...life can be translucent


The Nature of Things in my life Right Now


Dec 14, 2013
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I have come to the conclusion that it may be better to have someone else do readings for me, as I may project false hope into the reading or otherwise read it incorrectly. And I don't have any friends who are really into the I ching

So, I wanted to know if one or two of you would be willing to ask and do reading on a couple questions for me.

There is a person who was in my life, that I wouldn't be alive without her. When I was at my worst, most suicidal point in life, this person stepped in to cheer me up, and somehow it made everything ok, not in a sense it healed me or saved me, but I no longer felt that way. And I have been there for her in a similar situation. However, she has put me through some things in the last year that are just shocking, basically treating me like I was completely worthless and disposable to her as a friend. Me, I just want to be friends with the person who was there for me at my worst, but I'm starting to give up on even that.

First question, what is the connection here, or what is there between us(if anything)?

And meanwhile, in my life right now, I just feel lost and directionless. I've felt lost before, but in kind of a painful way that made me feel alive, as I was still questioning and thinking about things. This time I just feel empty about it, like everything is pointless....

Second question, is there somewhere for me to go?


Jun 3, 2006
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What is there between us? - 59
1.1Your friend was there for you at the beginning of a very scary cycle in your life - like someone who befriended you on the first day of school.
1.3 Your friend helped you get your bearings.
1.4 Now it's time for you to move on, to fly on your own. You are uncertain and don't trust your instincts yet.
59. While it appears your friend has turned against you, I think this hexagram is saying that it's simply time for you to disperse, let go of what was a supportive connection but is now in danger of becoming an unhealthy dependency. She is manifesting as your inner Mama Bird and kicking you out of the nest.

Is there somewhere for me to go?
42.2 - 61.
Uh..I don't like yes or no questions but I sure see this as a YES!

By the way, the bachflower essence Wild Rose is for making you aware of new opportunities and adventures. You might also get benefit from studying the lines of hexagram 12. Standstill for guidance for getting your life re-activated. Don't worry about understanding or relating to the lines - just read them and let your subconscious figure them out and then manifest.
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Dec 14, 2013
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Is there somewhere to go? wasn't really intended as a yes/no question, more of a what to do / where to look


Jun 3, 2006
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Opps, sorry! I guess I was just so blown away that I, who have been so vocal here about the impossibility of answering a yes-or-no question with the I Ching, should receive what I think to be such a clear and strong "YES! " - well, it didn't occur to me look for further guidance from the answer.

I think 42.2 - 61 encourages you to intentionally create your next life. The former relationship was like an entire lifetime and now it is changing so much it's almost as if you are experiencing a death. It's as if you are between lifetimes now, you are beyond the reach of karma or predictions and can more easily discard old restrictions and now intentionally choose what you want your future life to be. Like clean out your refridge of everything weird and then go to the grocery store and buy only the healthiest food. In making choices, creating, you will strengthen your instincts, your 61.Inner Knowing, which has been knocked off balance recently.

Anything you can do right now to get your attention out of your emotional center while it's re calibrating would probably be good. Like throw yourself into your work or do math problems.

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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What should kf seek/do/or go to?
61- 4 5 6 (54)

line 4: there is someone/s that you should break away from to go on your own or better path. their path is not yours. (present or past)
line 5: be authentic and true to your self.
not the ideas of who you are, but who you are and what you do naturally. not any role or mantle you may have picked up.
line 6: I wonder who is the crowing cock here? is it you, or someone in your life (in the past even?)

line 4 may be the best hint to start with.

Does this ring any bells?

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