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Pence in Charge of Coronavirus: 37.3 to 42


Oct 26, 2018
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News that Pence was put in charge of controlling Coronavirus. I feel that it will backfire and lead more people to disapprove of the administration.

How disastrous will it be for Pence to be put in charge of controlling Coronavirus? 37.3 People in the Home to 42 Increasing.
Hex 37: Wind comes forth originally from fire: People in the Home. A noble one's words have substance and her actions are consistent.
Line 3: People in the home scold and scold, Regrets, danger: good fortune. Wife and child giggle and giggle. In the end, shame.
Line 42: Wind and thunder: Increasing. A noble one sees improvement, and so she changes. When there is excess, she corrects it.
Is it saying that there will be an increase in cases of Coronavirus (line 42) where people will fight against each other (line 3)?

Olga Super Star

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Nov 6, 2010
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37 usually has to do with roles. I don’t know who this Pence is and don’t want to look up for now (but let me tell you it is really funny to call yourself as a coin 😌) but it looks as if things will be best if he will implement harsh measures.
My two cents.. I mean, pence!


Oct 26, 2018
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Freedda, I just heard from a YouTube tarot card reader that the vaccine will be coming out next month the earliest.

Will the vaccine for Coronavirus be successful? 20.6 Seeing (Contemplation) to 8 Seeking Union (Holding Together).
Hex 20: Wind moves over the earth: Seeing. The ancient kings studied the regions, Saw the people, And established their teachings.
Line 6: Seeing their lives. The noble one is without mistake.
Hex 8: Above earth is the stream: Seeking Union. The ancient kings founded countless cities for relationship with all the feudal lords.
Is this saying that the medical communities will come together (line 8) to come up with one that will eradicate the flu (line 6)?

How will Coronavirus affect the current US administration? 42.1 Increasing to 20 Seeing (Contemplation).
Hex 42: Wind and thunder: Increasing. A noble one sees improvement, and so she changes. When there is excess, she corrects it.
Line 1: Fruitful to use this to make great beginnings. From the source, good fortune, no mistake.
Hex 20: Wind moves over the earth: Seeing. The ancient kings studied the regions, Saw the people, And established their teachings.
Is this saying that the current administration will benefit from Coronavirus (line 1) that they will oversee people's lives (hex 20)?

Olga Super Star

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Nov 6, 2010
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Lots of 20sss.. 👀

I heard the vaccine won't be ready before a year.
Everyone is saying what they want about this virus, even doctors are quarreling with each other. The truth is they don't have a clue how and how much corona is going to spread and what will happen.

But are we ready to go to the next cast? No-one else on 37.3? :unsure:

Will the vaccine for Coronavirus succeed?
6: Seeing their lives. The noble one is without mistake.

Could it mean that those who take precautions (stay at home, rarely go out and do it with a mask, use a lot of detergent) won't be without mistake and won't need to vaccinate?

Seeing their lives, observing what other people do. If most people will be doing the vaccine, it could mean not to be a bad copy of other people's behaviour.


I just heard from a YouTube tarot card reader that the vaccine will be coming out next month the earliest.
So, is this reading about the Yi's response or someone from the internet whom I don't know? And I'm sure tarot reads and psychics say all sorts of contradictory things!

And are you asking here about the virus or about Pence's role in it - which I don't think you've talked about? Or is this entire thread just another excuse for you to put down someone in the Trump administration?

And why do you think that doing more and more and more readings is going to make anything clearer? It doesn't seem to be helping as far as I can tell.

Do you think the Yi is like a magic lamp and the more times you rub it the better your chances are of getting what you want?



Oct 26, 2018
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So, is this reading about the Yi's response or someone from the internet whom I don't know? And I'm sure tarot reads and psychics say all sorts of contradictory things!

And are you asking here about the virus or about Pence's role in it - which I don't think you've talked about? Or is this entire thread just another excuse for you to put down someone in the Trump administration?

And why do you think that doing more and more and more readings is going to make anything clearer? It doesn't seem to be helping as far as I can tell.

Do you think the Yi is like a magic lamp and the more times you rub it the better your chances are of getting what you want?


I just want to know what implications putting Pence in charge of Coronavirus.


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Jun 3, 2006
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37.3 Describes Pence as not grasping the seriousness of the situation.
20. This will become obvious to everyone.


Hex. 37 suggests to me that people will need to work together (to come together as a family) in order to effectively deal with the coronavirus, both here in the U.S. and world-wide.

With 37.3, there is scolding, smirking, and mocking within the family, and while eventually there might be some opportuites here, if it contiues for too long there will be disgrace.

This 'infighting' within the family has already started: Trump and his admin. have accused the Dems and the media of scaring people and overblowning the severity of the virus' threat and the Dems and many health officials are saying that Trump is playing politics and is downplaying the outbreak for political reasons.

It seems that any clarity about this situation and how best to respond here in the US may be severely eroded. Adding in a bit of my political two-cents, I feel that if Pence let's his religious views or politial leanings guide his response, this could create the disgrace that the Yi mentions.

There is advice here that Pence will need to act with clarity - setting aside the politics and religion - and he will need to act quickly. (From the lower trigrams Fire and Thunders in 37 and 42, respectively). There is also the the advice from 42 that this needs to be an effort with purpose and that the US may need to respond in bigger ways than they are currently thinking about (especially with Trump downplaying what's happening).

Some background:

From: Trump Put Mike Pence In Charge Of The Coronavirus Response. Public Health Experts Aren't Having It

At the White House, the president touted Pence as an "expert" in public health who has "a certain talent for this," citing his experience as the governor of Indiana. Public health experts, however, quickly balked at Trump's praise and immediately recalled Pence's widely admonished handling of his state's HIV outbreak in 2016.

During his time as governor, Pence came under fire for resisting the CDC's urging to allow clean needles to be distributed because of his conservative, religious beliefs. At the time, needle exchanges were illegal in Indiana. But after mounting pressure from health officials and praying on it, the Republican eventually lifted the ban.

As to this media fear, I have to agree that the media often seems to thrive on fear, as it gets our attention and therefore sell more papers, and allows the media (TB, print, radio, internet) to sell more ads. But the Republicans often play this fear game too - so stones, glass houses?

“The more the media peddled fear, the more the people lost the ability to believe in one another." Bernard Beckett)

Best, D
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Oct 21, 2011
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37.3 is about being strict is better than being too lax in a family. It may be a bit harsh at times, but that is better than being too lax and the result being undisciplined.
So I read this as Pence will do what must be done, and if anything more than is required but that is fine. If he were to allow those smirking and chattering to run things or dominate - that is what would screw things up.
"Confucius/Legge: Stern severity means that there has been no great failure in the regulation of the family. When wife and children are smirking and chattering, the proper economy of the family has been lost."
42 Increase as context, is about moving toward the good and eliminating the bad.
- LL


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Jun 3, 2006
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Watching how this plays out will be useful for learning the meaning of 37.3. Does "Women and children dallying and laughing" only describe not taking things seriously enough (as in claiming prayer and warm weather are sufficient to control the virus) and the infighting going on in the "family" (whose to blame, cost of the vaccine, etc.) or does it also imply that the sterner measures necessary will actually be put into practice? That is, 37.3 seems to say a strong response is necessary but does it say the "father" will actually do this? I guess we'll soon 20. See.

Olga Super Star

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Nov 6, 2010
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I have always seen 37.3 as two options: laughing will take to disaster, strict measures will turn out to be good in the end.

The world hasn't it clear yet that corona needs strict measures.


Oct 21, 2011
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Clearly the subject of 37.3 is Pence, whom the question was specifically about.
The strict Father figure, and it strains credulity to twist the reading into him being the chattering classes.
- LL


37.3 is about being strict is better than being too lax in a family. It may be a bit harsh at times, but that is better than being too lax and the result being undisciplined ....

Clearly the subject of 37.3 is Pence, whom the question was specifically about.
The strict Father figure, and it strains credulity to twist the reading into him being the chattering classes.
Three different translations I've read describe this more as a family in conflict, not as the father figure adminstering harsh, but necessary disipline. We have 'family members (plural) scolding'; and 'the household, grumbling, grumbling'; and 'when tempers flare in the family'. These all point to something different and perhaps more substantial than a call for harsh disipline.

In the context of a family, I can that the family's conflict, and grumblings are revealing deeper and more real truths: e.g. the father's grumbling and his harshness reveal his frustration with the long hours of his dead-end job; the mother's scolding is due to her concern for the sad state of the family's finances; the young son's or daugher's acting out is because no one is really paying attention to them - which is a vastly different beast than that they need to be disciplined.

So, if the father (or anyone) is to truly turn this scolding and grumbling into opportunity, he (and perhaps all the family members) need to deal with the underlying reasons for this discontent, and not just the outward manifestion of it. And doing so suggests seeing the real, or larger picture that 42 mentions.

And if they don't? We are then left with discontent, where family members feel that the 'solution'' or 'discipline' amounts to no more than a joke, which is embarassing - at the very least.

I actually see this reading as being more advisory, and not necessarily predictive: e.g. if Pence or whomever follows the Yi's good advice here (at least according to the Yi!), we can have success, and perhaps achieve something great (e.g. to 'cross the great water').

One question then, is Pence up to the task, and will he in fact deal with the real issues, and not just as a 'disciplinary' act?

I'd suggest (perhaps stepping outside of a more neutral role), that he may not be, or that he'll have to overcome his own behaviors and beliefs. Consider: as governor he said that he didn't think smoking killed people, he thought that prayer was an effective cure for AIDs, and he fought having a clean needle exchange program in his state.

Also, he'll need to rise above his own adminstration's disdain for science, and it's tendency to politicize and weaponize all aspects of government, from environmental protection to intelligence gathering.

If he were to allow those smirking and chattering to run things or dominate - that is what would screw things up.
As I said, this 'smirking and chattering' might actually be describing a reasonable reaction when the real situation is not being addressed. Or, could it be that Pence needs to not let those whom are 'smirking and chattering' gain the upper hand and 'screw things up.' And, if this is true, whom might these people be?

The obvious choice of the Trump administration is that this represents the Democrats and the media whom are (supposedly) stirring things up just to make Trump look bad.

But I think that if Pence is to do his job effectively, he'll have to look to both sides of the aisle and across the political spectrum for those whom might undermine his work: here we have Rush Limbough who said this virus is the same as 'the common cold'; and we have U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross saying this virus (at least when it was only in China) could be good because it might signal 'the return of jobs' to our nation.

And perhaps the biggest mocker and grumbler he'll have to contend with is Trump: a president who sees any negative news as a personal affront and attack by his enemies. Here we have a president who cannot admit that he didn't win the popular vote, or admit that his inaguration was small than Obama's (and when his administration's 'facts' about this were debunked, they simply said they were 'alternative facts').

Here is a man who has criticized vaccinations, and whom has said that the virus will die when it gets warmer (which could happen, but is unknow); he even sees any news from his own intelligence agencies that he doesn't agree with as coming from a 'deep state' conspiracy. So, how will he react to any 'bad news' about the coronavirus? Will he then seek out the 'deep state' within the CDC? Or toss aside any news or facts that don't make him look great. What we've seen so far certainly points to this.

So, will Pence actually rise to the occasion of the Yi's advice? I certainly hope so, but he has his own history and religious beliefs, and a whole host of 'facts' riding agains him.

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Oct 21, 2011
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Freeda, it's one line.
Occam's razor applies. Keep it simple.
Your view is extremely convoluted because you persist in bringing in so many things that have zero to do with the reading. All about your political and moral judgement of Pence, when doing a reading requires suspending judgement.
- LL


Your view is extremely convoluted because you persist in bringing in so many things that have zero to do with the reading.
I can certainly get long-winded I know, and I can probably pare down my understanding of what the Yi - and 37.3 - is saying here. But I don't think the 'facts' of the situation have zero to do with what's going on - in fact, I think the Yi's response has to take into account the facts of the situation.

I did admit I was leaving my neutral base for some of what I said. But, if I were to pare it down (a bit):

With 37.3, there is conflict among the family members (37). Pence may be in a position to end that, and find opportunities within the conflict (e.g. to deal effectively with the virus). But he will also have to deal with those whom mock his efforts, or joke about the reality or seriousness of the situation, or who can't grasp the big picture (42) nature of the crisis - such as those who would suggest that our government is not doing enough, or that the coronavirus is like the common cold, or that an effective treatment for the virus will be prayer.​

And yes, I'm seeing this as the Yi's advice - not a given outcome. And in getting political and looking at 'the facts' of how Pence responded to health crisis in his own state; e.g saying prayer is an effective treatment for AIDS, and that smoking doesn't kill people - I'm not sure he is really going to follow the Yi's advice. And yes, that's my opinion.

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Olga Super Star

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Nov 6, 2010
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This sentence doesn't make sense, and I'm not sure what you're saying here?
I mean that most people in the world think coronavirus is a flu. It kills less people than standard flu, they say. Do open flights and restaurants and theatres again, we are not scared of corona!!


it is not a normal flu, and it requires harsh measures of containment.

There is a good chance that we all get it, but it’s important to get it little by little. 1,000 people this month, 1,000 people next month. 2,000 people at the same time might mean that hospitals don’t have enough places for all the ones in need for intensive care for inability to breath autonomously.

I hope I have explained myself now.

we will see!
Trump may not be wrong when he says the hot weather will help.

only cold places got the virus. Cold and humid.
Africa seems to be spared, which is good news since their hospital situation is rather difficult.


I mean that most people in the world think coronavirus is a flu.
Okay, thanks for clearing that up. It is highly irresponsible for people to make this comparision - unless you are comparing it to the Spanish Fl outbreak of 1918 that killed an estimated 20-50 million people, more that the est. 17 million who died in WWI. It may not be that bad either ....
Trump may not be wrong when he says the hot weather will help.
... only cold places got the virus. Cold and humid.
That is a complete unknow and Trump says a lot of things that he knows nothing about! And it's incorrect, as there are starting to be cases in in warmer places like Mexico, Algeria, Brazil, Iran, Austrailia, California .... It's just as irresponsible to spread that rumor as it is to compare it to a flu or cold!
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Olga Super Star

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Nov 6, 2010
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Iran is not warm at all at the moment 😁, nor is Algeria.
All the other places you mentioned are warm but have imported cases, we have to see whether the virus will be able to spread around in warm conditions.

I don't think it's rumour, Chinese people say that is what happened years ago with Sars, and Covid 19 is a sort of Sars.. Apparently above 28°C the virus is likely to dissolve. We'll see.


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Jun 3, 2006
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I just read a headline for a Washington Post article saying the White House response to the Coronavirus has been “Infighting and complete chaos”. I thought that was a good match for 37.3

Also we’ve been talking about Pence as being the father but now I wonder wouldn’t it be more fitting to think of Trump as the father and Pence as the wife?

side thought, will Trump blame Pence if prayer doesn’t work? Throw him under the bus and pick a new V.P. Running mate?


we have to see whether the virus will be able to spread around in warm conditions.

I don't think it's rumour, Chinese people say ....
Why do you keep insisting on turning rumor into fact? And are you really going to lump all 'Chinese people' together and insist that all Chinese know everything there is to know about the virus? If so, I guess they can all get up on their soapboxes along with famous 'we know everything' anti-vacc'ers like Trunp and the Five Star Movement.

And now for a bit of reality ....

Will Warmer Weather Stop the Spread of the Coronavirus? Don't Count on It, Say Experts
'U.S. President Donald Trump floated the idea that by April the coronavirus problem would solve itself ....

However, infectious disease experts say while the factors that cause other viruses to retreat during the summer months could affect this coronavirus, ... there’s no way to be sure.

And, even if the virus’ spread does slow as temperatures rise, that doesn’t mean it will be gone for good.'


Olga Super Star

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Nov 6, 2010
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You must be having an issue with vaccines, since you keep bringing the issue up when it has nothing to do with this new virus. If you are so scared of diseases, I suggest you do plenty of vaccinations for yourself and your family, so you will all be safe!

As to Covid.19, I am not spreading rumours, I clearly wrote: WE WILL SEE.
And that's what the articles you reported are saying. No one knows.
Experts saying it may vanish above 28 degrees (which is not April, probably more June or July) is the equivalent of experts saying it may not vanish with the summer.
We will just have to wait and see.

The Chinese having had the Sars, and being this virus a kind of Sars, know best than anyone else, so I trust them more than anyone else. They are the ones that shut a whole city down, while European heads of State were just concerned about not passing as racists, and went visiting schools with Chinese children in them.
China is practical: all people from Italy will be put into quarantine. The Italians are offended ahahahaha as they didn't dare doing such a thing with all people coming from China.

So hurray for the Chinese!! who gave us the i ching and practical measures to combat viruses 🥳


You must be having an issue with vaccines, since you keep bringing the issue up when it has nothing to do with this new virus. If you are so scared of diseases,
I have no issues with vaccines and I'm not overly scared of diseases. I keep bringing it up because this 'it will go away when it gets warm' idea is completely unproven, and it's just the sort of thing that Trump or the anti-vaccination Italian government would latch onto. It was only after we had a confirmed death here in the US and Italy had one of the worst outbreaks of measles in Europse that they came to their senses. And I don't want our collective response to this virus to mimic that.

You keep saying 'we will see' but at the same time you also say you don't think this idea of the virus going away when it's warmer is a rumor - but the only proof you offer is that this is what 'the Chinese' are saying about it. So it comes across as a confusing, mixed message, not unlike what Trump and the Italian goverment have offered us at different times.

And if I have any issue at all, it's with the total stupidity and selfisness of the anti-vacc movment. And remember, we get flu vaccinations as defense against the flu. And I expect it is likely that someone might be able to develop a vaccination against the coronavirus as well. But we'll have to wait and see on that one I suppose.

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Olga Super Star

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Nov 6, 2010
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All I know is that the other Chinese Sars-like flus dissolved with the hot weather, there is no reason to believe this one will behave differently. If it does and stays alive during the summer, we will have to fight longer, until everybody catches it. I don't see doctors waiting for the summer to arrive, I see doctors fighting.
Humanity will survive, but a lot of people will lose their jobs and money.


Oct 21, 2011
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I just read a headline for a Washington Post article saying the White House response to the Coronavirus has been “Infighting and complete chaos”. I thought that was a good match for 37.3

Also we’ve been talking about Pence as being the father but now I wonder wouldn’t it be more fitting to think of Trump as the father and Pence as the wife?

side thought, will Trump blame Pence if prayer doesn’t work? Throw him under the bus and pick a new V.P. Running mate?

Jeez. The WAPO is consistently full of it, everything is always described as in disarray. But the Trump Administration was working on this in January when Congressional critics - and the WAPO - had nothing on their minds but impeachment. And the administration has a long list of accomplishments despite having one hand tied behind their back, and you cannot do that without discipline and competence.
The WAPO said Trump was muzzling the NIH too which is bull, Dr Fauci said repeatedly it wasn't true, "I’ve never been muzzled and I’ve been doing this since Reagan....That was a real misrepresentation of what happened."
The reason Trump said with better weather the coronavirus may subside is because that is what the Directors of the CDC and NIH told him in briefings. And they said this because in the 2003 - 2004 SARS outbreak, which was also caused by the coronavirus, that is what happened. The weather plus their vigorous containment countermeasures, of course.
There have been no new cases of SARS since 2004.
- LL
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Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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Well great, I hope you’re right.

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