Past.

Weitsi intimates progress and success (in the circumstances which it implies). We see a young fox that has nearly crossed the stream, when its tail gets immersed. There will be no advantage in any way.

Commentary: "The young fox has nearly crossed the stream" but has not yet escaped from the midst of the danger and calamity. "Its tail gets immersed. There will be no advantage in any way"-- there is not at the end a continuance of the purpose at the beginning.


Well Kevin, what can I add to all the above and the preceding messages?

I just wanted to share another, not very much used, translation.





Left field indeed!... I am captivated.

I see what it says but it is so different to the understanding I am slowly building.

Does Weitsi see the whole of 64 as a disadvantage... lack of success?

Does he see 10.5 as having no way through? - Others point to a great moment where, if the person is wary of the danger that such preponderence of the moment is, then, they may acheive.

And being seriously ignorant...Sorry... Who is Weitsi?

Sort of hanging here ;)



Dear Stephen

Your post sent somewhat of a chill down my spine.

Sorry if this is a little corny, but it was as if you had been in our organisation? and knew me exceptionally well.

As for the meditation? I am using it? it is so apropos to my character and the time.

I am going to respond fully to your post? but it is now very late here and I am on Urgent Intake tomorrow?

I will reply tomorrow.

With gratitude



One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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Li and Weitsi are phonetic transliterations of the chinese names for the hexagrams 10 and 64. Sorry, I should have cleared that up in my message. The actual translator is Z.D. Sung who first published his English translation in Shanghai in 1935.

Now, to your questions:
<BLOCKQUOTE><HR SIZE=0><!-Quote-!><FONT SIZE=1>Quote:</FONT>

Does Weitsi see the whole of 64 as a disadvantage... lack of success?

Does he see 10.5 as having no way through? - Others point to a great moment where, if the person is wary of the danger that such preponderence of the moment is, then, they may acheive.<!-/Quote-!><HR SIZE=0></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, I don't think at all the 64 means lack of success. IMHO, 64 is the great unknown. The land of opportunities. A clean slate. Every line is out of its ideal place. You've got the paper in one hand and the ink in the other. Start writing. The caveat is that, like Mr. Sung translated, what you may end up with (or doing) is not what you set yourself up to do in the first place. So, if you take the step, be open to surprises and embrace them as success may depend on you doing so. The fox is seen as half way thru the stream when his tail gets wet. Would this stop the fox from crossing when the only thing NOT wet at this moment is its head above the water? I don't think so.

64 is a new beginning (with all the nuances that a beginning implies)

Regarding 10.5, I see it as a warning. After all, you are stepping on the tail of a tiger. The position is firm and at the center. A commanding post. It shows the subject at resolute but he must have his eyes open for stumbling objects. Only then achievement is obtained.

There is a very popular song in Spanish called Cantares by a Catalan singer called Serrat. The song is based on a poem by Antonio Machado. Part of the song says:

"caminante, no hay camino
se hace camino al andar.

Al andar se hace camino
y al volver la vista atrás
se ve la senda que nunca
se ha de volver a pisar."

Which roughly translated in English means:

"wanderer, there is no path
the path is made while walking.

While walking the path is made
and when you look back
you see the path that will
never be walked again"

Something to ponder while you tread on the tiger's tail...




Nov 19, 1971
Reaction score
Kevin wrote:
> Thank you for your hard work here? it is respected and
> appreciated.


your welcome.



May 10, 1971
Reaction score
Dear Kevin:
Sorry my first post did not make it to the list. Basically what I said was that divination over the internet is somewhat more difficult because I have not entered you aura-that is a missing dimension for me. I am a little amazed that you should receive Hexagram 64 when you are changing your job description, yet staying in the field with the same organization. This hexagram indeed indicates a major shift to a new time in your life. I would not pay too much attention to the line statements of Hexagram 64 because they apply to everyone in the sense that everyone will have major shifts in during their lifetime. And yes, the hexagram itself does mean some problems with adjustment initially but so what?

If you really want to know the major stages of change throughout this period you simply divine 6 times-as the Yi usually does there are 6 stages to the future and the 7th is return.

You actually can map it out if you want to. I find this often creates more anxiety than it helps. Perhaps you should wait until you get to the new era and ask about the challenges incrementally so that each stage has your full attention.




Thanks for seeing and acknowledging some of what I?ve spent much of my earlier time and energy on. I was very fortunate. After the 2 year transitioning out of full time music, I landed a position in a sales/advertising capacity. The company was new and had retained a consultant group to train the sales staff. This can sometimes be a real eye-roller, but not this time. These folks understood perspective and knew how to impart their experience into those among us who were receptive to learning a better way. The consultant who wound up with the full time retainer became my mentor. He?d come to my house after work ? really showed interest in my professional development. Here are just a few little carry alongs from him that I remind myself of nearly every day.

1. Don?t let anyone rob you of your own decent opinion of yourself.

2. Position isn?t determined by height alone. A tree must be broad as well. (broadness comes with time and experience)

3. You wouldn?t worry so much what people think about you if you knew how seldom they did.

4. When choosing a suit the best original fit before tailoring will always look best.

5. No puppy dog closes.

6. Before you hold your hand out to receive be sure there?s something in it to offer.

7. Know your objective, and make sure your customers know there?s.

8. Lead people and manage things.

9. Develop your strengths and manage you?re weaknesses.

You can definitely change things! You change things every day. One life, one soul, one here, one there. We do this especially when our joy is in our work. People are moved by it like grass in the wind. You can?t measure it yourself but its happening every day.

As a friend once told me, who you are speaks so loudly I can?t hear a word you say. (who would need to?)

Sail on.



Dear Stephen

I have felt my way into the moment of this change and Yes, I do want to re-create the vessel? yes there will be conflicts? Yes I will struggle to keep to the space, which is surely the correct one, as indicated by you meditation.

Your presentation of the lines as a progression really worked here for me? They are also a vignette of the path I have trod this last year? (chuckling).

I am going to persevere with this application? you have uncovered something more for me than you have said: (and I will pass by the organisational / social dynamics here? you have pointed to them very well)

The path and appropriate behaviour, it seems to me lies in Hx.10 and the lines? but the destiny is alluded to in Hx.64? no?

I like to have a simple path in life and seldom have been able to achieve one!

Here my phantasy / dream is that of continuing to try to heal and, as you say, to do that at an organisational level? it seems I will have some opportunity here.

However the rub is in Hx.64?yes?

(At this point I stopped and cast the Yi again)

On some hunch I asked the Yijing if this opportunity (whether I get it or not) were actually an aperture or beginning of a much greater transition within myself?? 64.1.4 >41

Well, well? and of how to approach it Hx.57.

I shall be like the small fox? As much as I can maintain concentration and constancy.

What this transition is to bring to me or others time, and the effects of my stewardship of myself, will tell.

Thank you Stephen for the window you opened for me with your extraordinary reading.




Feb 19, 1971
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Thanks Kevin,

How strange it is that both of us at this time are trying to make sense of hex. 10!

You're very welcome.

Best for your Quest



Just coming back to update folk and say thanks for the help given in this thread and thanks to the person who has privately lead me through this very difficult set of changes.

The Yi insisted that I should apply for a senior clinical post in a community team? I did not get it. However the application had immense positive ramifications re. how I was viewed by my colleagues and managers.

Another post came up to take a deputy role in a new team which had the remit to work as creatively as possible? Off the wall and on the street?

So I applied? and the Yi endorsed it.

Hexagram 10 has been a constant reading popping up in this context? I have learned that with 10 unusual or unexpected things can happen.

Yesterday my reading for the interview was again the Tiger (10)? I was not only offered the job but was offered my own team?

Full of trepidation now

The help advice and support I received from the clarity community played a central role in my being able to change my thinking.

You did not waste your time

Heartfelt thanks


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