...life can be translucent


to move or not to move?


Jan 8, 2007
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I have been contemplating a move from the town I live in for a long time. Last year I gave up my retail business here in the hope of relocating to a more lively place but I'm still here and feel stuck with few friends and little to do. Recently a planned move to new premises in another town which I know quite well fell through right at the last minute leaving me high and dry and almost despairing of ever getting out of here! I wondered about just putting my house on the market and moving there anyway and then wait and see if retail premises (or another opportunity) came up. Asking the Yi I got Hex 5. Lines 4 and 6 changing to Hex 1.
I am confused. Hex 5 is about Waiting. Line 4 speaks of 'Waiting in a bloody cave.' -about to be assailed and in danger. (Some commentaries on this line counsel doing nothing in this situation as nothing can be done.) Line 6 speaks of 'Falling into the pit.' in total despair and then watching for 'rescue' from an unexpected source. The second hexagram (1) probably refers to undeveloped potential-which is exactly how I feel at all levels.
Although ambiguous and unclear (to me) this reading would make me very wary of making such a move.
I then asked if I should put the house up for sale and move somewhere else (although I've no idea where .) I got Hex 28. Great heaviness. Something has to give!

Help on this vey welcome.
Dec 15, 2011
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According to Lise:

6 at 4: Waiting in the blood. Get out of the cave.
Don’t wait and stay in a place not fit for you. A bad place, a wrong mind-set, low company. It is often difficult to take the plunge, but if you don’t, you spoil your time, your mind, maybe even your life.
If everything is wrong, then how can a good thing come about?
(Changes to hex.43)

Above 6: Entering the cave. There are unexpected visitors. Three people come. Respect them. The end is auspicious.
The spirit can find what he waits for by shutting itself off from external influences, and by expecting the magical, the unconceivable. Then the miracle can enter, and bring a solution. So if you are at a loss, then just wait. Your mind has many realms you do not even know about.
(Changes to hex.9)

I think the Yi may be suggesting to change your mindset, don't do anything, a solution will present itself to you. Also, is interesting that line 6 mentions visitors. Perhaps there are some friends on the horizon where you are.


Dec 2, 2008
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Asking the Yi I got Hex 5. Lines 4 and 6 changing to Hex 1.
I am confused. ... I then asked if I should put the house up for sale and move somewhere else (although I've no idea where .) I got Hex 28. Great heaviness. Something has to give!

You don't have to sell your house. You are in a low state of energy and mind, and Yi is telling you to wait it out.

It's funny how betwixt and between you seem to be ... almost as if you are floating in a place that no longer exists for you in any real sense. Almost anything you might take on to do right now would be TOO MUCH.

In astrology, I hear that the planet of energy, Mars, has gone into retrograde motion and will not go direct until April 13. This affects different people in different ways, but in your case this would be a time to relax and just let things take their course, even though things are not going the way you want them to go.

The three uninvited guests in a pit: You may expect to receive a number of emails. Best to honor them, but at the same time do not treat these uninvited guests as if they have come to rescue you. Maybe they'll be writing to you hoping for some amelioration themselves. It's the exchange that counts; that makes the connection.
Last edited:


Oct 21, 2011
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"Should I put my house on the market, move, and wait until a retail location is available?"
The way out of your painful personal situation and sense of personal isolation is to gather your inner composure, just don't make a bad situation worse by aggravating your problems and doing something stupid. Is just moving going to really help you make more friends, improve your finances?

Other fortunate opportunities are going to present themselves, but they may may not look like what you would expect. Be open to people and avoid a cynical attitude, don't get depressed and close yourself off. Let the Universe come in and help you, give the Spirit room to manifest in your life.

changing to 1
Do something creative about your personal situation - I'm guessing about the sense of isolation, how can you spend more time with other people? This will bring you success. Go meet some people, dance, join a club, take a pottery class, go to Church or Temple, join a band or a Literary Club, do something new and meet some people.

"Should I put the house up for sale and just move somewhere else"?
28 unchanging
You do need to change your situation, and "it furthers you to have somewhere to go." This sounds like the old "are you running from something or to something?" idea to me. Where is it you want to go really, a new physical location where you still don't know anyone anymore than where you are? What change in your life are you really seeking? My advice, make a list of priorities, encompassing your social and business life, and make a plan to accomplish it. Have somewhere to go.


Jan 8, 2007
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Thanks for replying with interesting analysis giving me food for thought.
I'd like to comment on each.
Firstly re.comments from Dancing White Ferret on Hex.5 lines 4 and 6:
The quotes from Lise serve to underscore the apparently paradoxical advice - ie line 4 says 'get out of the cave' (although other commentaries like Wilhelm interpret quite differently) and line 6 says 'wait' (for rescue)
The Lise commentary on line 6 is very interesting in that I have recently been trying to work with the Law of Attraction idea. (In fact the recent opportunity which I explained fell through at the last moment had seemed like the perfect result which then left me feeling very disillusioned.) I guess I have to try to overcome this.
The description by Ginnie of me 'floating in a place that no longer exists for you in any real sense' is perfect! I have been 'waiting' (but not inactively) in this particular cave for quite some time. It sometimes feels like something in the place -town or house-is holding me here. Anyway, I guess I could wait a little longer..I'll look out for the emails!

The advice from 'lavalamp' feels very earthy and commonsense. In truth I have generally been very pro active since my kids grew up and left home but the 'seeds' I have planted never really bore fruit.Last year I got an injury doing yoga which has restricted a lot of my activities. Right now I feel rather like a tree stripped bare in winter as in the last year almost everything 'fell away'. I can live like this for a while but not indefinitely and this creates pressure.
I feel Hex. 28 really addressed that.
People have told me to 'leap into the void!' 'Trust!' (I am cautious by nature). The dilemma of 'when to act, when to keep still' seems fundamental to the philosophy of the Yi. I just wish these oracles were sometimes a little more explicit!
Anyhow, I guess the consensus is that I should hang fire for now and try to redevelop those positive thought patterns....


Dec 2, 2008
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I think so. And wait for energy that has some direction to re-emerge.

I am myself very familiar with that feeling of wanting to go but not having a destination.
Dec 15, 2011
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Sorry Orpheus, I should have explained my take in more detail, but I've been aiming for brevity. I'm usually long winded, and I think it can be confusing for people. If you look at cave as figurative for mindset, there is no contradiction. Get out of the mindset you are in, and into a new one, was what I read. Hope that clarifies:).


Dec 2, 2008
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The Bloody Cave

This has to be one of the most startling images in the whole I Ching.

And a real place, not just a mindset, is probably also at issue.

I tend to think of this as a place where a lot of bad or disappointing things have happened. A place where we have been quite unhappy.

We can actually be trapped inside, for example, if another person is physically standing between us and the door, barring our egress.

But we don't want to join any bloody battle to get out, but just leave after waiting cool-headed for a while. The line assures us that we shall emerge from the cave.


Jan 8, 2007
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to move or not to move

Your thoughts and counsel are much appreciated. (Even wondering if my three respondents to this thread could represent 'the three strangers' !) I imagine there may be one or two more Yi consultations before I finally emerge from this cave. I will let you know what happens. In the meantime, thank you so much.


Dec 2, 2008
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Didn't mean to be contradictory about whether 5.4 refers to a place or a mindset. It would be better to say it refers to a mindset about a place, how we feel about a place. Once in these threads that I can remember it also referred to a car someone had bought.

Even wondering if my three respondents to this thread could represent 'the three strangers' !

You got it!

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