...life can be translucent


States Reopening: 64.1.4 to 41, 51.1.4 to 2, and 19 uc


Oct 26, 2018
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There are states reopening without a plan, leading to another spike in COVID-19 infections.

When will we expect the next wave of COVID-19? 64.1.4 Not Yet Across (Before Completion) to 41 Decreasing.
Hex 64: Not yet across, creating success. The small fox, almost across, Soaks its tail: No direction bears fruit. (Oracle) Fire dwells above stream: Not Yet Across. A noble one carefully differentiates between beings, so each finds its place. (Image)
Line 1: Soaking your tail, Shame.
Line 4: Constancy, good fortune, regrets vanish. The Thunderer uses this to attack the Demon Country. Three years go round, and there are rewards in the great city.
Hex 41: Decreasing: there is truth and confidence. From the source, good fortune. Not a mistake, there can be constancy. Fruitful to have a direction to go. How to use this? Two simple baskets may be used for the offering. (Oracle) Below the mountain is the lake: Decreasing. A noble one curbs anger and restrains desires. (Image)
64.1=The virus will not go anywhere.
64.4=The virus will be controlled for some time.
41=There will be no second wave due to the virus being less deadly.

When will there be a successful vaccination? 51.1.4 Shock (The Arrousing, Thunder) to 2 Earth (The Receptive).
Hex 51: Shock, creating success. Shock comes, fear and terror. Laughing words, shrieking and yelling. Shock spreads fear for a hundred miles. Someone does not lose the sacred ladle and libation. (Oracle) Rolling thunder: Shock. A noble one in fear and dread sets things in order and is watchful. (Image)
Line 1: Shock comes, fear and terror. Then afterwards, laughing words, shrieking and yelling. Good fortune.
Line 4: Shock, and then a bog.
Hex 2: Earth. From the source, creating success. The constancy of a mare bears fruit. A noble one has a direction to go. At first, confusion. Later, gains a master. Fruitful in the southwest, gaining partners. In the northeast, losing partners. Peaceful constancy brings good fortune. (Oracle) Power of the land: Earth. A noble one, with generous character, carries all the beings. (Image)
51.1=People will be afraid of the vaccination but will be happy.
51.4=There will be smokescreens regarding the vaccination.
2=The vaccination will help people to be immune and the infected to heal better.

When will people be able to work and go on with their lives? 19 uc Nearing (Approach).
Nearing. Creating success from the source, constancy bears fruit. Reaching an end in the eighth month means a pitfall. (Oracle) Above the lake is earth: Nearing. A noble one teaches and reflects untiringly, Accepts and protects the people without limit. (Image)
Will it be soon, where the governments makes mandates for people to follow?

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