...life can be translucent


Taking Long yi and rosada's advice Hex 19 un



Long yi suggested I could be more open in sharing part of myself with (potential) employers and rosada suggested it may be good to try a different direction in seeking employment.....I received an email of a employer I interviewed with and really wanted the job with, telling me we'd have loved to offer you the job but things changed and the job is no longer available. I know a little bit of why the job is no longer available and have decided to write to the executives of the organisation with some suggestions of making the particular centre where the job is more viable......Being the Hierarchy of the organisation their email addresses aren't easily accessible but I've worked out potentially what the email addresses could be. My question is 'Show me a picture of these being the correct email addresses' Hexagram 19 unchanging.....I read this as maybe not answering my question but showing me to make use of this opportunity of sending the email to them.....Hexagram 19 is Titled Nearing/Persuasion amongst other names - it sounds really good to me.

long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score
起卦时间:2019年03月29日17时41分 Hexagram 19 parameters
神煞:天乙—子申 福星—丑亥 日禄—卯 羊刃—寅 驿马—亥 桃花—午 华盖—丑
干支:己亥年 丁卯月 乙丑日 乙酉时
旬空:辰巳  戌亥  戌亥  午未

六神  伏神    坤宫:地泽临 
         【本 卦】
玄武       ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙癸酉金  
白虎       ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财癸亥水 应
滕蛇       ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟癸丑土  
勾陈       ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟丁丑土  
朱雀       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼丁卯木 世
青龙       ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母丁巳火  

Without looking at the hexagram, I recommend not to contact the employer because any company who interview someone and cancel the job opening is not a good employer because their headcount situation is bad.

If an employer is seriously interested, they will contact you again. If not, you will not hear from them. If the CEO is interested in you as a career person, the recruitment officer in senior capacity will refer you to someone else in another company to hire you. This is from my experience seeing applicants being rejected.

I have seen job applicants being politely rejected because he is not suitable, but the CEO granted the applicant 30 min teleconference. In that phone conversation, he told the applicant (new graduate) to work towards a total compensation of US$160K after improving himself. He also advised the young applicant to have a real plan for improving the profile. In less than 4 years, the same applicant now has changed jobs 3 times and reached a total compensation of $145K.

In another situation, another applicant was rejected because the hiring officer VP and CEO had a big fight. Instead, the applicant was told to contact so and so in another organization. The other company made the offer, but a lesser offer to please his peers. This is the real world. The applicant finds another job.

In your case, do not bother because it decreases you bargaining power. You do not fight for a rejected job. Else, it is an attempt to change destiny which is not for you.

Now you reading, September is the worst. The host line is white tiger 19.5 with ying line wife hai water which is the day void and month void. The hiring officers (managers and directors) both rejected your application because hai water is void.

Job offer is 19.1 si fire which is year void, meaning no job available. Line 3 and 4 are outer and inner door with the brother third party chou earth who blocks your application. They rejected you.

19.2 officer is the career line mao wood which is supported by the director of the group, but he has no money to spend on another job opening.

Hai water is the movement line. Move on to look for another job. You will find if you seek. It will be awhile.
This company is also concerned whether you fit in well. Hai water is the month of November.

Line 2 is yang line and line 5 is ying line. Both are in the improper position. Let it go. You cannot change things at present.


Thanks Long Yi........this was the reason I wasn't given the job......'19.2 officer is the career line mao wood which is supported by the director of the group, but he has no money to spend on another job opening'. The Director is also losing her job as they are closing the centre down.

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