...life can be translucent

Should I do a yoga teacher training in India or just go to India and do my own thing?


Jun 19, 2014
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I have been wanting to do a yoga teacher training for ages in India.

So I have booked onto this training starting start of Jan. It's the same one I was meant to do 2 years ago and I lost my deposit for it as something came up for work, so this time they wavered the deposit.

So on paper it seems like this is something I should do now the opportunity has arisen again, but something doesn't feel right, I can't put my finger on what it is. So ignoring these feelings of doubt I've been having, my mind keeps telling me to stop being stupid, but something keeps telling me, no just go to India and do my own thing. I feel like I'm letting the company down if I don't do the ttc and possibly letting myself down as well, though feel a sense of relief when I think I am not going to do it...(and can actually go back to sleep if I have wokenup feeling stressed about it)

What to do...?

I asked the I Ching:

1. For doing the TTC, would it be in my best and highest interest to do it?
I got 20.6

2. I asked for the I Ching for a hexagram for not doing the teacher training, and going to India with an open plan. and got: 12.1.5

It's worth noting that I keep pushing myself to make a decision and do it, my mind says yes just do it, but my feelings say no, to the point where I wakeup early feeling stressed: is this anxiety or instinct?

I then asked there questions referring to the things that are blocking me:

1. Are these feelings just anxiety that I should ignore or instinct? Hex 50.4

2. How is money an issue in regards to doing this TTC?(as I am worried it is too expensive when I am not even sure if I want to finally be a yoga teacher and am doing it for my self-development more

Hex 46.5

3. I asked: is this the right type of teacher training for me? 5.5

4. Is it the right time to do this ttc? 62.1

5. There is someone in Goa I don't want to cross paths with, which is where the TTC, how is this blocking me? 15.6

I know this is a bit of a long winded set of questions, the training is £2000 so it's important I don't do it I suppose if it does feel right, but in a lot of ways I do really want to do it! Any advice on reading much appreciated! Thanks
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Jun 19, 2014
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It seems to be saying it's the wrong time? 62.1 And that I am not in the right state of mind 50.4

and that I should withdraw and for the time being 12.1.5.

But if there is anybody that has a positive slant on this i.e. 20.6 to 8 (would that be saying to something about letting go of the ego and joining with others to do yoga?) Would be interested in hearing it. (Or just a different idea, doesn't have to be positive of course).

Thanks :)


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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No. I have scanned these briefly as you have been waiting a while to be answered. These casts are definitely advising you to put the training off. I will go through them but just wanted to post quickly.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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So on paper it seems like this is something I should do now the opportunity has arisen again, but something doesn't feel right, I can't put my finger on what it is. So ignoring these feelings of doubt I've been having, my mind keeps telling me to stop being stupid, but something keeps telling me, no just go to India and do my own thing. I feel like I'm letting the company down if I don't do the ttc and possibly letting myself down as well, though feel a sense of relief when I think I am not going to do it...(and can actually go back to sleep if I have wokenup feeling stressed about it)

What to do...?

Well I see it that the I Ching agrees with your intuition here. Something isn't right. You already know that.

I asked the I Ching:

1. For doing the TTC, would it be in my best and highest interest to do it?
I got 20.6

It's giving the question back to you. And it asks you to have a good look at others paths. It is asking you to contemplate widely and deeply.

'Seeing their lives.
The noble one is without mistake' (Hilary's book)

I think this line asks you not just to look at your own path but the lives of those around who did similar things. What do you see ?

2. I asked for the I Ching for a hexagram for not doing the teacher training, and going to India with an open plan. and got: 12.1.5

So the usual way to write this here would be to show the relating hexagram so it it would be 12.1.5>21. (people are less likely to respond if they have to work the relating hexagram out for themselves)

Hmm not sure about this. Probably because I don't have a full view of your situation. I think it's up to you. This would be an exploratory trip (yang pattern 3, yin pattern 50) and you may make connections and discoveries that help you move forward. It's an open answer again.

It's worth noting that I keep pushing myself to make a decision and do it, my mind says yes just do it, but my feelings say no, to the point where I wakeup early feeling stressed: is this anxiety or instinct?

Instinct I think given the following casts

I then asked there questions referring to the things that are blocking me:

1. Are these feelings just anxiety that I should ignore or instinct? Hex 50.4

Mmmm no please don't ignore your instincts here. Trust your instincts. This line speaks of 'dignity soiled' and it's a warning line of being subject to carelessness from others or one's own carelessness that spoils things...especially dignity ! I can't know specifically what the danger is here but I wonder how much respect may be shown to you in this. Line 4 says the stew is spilt and the Prince's dignity is soiled. Often this line will show up when others do not treat you well, respect you..money can be wasted, perhaps promises not honoured. In any case no this is not just anxiety...this concern is real. It is costing money....erm ...

2. How is money an issue in regards to doing this TTC?(as I am worried it is too expensive when I am not even sure if I want to finally be a yoga teacher and am doing it for my self-development more

Hex 46.5

Well 46.5 says development must proceed step by step. Self development doesn't happen through paying lots of money for courses. Self development happens through living life. It seems to me the cast might favour going to India or travelling...development at a steady pace.

3. I asked: is this the right type of teacher training for me? 5.5

No. It's clear you need to relax, eat, drink, enjoy yourself and wait. The right thing for you will turn up in time but this isn't it. But this answer is saying you must not worry meantime if you don't know what to do. Instead you must be confident that the way forward will come...meanwhile relax and bide your time.

4. Is it the right time to do this ttc? 62.1

No ! Absolutely not ! This is funny because it is like Yi started off with patient answers but it is getting more and more emphatic ! No...do not do this ttc ! Do you hear me !!!! (says Yi) Here Yi shows you as a little bird in danger through flying too high.

5. There is someone in Goa I don't want to cross paths with, which is where the TTC, how is this blocking me? 15.6

Mmm I don't think it blocks you. I think 15.6 says you will go where you need to go and will not be blocked. It's just right now this ttc is not the right thing for you at all.

I know this is a bit of a long winded set of questions, the training is £2000 so it's important I don't do it I suppose if it does feel right, but in a lot of ways I do really want to do it! Any advice on reading much appreciated! Thanks

Well others may differ but my view is that these are clear answers that your gut feeling is right and no you should not do this course....


Jun 19, 2014
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Hi thanks for the great feedback. I have been mulling over the answers and how I feel.
I think the clearest answer is 62.1 and it is not the right time. I do feel my anxiety has a lot to play in this and it's just a lot for me to take on (getting there, packing up my room as have sub-let it for 3 months as well as celebrating xmas just before i leave). But then since I last wrote I have booked my flights, with the date and location of the teacher training; because I was undecided, and needed to book my flights as prices were going up. Because I will be there at the right time for the course, I almost feel like I might as well do the course, but still feel slight anxiety, although more prepared and focused to just do it. So I asked again about doing the course since I have now booked my flights and got:
26.2 to 22 (seems to be still advising me to not do it) . Either re-enforcing a strong 'No' or possibly saying to retreat (retreat being to retreat to the course/ submit to it)...
I also asked about calling off the TTC, and doing my own thing again and got: 35.4 maybe I will feel bad about calling it off and it will not be a good start or karma to cancel at the last minute.

However I will be in India for 3 months and potentially I could see if I could postpone the teacher training, as they have another course running in March (which is only 3 weeks and so a little cheaper although in the North of India), again not 100 percent sure bout this but could work and would mean be transferring my place instead of completely cancelling on them. So I also asked about postponing the course till march and doing it in North India with the same company and got: 45.5 to 16...(looks kinda promising though will be a bit of a mission getting to North India).

(I know it's not great t keep asking the same questions, but a few days have passed so feel a bit different :))


Jun 19, 2014
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I was thinking of phoning up the yoga teacher and speaking about my reservations, and finding out as much as I can bout the training. I got 29 to 7...


Please watch the movie Kumare before you do anything else - Trojina is absolutely correct - noone can teach you how to become enlightened - it comes from within. - Liss


Jun 19, 2014
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Yea I'm not hoping to be enlightened, but I see wat your saying :) (yoga is one of my passions...am a bit of a yoga geek)...it just feels wrong this time....not sure why :/


I'm not going to agree or disagree with what's been said, I can see where these ideas come from on both sides. The problem as I see it here is the premise that you have placed "should" as the deciding factor: "Should I do a yoga teacher training in India or just go to India and do my own thing?" As I see it, this throws a wrench into the gears, and so you wind up dealing with the damage control rather than your levels of gratification, and this effects every question and every answer. Further, by stacking question on uncertain question you create a labyrinth which confuses rather than clarifies a productive path to follow, which must come from you, not from the IC. As you no doubt know, the Sanskrit for yoga means unity or yoke, similar in meaning to gua 11. Rather than Yi's answers uniting your resolve one way or another, they seem to pull you apart, divide your direction rather than unify it. This seems counterproductive to your goals. But while on the subject of goals, do you fully understand what you would like to achieve through your yoga study and certification in India? What would you gain there that couldn't be gained in your homeland from a qualified master or school which can certify instructors? Is it prestige, credibility, or are you quite sure you would receive better qualified training only in India? And, might you enjoy your trip to India more as a freewheeling visitor, allowing influences to meet you there rather than you going to meet pre-chosen influences? This is what I am perceiving from your words here. If you visit ashrams you may find yourself being led to instructions and may pick up on wisdom which may pass you by through a formal pre-established yoga school commitment, plus save yourself a couple of grand as well.

All these removing of wagon axles and tipping over caldrons onto the prince may be products of your own clumsiness and lack of confidence in your decision and direction. Your stop and go movements are bound to cause confusion and perhaps undesirable collisions.

I see nothing wrong with further fact finding with the yoga teacher and speaking about reservations, and finding out as much as I can about the training. 29-7 (line 5) is not a bad omen. It may help to stabilize your position, and if the teacher is a real teacher, he or she should offer wise advice. If instead you receive a sales pitch, well that tells you something too. Don't take on more, just stabilize that which you've taken on. Be led but don't be pushed.

Best wishes on your decisions and journey.


Apr 21, 2010
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I wonder if the feeling of anxiety is the contents of the Cauldron, spilled on oneself. I'm not sure what the contents are, but surely they would be better off inside the pot and on a stable basis. (That may be a way of saying, secure on your own feet, containing emotions and thoughts. Not running after external treasures, but holding and protecting what you contain. It may also be that the contents of the pot of cooking.)

20.6 - 8 can be saying examine your own life. There is someone inside who knows what to do. Listen to that one. I learned last night that the word "bishop" comes from a Greek work, episkopos, meaning Overseer (20 is sometimes called Overseeing). I know it's a different culture and time, but the image of a bishop or shepherd who sees from a higher vantage point and can guide the way does apply to 20, I think. And line 6 may be saying, look at your own life from a higher point of view. What would you want for yourself if you were seeing from above?


Jun 19, 2014
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Hi, Sooolist. Just wanted to say thanks for the interesting feedback. Yes I agree there is no should or shouldn't and to think of questions in that way doesn't always help any situation..

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