...life can be translucent


Romance: reading for a female querent

long yi

May 21, 2012
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Background: A female querent inquires her relationship with a male friend.
hexagram to hexagram 59.
The female querent casted the reading .
Long Yi provided the reading analysis via 6 line method.

神煞:天乙—子申 福星—未 日禄—午 羊刃—巳 驿马—巳 桃花—子 华盖—未
干支:壬辰年 丁未月 己卯日 甲戌时
旬空:午未  寅卯  申酉  申酉

六神  伏神    震宫:雷地豫(六合)     离宫:风水涣
         【本 卦】           【变 卦】
勾陈       ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财庚戌土  ×→ ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟辛卯木  
朱雀       ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼庚申金  ×→ ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙辛巳火 世
青龙       ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙庚午火 应○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财辛未土  
玄武       ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟乙卯木     ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙戊午火  
白虎       ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙乙巳火  ×→ ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财戊辰土 应
滕蛇 父母庚子水 ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财乙未土 世   ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟戊寅木

You = female querent

Line 1 = you. You think of another female.
Line 4 = him. He transferred his interested to this another female.
Month of reading: this female took your place in the house of marriage.

Line 2 = my guess, your soul... worry transferred to the existence of another female.
Line 5 = man or career, situation with this line is on hold because you do not know your future.
Line 6 = the other female, move to entering your house of spouse.

Line 1/6 (hexagram 16) = female. This is your issue at heart.
Line 1/6 (hexagram 59) = competitor or the other man. Outcome is bound by this person.

Too many change lines = unstable situation.
Line 5/day and hr of reading: man has vacated from the house of spouse and home. He is not with you by your side. Regardless it is boy friend or spouse, he is not here/there for you.

Man or competitor in line 3 of 16 and line 1/6 of 58 have completely left the house of marriage. "Left.. don't know when he will be back again".

Overall picture:
Hexagram 16: 5 yin lines and 1 yang line. Yang line at the outside door. Guy has the intent to move on or has moved on. He has many female friends.

Hexgram 59: 3 yang and 3 yin lines. This means triangle relationship. Line 4 yang becoes yin means that he has found another female to fullfil his physical and emotional needs.

Others: Line 6 produces line 5, both are yin lines and change lines. The male and the other female are not yet serious with each other. Line 6 produces line 5 of 16. These two parties are far away from you.

The other female goes after the guy or career at this time (may be temporary).

Hexagram 16
Male and female may be romanic together and in search of a dream. Dream is not real. The female has a negative side" "my way or the high way". When the romance is settled, both parties found each other boring.

Hexagram 59
Male and female can
(a) go separate ways
(b) try again to move towards a long term relationship.

However, any move by the female in change of residency for education or career will result in the end of this relationship.

The main hexagram has too many change lines. This refers to a very unstable situation.

Long Yi's comment: Never anything real in this relationship to start with. Do not bother. Honestly was never part of the equation from day 1. It was masked by "temporary happiness for the moment." As we grow up, we have to educate ourselves what each party can bring into a partnership for relationship that leads to marriage, buying houses and raising the next generation.

Line 2 is a change line and a movement line. The female querent has decided to move in search of ... perhaps a better financial future in 2012. The man in line 5 is her only binding. Since both lines are change lines, both parties have made up their mind. Earning a living first... all else is secondary.
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Still time to edit if you want to change that 58 to 59.
How would the example look with English labels instead of Chinese characters?
Strong work.

long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score
The typo 58 has been fixed to change to 59.

There is no official translation into English language for each line. You have to wait until I write a book. I am probably the only person in the world who knows how to write and explain 6 line analysis in English.


Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
great work, but how do you explain line 4 moving to/bounding with line 1 star

long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score
great work, but how do you explain line 4 moving to/bounding with line 1 star

神煞:天乙—子申 福星—未 日禄—午 羊刃—巳 驿马—巳 桃花—子 华盖—未
干支:壬辰年 丁未月 己卯日 甲戌时
旬空:午未  寅卯  申酉  申酉

六神  伏神    震宫:雷地豫(六合)     离宫:风水涣
         【本 卦】           【变 卦】
勾陈       ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财庚戌土  ×→ ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟辛卯木  
朱雀       ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼庚申金  ×→ ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙辛巳火 世
青龙       ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙庚午火 应○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财辛未土  
玄武       ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟乙卯木     ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙戊午火  
白虎       ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙乙巳火  ×→ ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财戊辰土 应
滕蛇 父母庚子水 ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财乙未土 世   ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟戊寅木

Hexagram 16 is one of the "six line couple" hexagram.
Line 1/4, 2/5, 3/6 are the three pairs.

Line 1 is yin and the querent is a female. She did not think of the guy, else the line will be yang.
Line 4 is yang and the so called "boy friend or male" is yang line. He only think of himself and not the female querent.

Line 1 is 未土 (earth). Line 4 is 午火(fire). These two lines couple together, but line 4 is a change line.
Even if it couples (the following is my theory development using 8 letters astrology), under 2012 year of the reading, 午未 both sits empty under the year of the dragon. This means this couple has no substance in their connection.

When line 4 moves, the guy want to leave. This breaks the coupling effect which is hollow this year to start with.
Line 4 has the soul of the female querent. It is being dropped to go to another female.

A lot Iching learners think couple line is good. This depends on the question. In this case, the coupling effect did not work to start with in the year of the dragon.

If you carefully read line 4 = 子孙庚午火 (日禄—午; fire, career), this means the female querent is thinking of her career. The guy is aware of this and decide not to wait for her.

Why? Line 1 is a hidden line 父母庚子水 (water) ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财乙未土 世, the hidden line is the marriage papers. Line 4 the fire character which conflicts with the water character hidden under line 1. This means that the guy is not waiting for her to resolve things. He moves on.

飞来克伏反伤身. In English, this means the situation of line 1. The female character in line 1 (querent's competitor for the guy, earth) suppresses the hidden line (marriage papers, water). As a result, the female querent feels very hurt. The reading took place in the month of 未土. The opponent (competition) is very strong.

If you move back one month, the guy in line 4 moves and put the female querent out of mind last month,.




As a beginner attempting this style of reading I write 16.1 - 59.1 as
J ( self line ) G ( girl wife gain money ) 6 ( sheep earth ) ( - ) turns into
B ( brother sibling friend money-killer ) 1 ( tiger wood )
with a P ( parent document ) 11 ( water rat ) hidden under the self line.
P missing in H.16 and we find its hiding position in H.51, the Palace hexagram of the big wood group. Thats 16.1 - 59.1 : ( P 11 ) JG6 - B1 and the shorthand serves a purpose.

I could get to like the way Long Yi uses the Chinese characters. In 16.1 you can see the wife in the first character and earth in the last character.In 59.1 you can see the friend in the 1st char. and the wood in the last character.
Since the same characters are repeated often you could get used to them easily enough.
And of course the interpretation is first class.

I Ching grandmaster Jing Fang originally assigned the branches and elements to the hexagram lines as the chart links illustrate.
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long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score


As a beginner attempting this style of reading I write 16.1 - 59.1 as
J ( self line ) G ( girl wife gain money ) 6 ( sheep earth ) ( - ) turns into
B ( brother sibling friend money-killer ) 1 ( tiger wood )
with a P ( parent document ) 11 ( water rat ) hidden under the self line.
P missing in H.16 and we find its hiding position in H.51, the Palace hexagram of the big wood group. Thats 16.1 - 59.1 : ( P 11 ) JG6 - B1 and the shorthand serves a purpose.

I could get to like the way Long Yi uses the Chinese characters. In 16.1 you can see the wife in the first character and earth in the last character.In 59.1 you can see the friend in the 1st char. and the wood in the last character.
Since the same characters are repeated often you could get used to them easily enough.
And of course the interpretation is first class.

I Ching grandmaster Jing Fang originally assigned the branches and elements to the hexagram lines as the chart links illustrate.

Six line method originated from Zhou Dynasty (771 BC). It originates from 京氏易传(Jing Fang), but I have not read that book.

The problem in using A, B, C, D, E; 1,2, 3, 4,5 etc to represent the character is very confusing to the learner. Actually, to learn the stem (10 Chinese word); root (12 Chinese word), 5 characters (about 10 Chinese word); 5 animals (10 words). Five element is in English. Any non-Chinese learner only has to learn 42 Chinese words and remember them, then you can start learning six line. The 8 trigram and 64 hexagram has standard terms in Chinese. The translation in that site deviates from the translation in most books. It makes the learning difficult.

Chinese has a way of confusing everyone. Line 1 is line 1. There is no need to fancy up the term. In six line, officer means 官鬼. There is no need to use A, B, C, D, E. By being flexible, 官鬼 means career, man, ghost, devil, illness, misfortune, man in charge etc. If one masters what it means, one can use the correct meaning in explaining that line in simple English.

For 50 years, people fail to translate six line to English because they use abbreviations without a standard. Chinese Iching Masters further refuses to teach non-Chinese the six line Iching. If one treats Iching like Scientific data and process those one can understand. It will be easier for every user to understand.

The key issue is how to connect the reading to the time of the reading to predict relationship and when it may happen or had happened.
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Hi Long YI

I like the way you use the Chinese characters in your readings.
Good idea to have a universal standard for public readings. Avoids confusion.
For private study I prefer shorthand for convenience.

My original idea was that you might give us a little more information about the characters in English.Or perhaps thats best left for ''the book''.
Most readers here probably just want the end result and not so much the technicalities.

I included the link to Alex Chiu's hexagram charts because I find them useful as a quick cross-reference.Quicker than mental work.

I understand the time data is critical in this style of reading.
HDMY = 7.03PM 17July 2012
= dog earth hour + rabbit wood day (Alex Chiu's calendars) + sheep earth month + dragon earth year.
For private study I write this as G9 + B2 + G6 + G3
( H16 wife-gain G is earth, brother B is wood )

Incidentally I included numbers in one of those charts for Hour Month Year.These numbers can be used to cast Mei Hua Yi shu style.I use the new moon as day one , and local time.
In a recent yarrow cast (19-40) the word funeral came up in 19.1 in Karchers Total I Ching and poetic or not he often nails the line.I also calculated using the time data numbers and got 30.5-13 and the word came up again in Karchers 30.5 (13 is gathering of the clan and gui hun)

Great work.
For the record the time data for the yarrow cast and Mei hua cast was july 5 2012 at 1.25pm local Irish time.I had spoken to someone the day before about personal health and that interaction was on my mind at the time of cast next day.
Y = dragon earth = 5
M = fire horse = 5
D = rabbit wood (IV) I counted new moon 19th june as day 1 +11+5 = 17
H = local time = sheep hour = 8
Upper trigram = 27/8 =rem3 = trigram fire
Lower trigram = 35/8 = rem 3 = trig fire
Moving line = 35/6 = rem 5 = line 5
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long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score
Mei Hua Yi shu style means Plum Blossom I Ching
I call it Plum Flower Iching Method and think it is the best translation.

You can go to a number of Chinese websites. They can calculate the time for you and all hexagrams after you enter the hexagram and the change line.

Please try this:
for setting up the hexagram under Plum Blossom I Ching

for setting up the 6 line hexagram

When you enter your time of reading, it will calculate the time according to the sun calender and not the moon calendar. The moon calendar is not used for Iching reading. 23:00 pm refers to the next day.

直接指定 click this enter the hexagram.直接指定 = direct entry
You can use google translate to load the same page to see the English.

Have fun. I used to be the senior administrator of this site. The owner shut it down a few years ago and only left the software part open.

When I have time to translate the five characters in the hexagram, I will post it on my future website and let you know.

You time of reading
is 壬辰年五月十七日未时
神煞:天乙—酉亥 福星—酉 日禄—午 羊刃—巳 驿马—巳 桃花—子 华盖—未
干支:壬辰年 丙午月 丁卯日 丁未时 (This is the code for the day of reading in 5 elements)
旬空:午未  寅卯  戌亥  寅卯 (This is the empty spot for the elements under each pillar)

I do not understand this part in your message. What is the hexagram, which is the change line?
Upper trigram = 27/8 =rem3 = trigram fire
Lower trigram = 35/8 = rem 3 = trig fire
Moving line = 35/6 = rem 5 = line 5


The yarrow cast was 19.1.4 - 40
The Mei Hua cast was 30.5 - 13.
To get the upper trigram I added the numbers for year month day, 5+5+17 = 27, divided by 8 with remainder 3, which is trigram fire in early heaven arrangement.
I added in the hour number to get the lower trigram.
To get the moving line 5, I added 5+5+17+8 = 35 and divided by 6 with remainder 5.

'Translation in progress' was as far as I got with the website.


Hi Long Yi
Thats a good link for setting up the 6 line hexagrams and the online translation is ok.
For the readers it gives the layout you use in your examples and the basic text of hexagrams and lines in Chinese. But otherwise no general analysis or interpretation of the cast.
I wondered if you were using a template of some kind.Thats why I asked.
Can you tell us anything more about your future website ?
Can you recommend any sources where we can read up on the 6 line method ?


long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score
Hi pg,

Thank you for the feedback. My Internet was down for a week....

There are many Chinese website who will layout six line hexagram. That site is the best. You can use date, numbers etc to set the hexagram.

Reason: it gives the five elements relationship to the reading.

Theory development: I develop new theory that connects the time of reading to the outcome of events. Examples of those are romance, stock value, sometimes examination, how to resolve any argument etc.

There is no intrepretion on six line on the web. It is one of those Chinese "dark secret". There is no systematic way of explanation. So called "masters" do not know how to teach and perhaps do not even know all the theory themselves.

For example, Iching can predict weather, but I prefer to use the Internet weather report instead.

There are no English resources. I have struggled to try to translate the six line into English and build a database, and develop a logical template. So far, I have failed because I am not an IS or IT person.

Yes, I will build a website. I have no time. Two nights ago, I received 8 query globally. I spent 2 hrs helping these poor folks to resolve their problem and give them answers. It is always free.

Very happy to know you and your interest in English 6 line method.

I am still trying to develop a systematic, scientific method to decode the six line reading for every learner than using my experience.

Romance prediction is always accurate if the two folks are identified. Stock market for blue chips: pretty good (not for day trading). If I build the site, I will focus on these two areas first.

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