...life can be translucent


Need advise on interpreting hexagram & situation


Oct 19, 2011
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I'm a college student who will be doing my internship soon, and currently I have 2 choices. My field of study is engineering.

My father has arranged a spot for me at the company where he used to work at (hes now retired). Its really far from where I live & I would have to wake up at 6 to take the train, followed by a bus to the company. However, I would be working under those who has worked under him, and he ensures that they are of good capabilities & that I would learn a lot from them. Pay wise, its rather low (below average pay for interns).

I've also applied to another company in hopes of being independent of my father. Its located close to where I live, and I will be stationed in the service department. The job would involve traveling and working on-site. A friend of mine suggest that I might not gain much from the experience, which is my biggest concern, and that I may just be a replacement for a technician. Pay wise, its slightly higher than the 1st (around the average pay).

Question "...*the above*. Please advice on the situation."

Hexagram 56, 3rd & 5th lines are changing lines.

I kinda understand about being a wanderer, that I will be on unknown lands and I should be careful on my attitude towards my colleagues, but that's pretty much all I can make of it

Hexagram 12 seems to imply that I will be getting myself into a tight spot, however I am not sure which decision will lead to that, or maybe both.

Any advise, interpretation or pointers would be well received.
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Aug 24, 2009
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An inn is not your own place. Even though you find shelter in it, it is not to be considered a permanent dwelling place. Everywhere we go we find helpers. These could be in ourselves, or could be in another person.

In this place where you are somewhat known, this inn, it is also important to care for it, even if it's not yours. Or those who sincerely want to help us, will lose faith in us.

This line advice to go with someone with your real benefit at heart. I'd choose my father's offer. It doesn't matter if you are below those below him. Stations do not matter, the heart does.

Line five reminds you of your real skill, what your talents are and where it can grow to become praiseworthy. I'd choose again my father's offer, given that the other one will turn me into someone just left in the sideline.

This also encourages you to focus on your skills, your resume. Praise and reward will come later.

Remember, your father could be looking into the future and provide you with good office. A father is a father. Proving yourself to him is not the issue here, so don't worry. It's about developing what will become your most effective weapon and your proficiency in it.

12 is also about inner worth more than revenue. So, don't argue too much regarding your pay. This is about building your resume, and most importantly experience. This also reminds you to avoid expectations from the external nor forcing it if it doesn't seem the way you like. But instead focus on your inner treasures, your talents, your strength, will, etc.
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Oct 19, 2011
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I do understand that you are pointing out that I am putting what I want, ahead of what I need. I too am aware that the 1st choice would be the better choice. However I'm currently still being stubborn about it. I'm not totally against my father's choice, but I do feel I should be making my own decisions from here on.I guess what I really wanted to know is whether my choice (the 2nd), could be my chance to start taking control of my own future, or could it be a really bad move which puts me in a bad position.

And no, I wasn't very concern about the pay, I just saw a passage about material possessions, was wondering if it could be an indication.
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precision grace

Nov 5, 2008
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dear hanrydao, the first and most important thing you must learn about being a grown up is that you can not make your own decisions based on what you want but must make them based on many many other factors, most of which have nothing to do with what you want. To make the best decision in this particular case, it is best to make a copy of yourself (in your mind) and send both selves (again in your mind) to work in each respective company. Observe yourselves at each point of the journey (yes, even those long commutes to and back from choice 1, how people will be friendlier there because they know your father, how people will react to you at choice 2 and what will you be like at both companies) Try and see yourself objectively, like the outcome really doesn't bother you either way. Somewhere, in that observation, you will get a magic glimpse of something which will tell you what is the right choice.

The Wanderer simply counsels that you won't stay long at either place, so what's the big deal.


12 would be an image of going separate ways with a father. Heaven (father) rises, earth (mother or self) sinks or gravitates - exact opposite opposite of 11. It's like a pair of magnets: turn opposing forces toward one another and they attract, reverse either one and they repel. 12 repels.

If you're concerned with wealth matters, perhaps this quote from Matthew 6:24 may provide insight or inspiration: "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth."

Btw, that was not intended by me to be a moral position, only pointing to the fact that following a main authority figure doesn't always lead to personal gratification. Sometimes one must choose between them.
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