...life can be translucent


My new carieer


Aug 10, 1970
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I hope you can help me with this question.

I am going to a course to learn a new skill which I really love to do.

I asked Yi Jing: how is this course going to be like?
I got: 35.2.4 ->4

4 is obvious since I am learning.
35.2: I get a feeling that I feel I should trust it more, open to the experience. Maybe the teacher will be fond of me

But 35.4? I have an book where the interpretations says something like, you want to remain in secret but a perceptive and briliant person will discover you.
It is true for the way I feel...I feel quite shy and in the course I would like to stay not seen. Maybe the teacher will expose me?

So I asked: how shold I act to get the most out of this class?
I got: 47.3.6->44
I am looking very forward to this class, so the drain that 47 is about could be about money situation. I am very scared because it takes a lot of money and it is going to be tough.The thought of money just squeezes me in the chest.
line 3 is saying that I complicate too much. Maybe I should relax more and enjoy, feel nourished.
Line 6 is saying that my fears are groundless and that I should follow this with determination - and then there will be no obstacles.

Then I asked if I will be able, after the class, to find a job concerning this knowledge and make money (money is a big issue for me, since I struggle with it).

I got: 36.2->11
Well, obstacles for sure...it won't be easy. But will I get it? I don't know, maybe at the end I will?
This is what Tony Crisp says on his site for this line:

"Though you feel as if one of your mainstays has been weakened, you can still find reserves to deal with the problem. Use what is at hand."

I read this as I will have to find something different. I mean "use what is at hand"...Maybe any job but not this one I want?
I just hope I could work with my new knowledge. Maybe I will have to be satisfied with not such good conditions or be underpayed?

Since I am very concerned about having any kind of work I asked:
Will I get a job during summer?
I got 50.9->32
I uderstood that as Yes! 50 is quite "cosmical" hexagram...so maybe my situation is in the hands of heaven
This is half joke, but still...It looks like some powerful foreces are here at work?
Line 9 looks very good...It says that the work of the sage will be awarded by the deity which distributes luck.
And one interpretation says that I have "quality to offer".
So, what I feel is that I will get a job, but maybe also that I will actually have work where I will be able to use my talents? it is true that I am ready to work most anything, but still I would like to put my new skills into action. And these new skills are about helping others and rather "meditative".

Maybe line 9 is saying that I could get a job in this field?
And 32 might be that this job will last?

I would appreciate your inputs on this, thank you!


Dec 31, 1972
Reaction score
Hi Moonrise,

Wauw, a long post... let me try to get in to it...

1. Your first answer about the course itself and how it is going to be like is just about a progress you are going to make. 35 is about progression and things comming into the daylight, you will get to know yourself better then before, and so within hex. 4 you learn more about yourself... The teacher has nothing to do with it I'm afraid... it's all in yourself that commes in the spotlight, but then in YOUR OWN spotlight... You will learn a lot probably from this course...

2. How to act to get the most out of the class is nicely symbolised into hexagram 47 first, as you already worry a lot before the whole thing even started, and going towards 44, you probably are going to be buisy within your thoughts, feelings and desired moves as well... As the confrontational hexagram is hex. 52 (yang lines on positions 3 & 6) you are suggested to calm down and not worry that much and learn from experiences you already have learned sofar... You know more about how to handle in situations that are comming up then you think these days... Just stay calm, and things will be fine in this course...

3. Will you be able to earn money with the knowledge of the course? Well, 36 towards 11 tells me that you at least will find new confidence to do it your own way, and not the way others want you to handle... That new trust gives you peace of mind... Do not forget to handle with some dissipline and tactics... the ones you actually will learn in the course..... (line 2 changing gives hex. 7 The army / Discipline, as confronational hexagram as that hexagram has a yang line on the second position)...

4. Will you get a job during summer? Receiving hex. 50 towards 32... I would say yes, as long as you are aware that you can trust your inner sources (the cauldron) and let go of the anxiety inside your thoughts (line 6)... Show yourself outthere, and you will do fine!
And by the way, I supose with saying line 9... I guess you mean the changing line on position 6... (Because there are only 6 lines...).

I hope you can have some insight in these answers. Hang in there, and good luck with the course and the job this summer and after the course...



Aug 10, 1970
Reaction score
Hi Frank!

Thank you a lot for your answer!
Yes, this course can be a lot about learning about myself. But I thought that in the line 2 especially of the hex 35 another person is mentioned? Isn't it? Thatt's why I felt this could be my teacher.

To trust inner sources...hm, that is a challenge because I worry a lot about money, if it is not there, then what to do?

Yes, of course, I meant line 6 in hex 50

Thank you for you insights.

Hug to you too!

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