...life can be translucent

Real Psychics


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Jun 3, 2006
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In view of the recent discussions about telephone psychics I thought I would share what I know on the subject.

When the first psychic line "Psychic Friends" with Dionne Warwick as the spokesperson started up 20 some years ago the general attitude towards psychic phenomeon was quite different from what it is today. If nothing else, I believe humanity should recognize and be grateful for the great leap forward in awareness and acceptance of psychic abilities this business made possible.

People who have never worked as a psychic have a lot of opinions about people who do.
And by the way, if you read the entire article Sparhawk posted at the beginning of his thread you'll see that after all the discussion of who the phonies are the author just happens to be able to recommend a site that has the "real" psychics. Oh please, give me a break.

Okay, here's how it works:
If you want to be a phone psychic you need a phone line and customers. It's easy to get a phone line but getting customers takes some doing - mainly advertising. To advertise there are lots of possible approaches, word of mouth being the worst because psychics tend to be very empathtic and have a hard time handling the business side of things. Contrary to popular opinion, psychics are not just out to trick people to get their money. More likely they give away their time and insights to those they feel are in need and end up in bad circumstances themselves. So getting clients by aligning with a group where the company advertises, bills the callers and guarantees you your share is usually a better deal for the psychic, even though these companies charge an obscene amount for their service. If the company is billing $3.50 a minute the reader is probably being paid $.35. Still even at that measly sum the reader can make $50 a day and have a decent life using their skills to do some good for mankind for a couple of hours a day and do it at their own schedule. Now you can also set up an account through ebay and they take a much smaller percentage of your fee, but ebay wont promote you and you can get lost among the hundreds of readers listed there. So if you're going to go into this business you'll probwbly want to at least start with an established company.

Now about this crap about psychics following a script or making things up. First of all, the company's who handle psychic calls aren't in the business of training psychics. There are thousands of readers out there who have spent years and a fortune learning astrology, tarot, and doing readings on their own. The companies only hire people who already know what they are doing and have years of experience. Furthermore you have to give a trial reading, and usually two or three, to get hired. Nobody gives you a script. As to making things up, well first of all, we're all making this life up as we go along anyway, so what else is new? But the idea of literally making something up, that is, to come up with story after story with no intuitive imput, no real feeling for the person you're talking to, would be just too exhausting - and boring. The fun of being a psychic is to test your intuition, your inner wisdom to see if you can sense what is going on with a caller. It's a great rush to say, "I get the feeling you're in the middle of major change - are you moving?" and then to have the caller say, "Yes! That's exactly why I'm calling..." So sure, psychics may guess, or hedge their predictions, but if they're flat out making things up the caller is psychic too and no dummy. That sort of reader wont last long. Bottom line, the majority of readers are sincere about what they do. There isn't enough money in it to make lying worthwhile and it would be too tedious anyway.

Now how is it possible for a psychic to do these readings and be accurate and helpful enough that callers stay on the line and call back again and again? Somebody must be doing something right cause this is a multi=million dollar business.
It comes down to the law of attraction. The advertising goes out to millions. Why out of those millions and millions who see the ads one person gets the feeling to call at that moment and connect with that psychic? It's because the two of them have something in common. Somehow they are on the same wave length. Somehow that one caller is very uniquely suited to the one reader they connect with. When the phone rings, all the psychic has to do is ask themselves, "What part of my life is this caller a reflection of?" Sure enough, if the psychic has been reading romance novels, every client they speak to the next day will be going through relationship drama. If they are worried about money, they'll attract people who are likewise concerned. It's that simple. Figure out what part of yourself this other person is reflecting and you'll know their whole story.

Experience also plays a hand. You read ads for Gifted Psychics, readers who have supposedly been readers for many many lifetimes. But what is that saying really? Simply that experience will teach you. If you do this work enough, talk to enough people, you catch on, you see the repeating patterns, the 64 themes and you know how they'll flow.

Finally, before taking a person's word that they had a bad experience with a psychic, that they were told fairy stories and tricked into staying on the phone to run up their bill, consider who you are talking to. As I said earlier, professional psychics put years into their craft and are tested before a psychic line will accept them. However, it is rare that a client with a real interest in spirit and intuition calls. Usually it's the caller who practically demands the psychic tell them what they want to hear. Someone asking,"When will my boyfriend leave his wife?" doesn't want to hear anything about karma so a reader is forced to phrase their response in less than forthright terms in hopes that perhaps one bit of sense will make it past the ego barrier.

Anyway, I'm just writing cause I think there's a whole side of this story that hasn't been told yet. Maybe someday I'll write a book.
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Clarity Supporter
May 30, 2006
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I dated a telephone psychic for a while and got a little bit of an inside view.
She was a great lady, an insightful Tarot reader and a Wiccan high priestess.
I never paid for her services but she did read for me and she had a lot of good
insights, as good as anyone here with the Yijing.
You can't generalize that to everybody in the business of course but I know it
isn't all phonies.


Feb 1, 2010
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Some thoughts on psychics...... I've always enjoyed the thought that powers of divination and sixth sense exist. It's just interesting. I lived with a ghost for two years which was everything from terrifying to hilarious to infuriating. It took help from a Seer to convince the ghost to move on which I think was actually a labour of love on behalf of the ghost who was "stuck" in a bad place. My Dad saw an Angel, and spoke with him, in an encounter that completely changed his life and mine. Are there special forces all around us? You bet there are. But sharing room with a ghost is nowhere near the quality of an encounter with an angel. One is the result of some confusion and the other is a spiritual encounter that is privileged in every way. And that is where I would draw a parallel between use of psychic information versus something like the YiChing. I hope this is making sense, as I have experienced this quite clearly.

I've known some highly intelligent and lovely psychic people who have told me all kinds of things, many of them amazingly true, and who didn't charge me anything at all. But I don't go to psychics for consultation for a couple reasons. One is, while you pay a psychic to practice their craft and develop it, you really aren't developing at all. I think the purpose of being alive is to spiritually develop. That's it, the whole reason we are here. Relying on psychic powers for that does nothing for me. I have to ask: what have I learned and what will I do better next time? Where I am practicing, or trying to practice an understanding of the YiChing I think I'm trying to create a certain balance in myself. And that, to me at least, is a far superior ideal.

Most religions say not to take psychic powers too seriously. My own religion simply says, it can be fun and entertaining, but don't base your life on what you hear from a psychic, don't make decisions from tarot cards and ouiji boards -- make your own decisions based upon self development. True to form, I had to go find out for myself, asking psychic friends to tell me "what will happen?" -- as though I had no serious part in my own life.

Initially, I thought this was the purpose of the YiChing as well. But it isn't. So now I'm asking the YiChing instead "how do I effect this and what are the elements or potentials here?" I think the YiChing leaves people room to do what they see fit to do, despite giving a "reading" of the situation. I don't get the feeling of something cast in cement and predestined, nor that what is clear today can't be altered tomorrow, nor that there is just one way. Everything will still rest in my ability to see clearly and problem-solve -- which is my spiritual development process. Now I can see why my own religion says to pray, meditate, and make decisions based on your own inspiration and best information. It's the most valid way.

Having three psychic friends, I've had lots of psychic advice in the past. However, even where psychics have told me drastic things; things I had no control over changing, and those things did indeed happen, did it help me to have advance notice? Not really. And here's why. Because first of all I couldn't see it. What they were saying wasn't real to me and only after it came to pass did I look back and say, "OH, right, that's what she was on about." Realising that a prediction had become fact. I was still shocked, sad, thrown off my perch, or whatever -- and had to go through the whole process people do when drastic things happen. Then there are, maybe 30 percent of the time, psychic predictions that didn't happen and on several occasions I was all set for glory, but had none. Frankly that's depressing and I wish my psychic friends had let me be because I had none of the expectations they'd set up in me that were ultimately dashed. And where great things were predicted -- and happened -- did prior notice of them help me? No, I was still shocked and surprised, still in semi-disbelief. I don't think fore-knowledge dampened any elation at good news -- but it didn't serve a special purpose either. In short, psychic readings aren't particularly helpful in my experience. Interesting, perhaps. But purposeful to your development? -- no.
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Dec 22, 2007
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Arabella, I agree with you about the value of the I Ching vs knowing something ahead of time, and I definitely don't recommend Ouija boards!
Absolutely, I believe the Yi seems to function, in my opinion and experience on a higher level..
And,I too, believe that we're here to learn and grow.:)
I do want to say though, that not every psychic just tells you what will happen, or gives you the "scoop".
Seers and psychics, mediums, tarot readers, come in all colors and many many of us help a person deal with where he or she is at, not just tell a person what they see coming down the line.Some don't even say or know what the outcome will be.
There's those of us who have training, some never needed it, most good ones have both a natural gift and some training (and experience).
I'm not saying you ought to pay or not, or talk to a pyschic or not.
I am with you that praying, meditating and listening to your own inner guidance is best--and very valuable.It's just that there are deeply spiritual Seers and there are those who just happen to have a 6th sense and then there are charlatans too.It's kind of like therapists,or attorneys.
Some are good some are great, and some are creeps, (even some phoneys out there). :)

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