...life can be translucent


Relationship (yes I know)


Jun 4, 2014
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There is indeed some progress going on in me at the moment concerning a relationship that ended at the end of the last year. Several obstacles in both of us have lead me to end it, even if i was not resolute enough and answered her to find out at the end that it was not right to do. After many considerations I still see me in the correct position, because I was honest to her. Allthough its like that, I think about that girl every day and I am still not able to find 100 percent peace with that.

I have seen that people are posting questions that sum up all the important factors (those 4 questions) so I did it same way.

1. General diagnosis about the relationship between her and me: 27.6 - 24
2. What does she want of it: - 50
3. What do I want of it: 55.2 - 34
4. I chings advise about it: 39.1.6 - 37

I would really appreciate any help in interpreting those ones. I asked too much, but all the answers were like wait - situation is evolving without your input, just take care of yourself and dont let inferior elements struggle you. From these answers I cant figure out, weather this will be ok again in due time or not, for some reason I wish her back, even if I know that it could get dangerous to me. We have no contact since february, she just wrote me a birthday greeting in june, I answered with "thanks".
I saw that there are also some factors of time in the year (months etc) when asking I ching. I was not aware about that. If someone could find time to explain whats all about? Thank you very much. Greetings.


"For some reason, I wish her back, even if I know it could get dangerous to me." Deejan, what is this danger you speak of? How would it become dangerous?


Jun 4, 2014
Reaction score
Its hard to sum up, i dont want to be the one who stands as a fool at the end again, the one who honestly expressed what I want from her, what i feel for her, tried my best to get the ballance between my and her goals. She never did that, always played some game that rubbed me of my energy. Permanent mood changes etc... A person that was truly in some way interested in my life and in remaining in the same somehow, but for me it is not possible anymore without making me low. On the other hand, always when we start to meet intimacy happens,than that diabolic circle starts again. She also does not really know, what she really wanted there, was testing me always without my knowledge with test questions, to tell me always after big discussions when it was late and not in time. She maybe lacks experience in some way. Misunderstandings, she always indirectly told me that she would like to be with me, some plans but never directly, but than again she provoked discussions in a very unrespectful way because of small things like how I cook or use, that escallates always in more and more things that she throws on my head, leaving me without any option than to go. To tell me at the end, that i will always be important for her without apologize - that gave me the rest cause in her acting towards me she did not prove it at all. We re just different beings that got some weird connection, that is still there. Some things that the one has, that the other doesnt, like a puzzle that in some way fitted. I would give my hand for her, but i have the feeling that when I end my withdrawal I would really lose every respect against me. I really dont know if there is any way, but I feel it, and hope that the time will heal all that. Friendship is a nice thing and I appreciate it, it is just not possible between us, because everything can always happen, the good and also the bad.
Sorry, my english is not fine at the moment, I hope you understood.


I wonder how much of this is due to misunderstandings. You are not understanding her and she is not understanding you. And rather than trying to understand each other, you react in a defensive manner against each other. If she's misunderstanding you, maybe she thinks she did nothing wrong to apologize for? Or maybe she doesn't know WHAT exactly she did that needs apologizing for. I do not see how you can be a fool if you speak your truth and try your best in anything in life. Either way, I'll begin with the readings and see where that takes us.

(24) returning to (27) nourishment. 27- Evaluate what would be nourishing to yourself, as well as to her. How can you nourish each other? If the two of you require two different ways of nourishment, how can that be consolidated, so that you are BOTH nourished?

Line 6- seems you need to go through this, cross the great water, meaning go talk to her. You have some anxiety, anger, or hurt feelings about this situation. But I feel, at the very least after talking to her, you will have an understanding. There will no longer be a misunderstanding and you will have some relief in that. That may be your good fortune. Either way there will be good fortune. The good fortune could be even more nourishing than that, but I do not wish to give you false hopes.

I feel you will have learned how to nourish yourself and others, in such a balanced way that you will not deplete your own nourishing. And you will be able to travel your path, allowing others to come and go, without ever straying from your own truth or path. In this way, those who come to stick around, will be nourishing to you, and you will also be nourishing to them. And those who go, are those not nourishing. So go ahead and find out which one is she. In order to find out, you may have to be the one to announce your truth. Make sense?


"What does she want?">50. This is a nice reading. Line 4- a mended well. A well that works. A well that's orderly and functions for the good. What's the well? That which nourishes the mind, body, and soul. The well doesn't change. It's always there. It's up to us to draw from it. So she's been getting herself in order, reaching into the depths of the well. Line 5- Cold, and clear water. There for giving, taking, and nourishing. Line 6- Truth flows out freely, allow it to naturally. Don't waste your time and energy trying to cover it up and hide away.

(50)- Transforming what's in the sacred vessel so that (48)- The well is clean, working, and nourishing to all. I feel these two together show how one may reach their true potential and have success. I do wonder though if this reading speaks of you, her, or the potential between the two of you. That is what is wrong with asking what another wants. Unless she wants you to know what she wants, this reading will not be about her.
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"What do you want of it?" 55.2>34 You want to be able to see clearly and understand. Understand all that has happened, understand her, yourself, and where to go from here. You want to understand how to reach success from here. But it is overwhelming for you. So overwhelming, one minute you want to push your way forward and the next you are in hiding, giving up. Be sincere with yourself, her, and others. When you are completely sincere within, you will begin to see the way forward.

Is there any legal issues or a divorce on the table? If not, just disregard.


"What does Iching advise about it?" 39.1.6>37 What is going on around you? What is going on within you? Until you get yourself in order, and until you get whatever is going on around you in order, do not go forward. If you go forward now, you'll only increase your difficulties. Perhaps your family does not approve or people that are like family to you do not approve? If this is the case, it is causing you to limp. You can figure out a good direction to go. Give everything a proper place and everyone a proper role. A role that supports your own inner truth.

This reading may be inner emotions and inner turmoil.
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