...life can be translucent


Should I audition?


Sep 10, 2007
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Hey guys,

I have been invited to attend an audition in 2 days' time . . it would mean a long journey and fierce competition. I attended a similar audition last year and came so close to being successful but was just pipped to the post.The whole audition process is very demanding and is done in stages. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis almost 2 years ago and thankfully my limbs are not affected (and I hope they never will be!)as my particular strain of MS is all sensory, with particular emphasis on my eyes. Stress is a real trigger though so it would really have to be worth my while to put myself in the firing line as it were.

I have asked several questions relating to attending the audition and although I think the answers are prompting me to go I could really do with a second opinion. Here goes:-

"What will I gain from going to the audition?"
Hex 29 unchanging

"What is the liklihood of me getting through if I attend the audition?"
Hex changing to 15

"Should I go to the audition?"
Hex 48.2.6 changing to 53

"How will I be received by the team conducting the audition?"
Hex 57.1.4 changing to 1

"If I am successful in getting through, how will it effect my life?"
Hex 9.1.3 changing to 59

They all seem pretty positive except for the second line of 48 unless that relates to my audition last year where I just missed getting through and possibly line 6 relates to success this time?? Also, I don't like hex 9 as it usually relates to "not much" . . .

I would be so grateful for some urgent advice!

Warmest Wishes


Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
Hi There

I think maybe you should just start from the first step "Should I go to the audition?"
Hex 48.2.6 changing to 53

I think the yi maybe saying in line 2, you might have some talent but if you stay home how will u know & line 6 is saying go for it the audition is for everyone there is no reason you shouldnt go.

53 I think in this context the oracle is saying take it one step at a time, see what happens

Good luck



Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Hey guys,

I have been invited to attend an audition in 2 days' time . . it would mean a long journey and fierce competition. I attended a similar audition last year and came so close to being successful but was just pipped to the post.The whole audition process is very demanding and is done in stages. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis almost 2 years ago and thankfully my limbs are not affected (and I hope they never will be!)as my particular strain of MS is all sensory, with particular emphasis on my eyes. Stress is a real trigger though so it would really have to be worth my while to put myself in the firing line as it were.

I have asked several questions relating to attending the audition and although I think the answers are prompting me to go I could really do with a second opinion. Here goes:-

"What will I gain from going to the audition?"
Hex 29 unchanging

"What is the liklihood of me getting through if I attend the audition?"
Hex changing to 15

"Should I go to the audition?"
Hex 48.2.6 changing to 53

"How will I be received by the team conducting the audition?"
Hex 57.1.4 changing to 1

"If I am successful in getting through, how will it effect my life?"
Hex 9.1.3 changing to 59

They all seem pretty positive except for the second line of 48 unless that relates to my audition last year where I just missed getting through and possibly line 6 relates to success this time?? Also, I don't like hex 9 as it usually relates to "not much" . . .

I would be so grateful for some urgent advice!

Warmest Wishes

The 29 makes me think theres nothing predetemined here. Its a risk you take, a competition, not yet known who will win cos you haven't done it yet and you can't rely on winning beforehand. Looks like your chances are good as anyones to me (14>15)

Going to the audition ? 48,2 is about waste IMO, letting things slip through the net, well it could be this opportunity you let through the net if you don't go..BUT I also might take it that you might do well to polish your performance a little, don't lose out through small
errors. 48.2 can signify a need for containment of the valuable resource..which is in this case your talent. Maybe you should take care to conserve your energies beforehand, don't fritter any unecessary energy on other things if tiredness may cause you to make small errors injudgment re the performance. You probably need a good deal of concentrated energy for this. 48.6 says you have that energy and 48.2 says to me guard it, don't let it leak out.

With regard to your illness its worth giving some thought to how much this will tire you. My instinct is to encourage you to have a go, like Steve said if you don't try you won't know. On the other hand both the 29 and the 48.2 suggest this is a demand on you..so equally I don't think you should beat yourself up if you choose not to go..and if you do go watch those energy and concentration levels. 29 suggests you'll need them...but 14>15 suggests you have the talent so ...

the last 2 questions are sort of drifting out into the realm of the unknowable or rather they are further out from your main enquiry so I wouldn't worry about those. Also I'm too tired to think about those ;)

Good luck :) Please let us know what happens


Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
Thank you so much for taking the time and trouble Steve and Trojan for replying to my thread . . I think I will go to the audition and see where it takes me . . after all if I don't go then I will never know. I am a huge believer in universal synergy and there have been a number of little signs prompting me to go . .

I will definitely keep you informed guys and thanks again!

Warmest Wishes
Claire x x x


Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys . . just wanted to give you an update . . .

I attended today's auditions and was successful in getting through the first stages. As a result, I have been asked to attend the second stage of the auditions tomorrow. It was sooooo tiring!

I wanted to check in with you guys to hear your words of wisdom with regard to 3 more readings which I cast this evening . . .

"How did I do today at the auditions?"
Hes changing to hex 11

"How will I benefit from going back to the audition tomorrow?"
Hex 34 unchanging (whenever I get 34 nothing much happens . . perhaps behind the scenes but not noticeably anyway.

"Should I go?"
Hex 51.2.3 to hex 34

I would be soooo grateful for your comments! Although I don't have much time as I will have to leave early in the morning - lol . .

Warmest Wishes


Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
Thats Good News

Cheers for the feed back glad to know we were accurate


Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
You're welcome Steve . . thank YOU for your input!

So any thoughts on the other readings I got? Really strange that I received hex 29 again don't you think? But this time I got moving lines . . My own interpretation of line 2 in hex 51 was that the Yi may have been referring to me losing out last time I auditioned . . ??

When I came back from my second day of auditions on Sunday I asked how well I did and got hex 14 unchanging. Hex 14 is one of my favourite hexagrams and one I don't get that often . . I read it as positive.

And finally I asked what to expect next from the team who conducted the auditions and I got 573.4 changing to 6 . . I am a bit confused about this reading although line 4 is positive.

Would be very grateful for your thoughts . . .

Warmest Wishes


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Have a look at the thread "Is it time to move ?" ( i think its about 5th down the list) I really liked Dobros take on 29 in that thread.

Theres no way 29 is a walk in the park ! But you have 11 as relating hexagram so theres quite a strong current flowing through this whole situation..i mean beyond your personal energies and wishes theres a greater flow that carries you here into/through this danger.

Re 57.3.4>6 I'm wondering if they are disagreeing amongst themselves in who to choose. I'm saying that cos of the 57.3,(and the 6) I'm wondering if they'll ask you to repeat things you already did.

I think you are being quite a dare devil here, quite brave. I really can't predict if you'll make it or not but anyway i think it must be an enriching experience (14)...

Remember to tell us what happens !
Last edited:


Sep 10, 2007
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Yes . . thank you Trojan for directing me to Dobro's take on 29 - it felt very appropriate.

It's strange isn't it that I got 29 twice, 57 twice and 14 twice . . . and they are actually 3 hexagrams that I rarely get!

I will certainly keep you informed of the outcome although it can be quite a lengthy process.

Thanks again for your wonderful interpretations!

Warmest Wishes

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