...life can be translucent

The next move


Feb 15, 2010
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Hi Everyone,

I hope you're enjoying the spring. The blooming is so beautiful!

Some of you may be aware of my situation, but here's a quick recap:
*My current job doesn't pay me enough, they don't pay me on time, I love it, it's what I want to do as a day job, but the fact of the matter is, I need to move on, 'cause I can't be poor anymore and I need to grow up and add to my coffers.
*I'm looking for other jobs within the same industry. Have gone on interviews in the past, but, although I'm qualified, I never got the job.
*I'm writing a lot of fiction. Got published a few years ago in a tiny magazine, but I'm much more passionate and proactive about it now, actively revising and submitting my work to lit mags. Writing fiction is what I REALLY want to do, deep down on the soul level, and what I've always wanted to do since I could retain a thought.

I asked the I Ching if I should tender my resignation at the job I'm currently working on within the next two weeks and start looking for temp work. I got 33 unchanging. Should I retreat from the thought of going the temp route or should I retreat from the job I'm working at right now? I took it as don't make a move right now and make a strategic retreat, so lay back and formulate the plan, but don't act on the plan yet.

I asked the I Ching what the likelihood of getting another job in my industry was? Like, the jobs I'm applying for and interviewing for? I got 29.3 to 48. Seriously, every time I ask the I Ching questions regarding working in my industry, doing what I currently do, I get "Danger". Oh great! That just indicates to me nothing but failure.

So then I asked, what is the likelihood that my fiction writing career will jump off/begin this year due to the fact that my work will be published? I got 25.4 to 42. WHOA. I'm totally approaching this with innocence, as this is a lifelong dream, and only super lucky people get to do what they deep down want to do in their lives, so getting published is NOT concrete, it would be a dream come true, and I'm not expecting to get published at all. I'd LIKE to, but it's not in stone in my mind. And then the relating hexagram is "Benefit/Increase"? GOSH, what could that mean? Another uncanny thing is that the I Ching has been REALLY supportive of ALL of my writing related questions this year. Lots of 1s, 22s, 63s, 51s, 55s, 58s, I mean, all complex, but really positive stuff. The changing line, is like "listen to your instincts" and 25 is all about listening to the mandates of heaven, following your fate, letting destiny unfurl, wait for the surprises.

My final question, which was spurred by some weird inner need to ask it, was: "So what do I do until then?" "Then" being reaching my ultimate dream of actually being able to be a writer for a living, that I WISH would happen, but that I'm not BANKING on, 'cause it's a total dream. And I got: to 14. Hexa 62 is all about handling details, keeping your head to the ground, being practical and then 14 is "Sovereignty/Possession in Great Measure". OH MY GOODNESS, how should I possibly read this? I mean, those changing lines, at least according to my super negative I Ching book, say:
62.1 "If you are considering an extraordinary plan, forget it."
62.2 "Use whatever common affiliations you have with others to bring you into a secure position."
62.6 "Your ambitions may be too great. In an aggressive attempt to reach an unrealistic goal you will meet with disaster."

But then it changes into "Sovereignty/Possession in Great Measure"?! Those lines suggest this whole writing dream is a delusion, so is the relating hexagram my delusion, my ultimate dream, and do I need to dispel this thought or is the relating hexagram the outcome of small efforts?


So, as always, this was way too much information. Thank you for reading and please forgive me for rambling. I would really appreciate your thoughts. Much love x


Jun 18, 2006
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I asked the I Ching if I should tender my resignation at the job I'm currently working on within the next two weeks and start looking for temp work. I got 33 unchanging.

***The question was about whether to resign or not, and the answer is no, not at the moment. If you resign in a hurry, it looks like you are just doing a runner, leaving needs planning and a destination. By all means look for temp work but do it while you are still employed as I don't think you are eligible for state handouts.

I asked the I Ching what the likelihood of getting another job in my industry was? Like, the jobs I'm applying for and interviewing for? I got 29.3 to 48.

***At the moment, very difficult.

So then I asked, what is the likelihood that my fiction writing career will jump off/begin this year due to the fact that my work will be published? I got 25.4 to 42.

***Line 25.4 indicates the need to persevere, therefore suggesting the probability that fame and fortune will elude you for yet another year. But in the meantime, you keep writing and perfecting what you have already written, as it suggests that your work needs to be revised before you hit the publishers.

My final question, which was spurred by some weird inner need to ask it, was: "So what do I do until then?" "Then" being reaching my ultimate dream of actually being able to be a writer for a living, that I WISH would happen, but that I'm not BANKING on, 'cause it's a total dream. And I got: to 14.

***This suggests the need to carry on much as you are now, working while you wait, as you cannot force the book issue on people, you can only keep plugging away until someone "notices" your writing.


Feb 15, 2010
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I asked the I Ching if I should tender my resignation at the job I'm currently working on within the next two weeks and start looking for temp work. I got 33 unchanging.

***The question was about whether to resign or not, and the answer is no, not at the moment. If you resign in a hurry, it looks like you are just doing a runner, leaving needs planning and a destination. By all means look for temp work but do it while you are still employed as I don't think you are eligible for state handouts.

I asked the I Ching what the likelihood of getting another job in my industry was? Like, the jobs I'm applying for and interviewing for? I got 29.3 to 48.

***At the moment, very difficult.

So then I asked, what is the likelihood that my fiction writing career will jump off/begin this year due to the fact that my work will be published? I got 25.4 to 42.

***Line 25.4 indicates the need to persevere, therefore suggesting the probability that fame and fortune will elude you for yet another year. But in the meantime, you keep writing and perfecting what you have already written, as it suggests that your work needs to be revised before you hit the publishers.

My final question, which was spurred by some weird inner need to ask it, was: "So what do I do until then?" "Then" being reaching my ultimate dream of actually being able to be a writer for a living, that I WISH would happen, but that I'm not BANKING on, 'cause it's a total dream. And I got: to 14.

***This suggests the need to carry on much as you are now, working while you wait, as you cannot force the book issue on people, you can only keep plugging away until someone "notices" your writing.

Hi Willowfox,

Thank you. As always, your interpretations are right on and completely add another dimension to my casting. I really appreciate your help. I'll totally keep plugging away, revising and perfecting my work until someone "notices" my writing. In regards to quitting and finding temp work, my circumstances are in total alignment with your comments. I can't flee, I can only plan! My gosh, what an incredible reading Willow!

Have a glorious day! xx
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