...life can be translucent


Mirror castings...casting mirrors

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score
What is the Yi trying to say when they mirror castings...especially when the questions answered are unrelated to each other.

Examples would be 5 to 48 and 48 to 5 (one line changing) or 14 to 12 and 12 to 14 (four lines changing).

Thank you.

Peace, love and understanding,



Oct 2, 1971
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Hmmm, pffft, *grin* , I'll have to no-think.

What comes to mind is time reversal or figure and background changing places.
And/or an event or an object that is somehow too big, maybe it has too many dimensions. Too big for the mind when it tries to understand it as a whole, or too big for the physical plane: it cannot fully materialize in space-time.

If that is the case different answers of the I Ching (to different questions) may reveal different aspects, parts or sides of the same event or object that is trying to "come down".

Makes nonsense?

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Martin...

I see I got your attention (and kept it...*grin*) with my intuiton vs. intellectualizing post.

Thanks so much for your response to this question. I think your theory probably makes more sense than nonsense. Especially in light of the fact I took a nap right after I posted it and had a very vivid and very telling dream.

I dreamt that I was out shopping with my daughter having a great time. We went into many stores and food shops and returned home quite happy. It very much reminded me of our time together in Philly. Our house was very large and spacious. There were a number of people in it going to and fro and plenty of room for everyone so that it was all quite comfortable. The dream then segued to me sleeping and dreaming. I was having a dream within a dream. That's a new experience for me. I woke from the dream and tried to speak, but my throat was sore and swollen and the words squeaked out barely audible and very painfully. I went to the housekeeper who was much more than a housekeeper...she was the "light" of the household so to speak. We were in a very large room behind the kitchen. I told her I thought I was coming down with something, and she felt my cheeks for fever. She said that in a no-fever situation like this, my condition means someone is trying to kill me. My feeling after that announcement was very peaceful and calm, and I told her I thought it was the man who'd been staying in the front of the house, the room behind the living room. I was speaking of my shy muse. I went through the kitchen and into the living room to find him. He was gone. I went back and told the housekeeper he was gone, and asked if she knew when he left. She said she saw him leave last night...that he left while I was out having a good time and not paying attention. I told her it couldn't have been last night then, and she said that was right, and she recalled that it was two or three weeks ago. I was okay that he was gone but a bit concerned he left without letting me know he was leaving. And then I woke.

I know this is all happening within myself and have some clues as to what some of it means. Some of it reflects some inner change I've been going through lately. But much of it remains a mystery to me, and I think this is probably part of the "too big" picture I'm being shown with the mirror castings.

Cheerio the noo,



Oct 2, 1971
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Funny. I was thinking about empty mirrors looking into themselves (yes, I like to think and no-think strange things
) when I received your first post about mirror castings.
And about 10 ten minutes before I received your second post I thought 'Maybe I can add to my answer to Val that she should pay attention to her dreams'. I postponed that and started to browse through the material about the I Ching and dream interpretation on this site. Then I heard the new-mail-sound and there was your post ...


Oct 2, 1971
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The symbolism in a dream is often very personal, so only you can know what it all means.
But the housekeeper, the 'light' of the household, seems to represent your deeper mind or spirit. That mind is spacious (symbolized by the spacious room) and timeless (symbolized by her inability to distinguish between last night and a few weeks ago).

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
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I wish I understood that dream fully. I'm very despondent at the moment...ever since the dream. It does reflect my inner changes. Since I visited with my family in Philly, I just don't have any energy left to "wait." I'm exhausted. As a matter of fact that's why I napped today. I am exhausted by it all. I have so much to deal with right now. I have to make a decision soon. It's time.

My visit to Philly was wonderful. There was a whole lot of bonding going on. Between my daughter and me, my grandson and me, my son-in-law and me...all of us together bonded into a very loving family.

And yes, I forgot all about MSM when I was there. And why wouldn't I? I have not seen or heard from him in several months. I have made all the efforts I can to re-establish communication with him. With the Yi's prompting me not to give up, I have made many more attempts than I've ever made for any connection with anyone else in my life. I would love to reconnect. My decision would be made if we reconnected. He would be my first choice. I would stay wherever with him. But...I haven't heard from him. Women fall in love on dates. It's been a long time between dates...too long.

Because of the bonding, my daughter is determined now more than ever since she hit her teens to have her family all in one place, and she's been putting incredible pressure on me to move back to LA. She even went into control mode and tried to thwart my efforts to move to Philly. She soon felt remorse for doing so, but she is still pressuring me nonetheless...with her honest feelings...and telephone calls so that I can hear my grandson laughing.

Another pressure is that I'm about to lose my job in a jobless town. My manager resigned Thursday. Next Friday is her last day. It's just a matter of time before Ms. Power Tripper has her way. I can't stay here and "wait". I won't survive. I have to make a move one way or the other.

All I can tell you is I'm shutting the Yi out of this decision. Without him backing up what they're telling me, I can't and won't listen any longer. Yes, everything they say that he feels is probably true, but he doesn't act on his feelings. I can't do it all. I'm too exhausted to do it any more.

So...what is the dream telling me? Besides what I already know.

Cheerio the noo,



Oct 2, 1971
Reaction score
Perhaps it's good to know that you can forget him and have a good time without him. Your dream seems to hint in that direction.
Let's see, you sell your car (well, you try to), you plan a move to another town, you discover that you can enjoy yourself without your muse and on top of that you fire the I Ching ..

Hey Val, it looks like you are one the road to freedom!

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Martin...

Just happen to be at the computer. I just enacted Phase I of my game plan. I made my decision this morning. I have to admit, that after I completed my first task toward the big change, I told the Yi, "It's done. So there." and they answered 1.1 to 44. *slaps forehead* Too late. I'm in motion.

To correct your assumption, I have been able to have fun without MSM for a very long time now. He's often been pushed to the back burner, only to have the Yi urgently push him to the front burner again. In fact, I have a rather humorous confession to make in that regard.

I started a thread in this forum about the humor of the Yi. One day, the Yi was urgent about me going into an AW universe. They kept giving me the same hexagrams, 31 and 45, no matter what I asked about. That's all they answered all day. It was one of those days. I asked follow-up questions and ascertained I was supposed to go into the program that evening when I got home. And I did...because I thought they were talking about MSM. Well it turned out to be a man I know named Jack. I posted a sampling of the conversation, and afterward I learned that it wasn't really Jack after all. It was a very bright and perceptive man using Jack's name. I just didn't bother posting a follow up when I learned the truth.

After the breakup, MSM had a history of courting me and asking me to marry him incognito, and then toward the end of the encounters would always give me clues that it was him. I would never get the clues until it was too late. I'm a bit slow on the uptake when it comes to indirectness. I strongly suspect it wasn't just because he's shy that he chose this "Cyrano de Bergerac" approach. I suspect it was also a matter of honor.

At one point, he got up the nerve and set up this elaborate scheme to ask me again employing a mutual friend to aid him in his efforts, but I could feel it coming...my stranger feeling was awful...and I avoided him...my fear of marriage kicked in. I also ignored the Yi's advice that day *sigh* and ended up sending him further into his shell.

He went back to courting me and asking me incognito, and this went on for quite awhile...as long as I remained hopeful that he would get up the nerve to approach me directly again. Gradually, hope faded, and about two years ago I finally accepted it was never going to happen, and, my heart breaking, I left the program...without a word. I took my world offline, my masterpiece...all inspired by his love, lingered a bit longer, and then left...quietly. I simply closed off all channels of communications.

My heart healed.

Then a little over a year ago, I opened one of the channels of communication again...I wasn't thinking about him. It was also a channel to other old friends I missed. And there he was, and we re-established communication again. And it was him and me...having great fun again...until he asked to see a picture of me. I sent the url to a recent photo. He was quiet for awhile, then said his feelings were too strong and disappeared again. At the beginning of this year, the Yi had been pushing me back toward him, so I joined the forum to get some help understanding. By March, we were talking again, but he shied away again. He said "be right back" and disappeared. I haven't heard from him since. Surprisingly, it wasn't devastating for me. I had prepared myself. So at the most I was disappointed.

I had grown to the point that, knowing he has a major problem with this decision, it didn't diminish my love for him. I accepted his choice and let go. I know that if we get together it will be great and that if I never see him again it will still be great...as soon as I get out of this sorry little town...*grin* I can love him if we're together...I can love him if we're apart. It's that kind of love I feel for him. And I can fall in love with someone else and still love him. That will never change, and they'll just have to accept that. I can forget about him for a long period of time, but when I remember him again it will always bring a smile...errr grin to my face. He's not just someone who's passed through my life. He's someone very special in my life.

But...that kind of unselfish love isn't enough for the Yi. They kept pushing. Believe me, the Yi has been pushing. I've never gotten readings with anyone in the past like I've gotten with this one. I don't share a lot of the readings I get in this forum. I have tried to manipulate the Yi into telling me anything else and they won't. And just when I think they are going to shut up about him, they go into frenetic mode again. That reading 13/5.6 to 55, when I got home from Philly, can only be about him. There's no one else in my life. And he's the only one I've ever experienced struggles on both our parts to reunite. And struggle we have, as you can see from the above. I just don't think it's going to end the way line says..."they succeed in meeting." I think the line was strictly about the struggle. The Yi may tell the truth, but so does time.

The Yi does push. They pushed even last night. And I'm having an increasingly difficult time understanding why. THAT'S why I'm not listening to them any more...at least about getting out of this town. I have a window of opportunity to get out of here right now, and I'm not letting it pass. I'm zooming right through it. I have my game plan down. I figured out how to get out incurring the least loss. And I'm getting out. The wheels are already in motion. I've announced my plans and enlisted my support system.

And once I get out of this town, I'm going to meet someone new...*grin*

Cheerio the noo,



: )

....and they flew

Good for you Val...



Oct 2, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Val,

I didn't know that so many of your meetings with your muse were virtual and that he often proposed virtually incognito, if that is the right wording ^grin^.
The Yi might have a difficult job here. How to distinguish between outer, virtual and inner events? Looking from inside out, as the Yi (or whoever speaks through it) probably does, they all look pudy much the same, because from that perspective it is the experience that counts and not what according to us mortals 'actually' happens.
But the actual, the physical really real, that is what we want, with rough edges and all, we are not on this planet for nothing ... (sob)

Could it be that the Yi, in your case, reflects a lot of traffic through inner channels, but nothing tangible?
Maybe, but that is perhaps not the whole story.
There is a bigger picture .. I don't know. Based on my own experience in a similar situation I can only say that the bigger picture can turn out to be ... vast.

Anyway, one-day-I-will-fly-away phase 1? Where are you going?


cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score
Oh Martin...

I love your little silhouette image. I just stole it.

We met in AW. And we became instant friends. And then very good friends. Then he fell in love. I couldn't go beyond friends in VR. And he accepted that and continued in the vein of a very good friend for quite awhile...and thus earned himself about a gazillion points on the desirability scale. He was very respectful and very supportive. Mind you we were in a program where men ran around from woman to woman trying to get cyber laid (the avatars are especially handy for the horny). And this man never called me any demeaning names for woman and never mentioned a body part below my shoulders except for my hands and feet. Ding ding ding...another gazillion points.

My recovery came up in conversation, and he gave me the first comfort I'd had since the trauma...ding ding ding...another gazillion points and a bazillion gazillion bonus points! I started falling in love too. I fought it because I don't do VR love. But it was futile ...resistance is futile ...where love is concerned. When that happened we had no choice but to meet, thats my rules...real life love or no love ...so he came to LA. When he passed me at the airport coming out of customs, I didn't even know it was him, but I thought that it would sure be okay if it was him...loved his look...his walk...his style of dress...everything. He was in a mad dash to get outside to smoke a cig and didn't even look over at the waiting area...and he didn't look like his pictures, so I didn't think it was him, and I continued watching people come out of customs. He was outside smoking and facing the window about the time I turned to stretch, and our eyes met and we recognized each other. YAHA! Was I ever a happy woman! I joined him. We stood outside and smoked and stared at each other and twitched and smiled nervously for a bit, and then we flew into each others arms...like magnets. You couldn't separate us with a crowbar after that.

So after he came to LA, I went to the UK. He tried to ask me to marry him. I started a fight over something stupid. I tried to back pedal, but it was too late. We broke up. I went back to LA. And then we returned to VR. It was awful for awhile...a lot of anger...hurting each other...but eventually we both accepted what we felt for each other. Only I had that profound fear of marriage, and it kept getting in our way, and he had this sense of obligation to this 16/1.5 to 17 woman (I can't tell you how many times I've gotten 16/1.5 to 17 when I've asked the Yi about her health), and it kept getting in our way. We struggled a lot...really. And he eventually deterioriated into the Cyrano de Bergerac mode.

I've come out of my mode. I don't know that he'll ever come out of his. If he understood what 16/1.5 to 17 means and if he believed in the truth of the Yi, I think he might. I've tried to tell him, but why would he believe me? I think he knows the truth, and he probably thinks that's how all women, including me, think. I don't know. I can't do any more. I can't think about it any more.

Thanks for your concern. You are turning out to be a good friend as well.

It will be very interesting to see what this really really big show is going to be. Can't wait...*grin*

Cheerio the noo,


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