...life can be translucent

Need help please 15 to 39 and 53 to 46



Hi all. So, everyne pretty much knows I am in the process of a divorce, and that I was interested in someone else, but was waiting until things were more settled to pursue it. Then, this weekend, a new turn. I live in Ft Myers Florida, about an hour from where Hurricane Charley came ashore. We are all fine, lost a few shingles to the roof, nothing serious. We are currently without power, so I am in Orlando at my parents.

So anyway, to the point, I am concerned for the other person since the hurricane and would like to know if he is ok, but not sure if I should initiate contact at this point. Asked if I should email him and got 15 to 39, which seemed contradictory, to clarify asked how would he respond and got 53 to 46, which seems more positive. But before I actually take action, I wanted to get some more opinions. I responded to someone who posted last week telling them I thought they were afraid to act because they were afraid to make the wrong move. I guess I am experiencing that myself now. I do not want o act too soon and mess everything up, but I would like to know if he is ok. So what do you guys think, other than that I'm an obsessive loon


Aug 16, 1972
Reaction score

As the person you responded to last week (still not wanting to make the wrong move...but gearing up to make a move of some kind when my poet returns to the country in the next few days)
my first instinct was that you should go with your instinct to check he's okay...how could that be wrong?

But I looked at some more interpretations of 15 to 39 first and it doesn't seem so contradictory anyway- about acting but with modesty (maybe keeping the utmost of your real desires under restraint, but not wanting the wish to defer those feelings at this point to prevent you from action)

This from the Eranos text for line 5 seems spot on;

"when danger threatens in any form one must ensure that one's surroundings including the people are secure. This is done in a quiet way, become excessive serves no purpose but to show weakness".

Adding in 53 to 46, it sounds like a time to say to him you're around and concerned but not move full steam ahead...?

Hope all goes well and that your power comes on again soon!


Well, guess we will see what happens. I had a very strong gut feeling on this, so I went with it. I sent him an email just asking if he was ok. I did not mention anything about my current situation or wanting to see him, just asked if he made it through the storm ok. I asked today how he was going to respond and got 55.3.5 to 17. Not the best of readings due to the changing lines, but not the worst either. It seems like he will be cautious, but that he will respond and something will come of it eventually. Thanks for your help Wolverine, btw, thats my favorite male X-Men character. I'm a fan from way back

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