...life can be translucent

shock 51 to the traveler 56


Sep 3, 2008
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Hi everyone, I'm new :)

I asked the I Ching whether I should pursue a relationship with an ex, and it said -


51. Shock

Line 1:

A shock comes, fright, fright!
Afterwards there is laughing and talking, ha, ha.
Good fortune.

Although one is alarmed by something shocking, there is no real harm done, and things go well. One might even look back and make fun of it.

Line 3:

A shock, alert, alert!
Be startled into action, without blundering.

Being shocked and alerted. One needs to take immediate action, and not make mistakes.

Line 6:

Shocks, recover, recover!
Looking, wide-eyed, wide-eyed!
Undertakings bring misfortune.
The shocks are not in one's body,
but are in one's neighborhood.
There is no blame in the love marriage.
Have talks.

There are shocks in one's vicinity, but they don't hit oneself. It is natural to be scared and watch out for further trouble. One does need to recover from this. It is not yet the right time to start undertaking things, things aren't safe yet. One shouldn't blame people who are near, everyone is just disoriented. It is good to discuss the situation.

Hexagram is changing to:

56. The Traveler

The traveler.
Somewhat progressing.
The traveler persists.
Good fortune.

One is not at home, being a stranger. There is no quick progress. One needs to keep traveling in order to get somewhere. Things go well.


Would anyone like to help me understand this? It's weird how I've received Shock three times when asking questions about this man, including whether he is interested in me. Plus, I've also received the Traveler at least one other time, maybe three total, regarding him.

Thanks so much!

Sue (let me know if you need more info about my history with this person)

dobro p

May 19, 1972
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When you draw 51, it signifies a shock or a rousing stirring up. That's what this guy means to your life right now. The important thing is not the shock, but maintaining your spiritual orientation throughout the shock. For instance, say your mind suddenly becomes angry or afraid - can you give the emotion one part of your attention while keeping another part of your attention on your highest values so that you don't just react? In this way, the emotion can power your consciousness to higher levels, cuz you're not spending the energy in kneejerk reactions. So, the Yi doesn't seem to be saying to pursue or not pursue the r'ship with the guy, but rather it's saying IF you pursue it, here's what to expect.

The individual lines aren't particularly worrying or exciting.

The relating hex is 56, which talks about traversing new territory for you, or being like a stranger who's just passing through, with no rights or privileges. In the context of a relationship question, this seems to indicate a temporary state of affairs between you.

Summary: getting together with him means a shock that you have to deal with, and a temporary state of affairs. "First it's 'wow', then it's just passing through, sweetie."


Jun 18, 2006
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I asked the I Ching whether I should pursue a relationship with an ex, and it said -

It would be advisable for you not to pursue this relationship.


Sep 3, 2008
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thank you both

for your replies. This has been hard to deal with as our past is complex. Blessings to you both.



Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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I get a lot out of looking at the sequence of the hexagrams.
Hexagram 50. advises that one consolidates one's fate by making their position correct. I see this as saying that if you put yourself in position to have something good happen then something good will happen. Then 51. Shock comes along and you realize how far away you are and all you have to do to actually be in that position.

To apply this to a love interest:
50. The original sense that you and this man could have something good together.
51. All the issues that need to be resolved and dissolved that stand between you.
52. Shutting out all the outside influences, people, petty complaints, that distract you from your intention.
53. Gradual progress in your getting re-acquainted.
54. Recognizing the things that cannot be changed. Can you live with them?
55. Only YOU can decide.
56. Then you will either move forward together or move on alone.

Bottom line: 51. is saying you have an opportunity here to look again at this friendship and dissolve the misunderstandings that separated you in the past. Then from this clearer understanding you will have a chance to move forward. Whether that means moving forward together or moving on alone will depend on your ability to to live with 53. gradual progress and not 54. push past, ignore, issues that are real.

I don't think it's a very optimistic reading, but it may indicate that you have an opportunity to revisit this friendship and understand more consciously why you were attracted to this man and why you broke up and thus be able to move on this time with clarity.

Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, is at the last degrees of Sagittarius this fall. It offers an opportunity to review old friendships and decide which to release and which to revive. It is "retrograde" meaning it appears to be moving backwards just now and this can indicate plans discussed at this time may not be activated. Pluto will turn direct September 8 -9. You may find that after this date you will feel more clear about your direction.
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