...life can be translucent

Possibility of being pregnant 17.2.5 >54


Sep 30, 2018
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Hi all,

There was a three week window in the past month and a half where I may have become pregnant... I've been quite sick on/off since second week of January - have gained 3-6 kilos recently. I haven't gained this much weight in such a short time except for maybe last time I was pregnant, as I'm usually a very mindful eater - but my appetite has increased and I have missed a cycle now. I will take a test soon, but in meantime cast 17.2.5 to 54 "I feel pregnant, am I".

17.2 Bound to small child > 58 Joy...
17.5 Confidence & appreciation - all goes well > 51 Shocking...

17.2.5 to 54 Following from Marrying Maiden...

The Marrying Maiden ... Gives birth to heir and has potential to go from concubine to wife?

Ummmm I threw some other casts - the cauldron/vessel and others that gave me pregnancy and childbirth vibes.

I will update in near future, once I've done test - but how would others interpret above reading?

Thank you 💗
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Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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How it's interpreted depends largely here on whether you want to be pregnant or not I think.

17.5 shows one being faithful to one's highest wishes, ideals and principals. Would being pregnant fulfil you in that sense of it being a very dear and pure desire or not.


Sep 30, 2018
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How it's interpreted depends largely here on whether you want to be pregnant or not I think.

17.5 shows one being faithful to one's highest wishes, ideals and principals. Would being pregnant fulfil you in that sense of it being a very dear and pure desire or not.
The thought of bringing another child into this world with everything that has been going on globally and also personally for me, means that I don't view a pregnancy right now as being ideal - I'm somewhat afraid to give birth in these kind of times/circumstances.

However, for some weird reason, in spite of all the craziness and chaos that is happening all around us - I also hold some sense of joy and peace with the idea of bringing new life into the world. A special and unique life, ready to nurture and grow - to help make the world a better place in some way, some day.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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However, for some weird reason, in spite of all the craziness and chaos that is happening all around us - I also hold some sense of joy and peace with the idea of bringing new life into the world.

Yes, when reading your first post there seemed no vibe of reluctance in it. I can't predict from this or any cast probably if you are pregnant or not all I see is a willingness to follow where you are being led with this. Both 17 and 54 can be hexagrams of surrender, in a sense. 17 does so through devotion and often delight in something. The 54 experience is a bit more of a challenge but here you have both together, hence somewhat of a mixture of feelings.

17.5 I find is the utmost devotion and truth to what inspires one, it's a lovely line. 17.2 can be personal immaturity or it can be experiencing a much less mature aspect of the self or here, as you said, it might be taken literally.

Depending on your age of course the female body does all sorts of unexpected things in the perimenopause around 45 or so so it is possible this is a hormone hiccup. I only say that as I have the idea you are older with grown up kids but you still may be in your 30s. I say that it may be a hormonal hiccup just as I don't want to get your hopes up if deep down you'd really like to be pregnant then find you aren't.

You aren't in charge in 54 so that can be being secondary to biology/pregnancy/hormonal hiccups. Whichever way it goes there's a cherishing here so this does seems to speak more of pregnancy than not.


Sep 30, 2018
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Yes, when reading your first post there seemed no vibe of reluctance in it. I can't predict from this or any cast probably if you are pregnant or not all I see is a willingness to follow where you are being led with this. Both 17 and 54 can be hexagrams of surrender, in a sense. 17 does so through devotion and often delight in something. The 54 experience is a bit more of a challenge but here you have both together, hence somewhat of a mixture of feelings.

17.5 I find is the utmost devotion and truth to what inspires one, it's a lovely line. 17.2 can be personal immaturity or it can be experiencing a much less mature aspect of the self or here, as you said, it might be taken literally.

Depending on your age of course the female body does all sorts of unexpected things in the perimenopause around 45 or so so it is possible this is a hormone hiccup. I only say that as I have the idea you are older with grown up kids but you still may be in your 30s. I say that it may be a hormonal hiccup just as I don't want to get your hopes up if deep down you'd really like to be pregnant then find you aren't.

You aren't in charge in 54 so that can be being secondary to biology/pregnancy/hormonal hiccups. Whichever way it goes there's a cherishing here so this does seems to speak more of pregnancy than not.
I am 33, the potential dad to be is much older than me. We've been seeing each other for three years and only recently stopped using contraception...

I became vegan April 2020 so take supplements for that and have used some hormone balance pills for a long while ...but I haven't been sick like this, so often and so regularly for a long time.

Not to say with certainty that I am pregnant either based on my inklings / this reading ... I won't be completely disappointed if I'm not. Other goals of mine for the year are to body build, be a better mother to the young teens I already have, be a better friend and progress in my career and finances.

Thank you Trojina and Marybluesky for your thoughts on this too 💗


Mar 4, 2017
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Hello !
Do you live with your lover in the same house ?


Sep 30, 2018
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Hello !
Do you live with your lover in the same house ?
I have been living between three places for the past two years - his place, with my own family separately in another town and at work in a 24hr residential setting approx every fortnight six days a week.

We both have busy jobs that require travel often and met each other three years ago.

I wasn't really attracted to any man before I met this one - so had very limited romance or relationship experience before he came along and though he and I became lovers quite quickly after meeting, we have become friends over time as well.

I was seeking friendship not love when I met him - and even now friendship is still the primary motivation for me with him. The physical intimacy and love that has developed on my end for him is more of a bonus bond from my perspective.
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Sep 30, 2018
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I experienced something this morning which should confirm that I'm not pregnant - don't want to say what that is in case a guy reads this post and gets a bit grossed out 🤦🏻‍♀️😅

It was a hormonal thing I guess like Trojina said - and that's okay...body, finance and career building it is for me this year... Fingers crossed 🥰🙏💗


Mar 4, 2017
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OK, I was asking you this question because I don't see the idea of being pregnant in 17.2.5-54.
In my opinion, Yi does not always answer questions directly. Here I see your relationship with your man. And I understand better this duality that appears with 54 : because you say you have two home and you talk about friendship ... so I understand better 🌺

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