...life can be translucent


Lotto win? 55>51 lol



I had lunch with a friend today and we decided to go halves in a Lotto ticket which isn't common practise for either of us.

What is the possibility we will win some money on our Lotto ticket

Hex 55.3>51 Abundance....too funny

Sounds like we'll be quite surprised to win something even though Line 3 suggests it won't be a lot!


Tomorrow I'm meeting my friend again which is rare to see her so much but she's helping me out with something.
How worthwhile is it for us to buy another Lotto ticket tomorrow
Hex 19.1.2>2

I have to admit Hexagram 19 has never done me any favours although I find it's meaning to be a positive one but that hasn't panned out for me.
This reading sounds more like the help she's giving me will be beneficial rather than buying another lotto ticket!!

Wild Goose

Dec 22, 2019
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Reading up on it that's the impression I also have,

Friends doing things together is good
Joint approach.
Perseverance brings good fortune.

Your friend helping you, this is good but maybe focus on what you're meeting up for?
Every caring needs dedication. One action which is not right can mess up everything. One moment of forgetting can be a disaster. Leaving the baby a minute alone, forgetting a medicine, not noticing the papers near the fire, forgetting an appointment. The 'mouths' one looks after have to be a part of one's mind, always, every moment.

Focus on treasures in heaven and you will have what you need
Help stays weak if one is not able to live free and strong oneself. Only who is an egoist in essential life values can be a true altruist. And don't give help where it is wasted. Help those who are able to use spiritual help or enough spirit to use material help in a positive way.
When the stimulus to approach comes from a high place, and when a man has the inner strength and consistency that need no admonition, good fortune will ensue. Nor need the future cause any concern. He is well aware that everything earthly is transitory, and that a descent follows upon every rise, but need not be confused by this universal law of fate. Everything serves to further. Therefore he will travel the paths of life swiftly, honestly, and valiantly.

So maybe something like it's good you guys are meeting up with one another, and sure have fun just don't lose sight of what really matters?? That's the impression I got.
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