...life can be translucent


Meaning Resolution and the I Ching (related to dodecagrams etc)


Nov 19, 1971
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When I look at the star constellation of Centurus I will see a bright star called 'alpha centuri' When I move from this naked-eye perspective to using binoculars suddenly this star in no longer a single star but what is called a binary system, there are TWO stars, alpha alpha centuri and beta alpha centuri. When I swap the binoculars for a telescope so the binary becomes trinary in that out pops proxima alpha centuri.

The point here is on different levels of resolution can serve as levels of meaning. Thus at the naked-eye level, call it level 1, I can make patterns in the sky that form into constellations. Move to level 2, binoculars, and a new world opens up for possible additions of more constellations! Move to level 3, the telescope, and there is a flood of 'lights' available to make patterns of 'meaning'.

This issue of resolution is also present in the I Ching (in that it is present in our brains as we focus on generals and particulars, wholes and parts).

The I Ching at its highest level of precision is a system of 4096 generic qualities that can be recruited and have their names relabeled to describe a particular context.

The 4096 dodecagrams (12-line symbols) are at the level of the telescope where high detail becomes available. When we move to the level of binoculars the 4096 give way to 64 dodecagrams where these reflect more stable forms than the others and where these dodecagrams can be compressed into the static hexagrams. What this reflects is these 64 dodecagrams, compressed to hexagrams, are like 'strange attractors' where the other dodecagrams are attracted to these 64, the 64 are as such 'invarient' when we move from dodecagram to hexagram reprensentations, all that happens is these invarient qualities are more 'diffuse' more widely distributed to 'enclose' all of the other dodecagrams - now expressed as changing lines in the hexagrams.

Move to the level of the naked-eye and the 64 dodecagrams 'collapse' into 8 dodecagrams. These are found to be compactable to 8 hexagrams that are in turn compactable into 8 trigrams.

This level of resolution brings out the 'brightest stars' of the I Ching system where as we move from naked-eye to telescope so these stars remain bright but the finer resolution brings out their companions.

When we view reality from the level of the eight trigrams we are in fact viewing the world from the brightest stars of the dodecagrams such that all findings will 'circulate' around these dodecagrams - thus deriving hexagrams from moving line trigrams will also show which of these eight hexagrams/dodecagrams those hexagrams are associated with.

The set of hexagrams that are 'naked eye', reflecting the extensions of the qualities of trigrams into hexagrams and on into dodecagrams are: 01, 02, 19, 20, 33, 34, 61, 62

At the binocular level it is the full set of 64 hexagrams (compressed dodecagrams) that reflect 'bright stars' of the full set of dodecagrams with the original eight from the naked-eye level still functional but now more concentrated within themselves.

At the telescope level we have the 4096 dodecagrams that can be considered as the 'bright stars' of an underlying level of detail that has over 16 million qualities - a little too much for us to consider!.

With compression of 12 into 6 into 3 the level of naked-eye uses trigrams as qualities but general. Binoculars use hexagrams as qualities. Telescopes use dodecagrams as qualities (compressed into *changing line* hexagrams).

The 'Quick I Ching' operates from the level of the naked-eye, it serves to give an approximation of a situation, it helps to show which of the 'brightest stars' of the dodecagrams is 'controlling' a situation (and so the set of 01, 02, 19, 20, 33, 34, 61, 62)

The usual I Ching operates at the level of the binocular and on into the levels of the telescope but by compression of dodecagrams and as such still lacking in clear resolution limited to 'hexagrams with multiple changing lines' which in fact translates to a specific, unchanging dodecagram that is the 'base line' for deriving meaning in the I Ching. It is this level of high precision that is in need of clear differentiations. (e.g. ongoing work at http://pages.prodigy.net/lofting/64dodecagrams.html )

We CAN work from the level of naked-eye (as the Quick IC works) and can derive more details from asking more sets of three questions at that level and combining results. Move to binoculars and we work with six questions. Move to telescopes we work with 12 questions - a much harder process! The overall ICPlus focus is to flesh-out all levels of meaning derivation and so three-layered dodecagram system useful for any context.



Nov 24, 1971
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you are arousing my curiosity about dodecagrams, but like Hermit, I have to work it out on paper where I can see what I'm doing. I'll try it with a couple of random hexagrams, and then ask you if I got it right.



Nov 19, 1971
Reaction score
Hi all,

Below are the first 64 dodecagrams that are 'beneath' the first 8 hexagrams of the binary sequence starting with pure yin and so all hexagrams having the base trigram of earth (02, 23, 08, 20, 16, 35, 45, 12)

In the hexagram formats given, + = 01 dodecagram change, - = 10 dodecagram change, 0 = unchanging yin pair (00), 1 = unchanging yang pair (11) (as covered in previous posts).

In the conversion of HEXAGRAMS to TRIGRAMS, the compaction elicits 8 'pure' trigrams and 19 'changing line' trigrams. This is reflected in a 'wave interference' pattern, see diagram http://pages.prodigy.net/lofting/wave.jpg where the troughs 'contain' invarient qualities - one hexagram translates to one trigram qualitatively (01, 02, 19, 20, 33, 34, 61, 62) and this is sourced in eight dodecagrams. The other positions 'pack' 2, 4, or 8 hexagrams into one 'changing line' trigram.

IOW the really GENERIC qualities of the 'pure' trigrams are sourced from the really generic qualities of these 'pure' hexagrams that are sourced in dodecagrams - so we have for hexagrams-to-trigrams:

01 -> heaven
02 -> earth
19 -> thunder
20 -> mountain
33 -> wind
34 -> lake
61 -> fire
62 -> water

Shift focus to dodecagram-to-hexagram compaction and the same wave interference pattern is reflected in each block of 64 dodecagrams - where the troughs now reflect the eight hexagrams contained within the block of 64 dodecagrams (and so the below sample covers hexagram range from 02 to 12)

The point here is that the when you zoom-out to see all 4096 dodecagrams so the SAME interference pattern again emerges covering the 'pure' dodecagrams that convert to 'pure' hexagrams that convert to 'pure' trigrams - the generic qualities reflected in the hexagrams of 01, 02, 19, 20, 33, 34, 61, 62.

The process of recursion will do this, encode the whole in all parts and so 'fractal-like' behaviours.

Each level in recursion acts as a level of 'meaning', the symbols can be used to communicate meanings. Each new level reflects an increase in precision, in resolution power, and so more qualities to use to communicate. As we move to increasing qualities so the energy covering the whole level is distributed. By this I mean that the qualities represented by trigrams 'shine bright' at level 3 of recursion but lose some of their brightness as we make finer and finer distinctions, their energy gets distributed amongst the newly-defined qualities but they still 'influence'.

The below dodecagram format is -
Dodecagrams: hexagram [hex #]: pure trigram

Each of these dodecagrams reflects a quality usable to communicate. To go 'deeper' using the method of hyperbolic development (1, 8, 64, 4096, 16+Million) is too much detail and not necessary in 'day-to-day' living. Understanding the dodecagram levels allows one to eventually 'forget' them in that the analysis acts to refine instincts and so one can work 'intuitively' in any context.

One can do this 'understanding' implicitly by learning the hexagrams with their changing lines but there is no text covering multiple changing lines (other than some of the ICPlus work and the ancient text Harmen and LiSe have been working on) and the focus in more often on interpreting these lines as truly 'changing' rather than as reflections of qualities just as 'stand alone' as the hexagram is with no changing lines.

Thus this is all 'new stuff' to flesh-out where what the traditional perspective deems a 'changing line(s)' is in fact a 'stand alone' quality such that TWO possible patterns are reflected - either a distortion of a hexagram, an exaggeration of the 'archetype' in some way, or a 'true' change into another hexagram.

Note in the below list of dodecagrams that such patterns as:

000000000001: 00000+

are NOT elements of dodecagram 000000000000 (hex 02) - this pattern is 'unique' and with 000000000010: 00000- shares a quality space 'inbetween' 02 and 23. In the 'traditional' binary sequence hexagram orderings the top line oscillates between 0 and 1 - here it oscillates between 0, +, -, 1 and as such reflects the compaction of level 2 patterns (00, 01, 10, 11) into one space.

000000 [02] (locally integrating)
00000+ (int into diff)
00000- (diff into int)
000001 [23] (locally differentiating)

...cover 'finer' details in meaning not 'changing line' patterns of hexagrams - by this I mean there is a quality that reflects 'integration into differentiation' but that 'change' does not occur, it is never resolved, it is a 'border' condition, a boundary condition, an eternal 'dynamic' that is 'stand alone' and so identifiable as a distinct quality that will 'reoccur'.

At the level of hexagram analysis, the 02/23 hexagrams reflects a PAIR where the core qualities of 'integration', reflected in the pure yin of 00000 is refined into (a) pure integration reflected in devotion to another/others etc (000000) and (b) differentiating within that context through 'pruning', bringing-out the 'faith' by removing the chaff to leave only the wheat (000001).

Zoom-in closer and out of the middle of this pair emerges more details that reflects, for example, a not so strongly differentiating focus as in 23, more a focus of differentiating into integrating.... fleshing out the subtlties in these qualities requires work! ;-)

(e.g. look at the 'gap' between 23 and 08, or more so 20 and 16!)

SO here we have 64 dodecagrams that 'fit' into 8 hexagrams that 'fit' into 1 trigram - examples of hyperbolic development. (take the WHOLE set and we have 4096 to 64 to 8 to 1 - the 1 being the I Ching as a whole)

Once the full set of qualities is derived THEN comes the focus on qualities WITHIN a hexagram/dodecagram and that is expressed using the same qualities now applied WITHIN a context of a hexagram/dodecagram. Thus we get for a hexagram the FULL set of 64 hexagrams (and so by implication the full set of 4096 dodecagrams!) as a source of description of change through the hexagram. (to derive this sequence for hexagrams 01 and 02 we just take the binary sequence and rotate all of the hexagrams - and so the same process works at the level of dodecagrams).

The overall focus on each level, to avoid going 'deeper'

000000000000: 000000 [02]: 000
000000000001: 00000+
000000000010: 00000-
000000000011: 000001 [23]
000000000100: 0000+0
000000000101: 0000++
000000000110: 0000+-
000000000111: 0000+1

000000001000: 0000-0
000000001001: 0000-+
000000001010: 0000--
000000001011: 0000-1
000000001100: 000010 [08]
000000001101: 00001+
000000001110: 00001-
000000001111: 000011 [20]: 001

000000010000: 000+00
000000010001: 000+0+
000000010010: 000+0
000000010011: 000+01
000000010100: 000++0
000000010101: 000+++
000000010110: 000++-
000000010111: 000++1

000000011000: 000+-0
000000011001: 000+-+
000000011010: 000+--
000000011011: 000+-1
000000011100: 000+10
000000011101: 000+1+
000000011110: 000+1-
000000011111: 000+11

000000100000: 000-00
000000100001: 000-0+
000000100010: 000-0-
000000100011: 000-01
000000100100: 000-+0
000000100101: 000-++
000000100110: 000-+-
000000100111: 000-+1

000000101000: 000--0
000000101001: 000--+
000000101010: 000---
000000101011: 000--1
000000101100: 000-10
000000101101: 000-1+
000000101110: 000-1-
000000101111: 000-11

000000110000: 000100 [16]
000000110001: 00010+
000000110010: 00010-
000000110011: 000101 [35]
000000110100: 0001+0
000000110101: 0001++
000000110110: 0001+-
000000110111: 0001+1

000000111000: 0001-0
000000111001: 0001-+
000000111010: 0001--
000000111011: 0001-1
000000111100: 000110 [45]
000000111101: 00011+
000000111110: 00011-
000000111111: 000111 [12]

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