...life can be translucent


Trump's Religious Statements: 64 uc


Oct 26, 2018
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For the past few days, I heard news of Trump saying he is the messiah or he is the king of Jews. From my friends, I heard that he is becoming delusional. From an online Tarot reader, she said that he knows he is hated.

What is up with Trump's religion statements? 64 uc Not Yet Across. In this case, where is he trying to reach? Can this be that he is trying to be a dictator?


Jun 3, 2006
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Have you read his actual tweets? He quoted someone else who was praising him. Pretty narcissistic to be sure, but he didn't actually say, "I am the messiah," or "I am king of the Jews." I think in this instance 64. Not Yet Across is a head's up that the commentators have not fairly reported his tweets, have not gotten his message across.
I may be wrong about this. Maybe he did tweet or say these things and I just haven't been able to find them. Has anyone found where he did say or tweet these things?


For the past few days, I heard ... Trump saying he is the messiah or he is the king of Jews .... that he is becoming delusional.

What is up with Trump's religion statements? 64 uc Not Yet Across. In this case, where is he trying to reach? Can this be that he is trying to be a dictator?
First, he did not say he was this, he was quoting someone else whom said this: Wayne Allyn Root -- a self-described ‘Jew turned evangelical Christian’ -- is an unhinged conspiracy theorist who believes the 2017 Las Vegas shooting was a ‘coordinated Muslim terror attack’ by ISIS and that George Soros paid actors to stage the ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville that included Nazi chants like ‘Jews will not replace us’. Which is not to say that Trump might still be crazy for tweeting this.

But again (and again and again and again ...), the conclusion you're drawing from the Yi is based solely on your own beliefs or desires, and not on what the Yi is saying. I'd expect that even you might be getting a bit weary of hearing your own voice by now, but I guess not .... :duh:

The Oracle's words are:

Not Yet Complete. Fulfillment.
The little fox is almost across the half-frozen stream.
To soak that tail. Is not a direction with merit.

It says nothing about trump being a dictator. He well want to be just that, but that's not what this reading is saying. My take on this (and admittedly, some of my own world view might be sneaking in here ...) would be more like - Trump may be delusional, but he also knows how distracting his rants and tweets can be, so people pay attention to these instead of what might really be going on: a blotted federal deficit, a looming recession, a trade war that's not working, the Republican's refusal to rein in Russian involvement in our elections ....

But as with a fox who doesn't make it across the river without getting his tail wet, perhaps Trump's distractions aren't working quite as he's hoped - so maybe that's driving him to act even more unhinged: let's buy Greenland, American Jews who vote as Democrats (a majority of us) are traitors, etc ....

Or at least that's one possible take on all this.

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Mar 22, 1971
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What is up with Trump's religion statements? 64 uc Not Yet Across.

What is up with Trump's religion statements?What's up with them is that they are on the edge of a change. If he persists with them he may become bogged down. But he's a wily fox and he thinks all his twisting and turning will bear fruit, however each turn is 'exhausting the masculine will' ( Karcher).

What he's cunningly planning now is eventually going to run out of steam. He'll spin something off again into a new direction that'll subtly position him to have another go at crossing the river.
Although the rivers in Greenland look off limits at the moment and he is now in the mire and the sucking riverbank mud of the Denmark debacle. But he'll keep on moving.


Mar 22, 1971
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Not sure what you mean by 'after all that'??? Best, D.

Fanofenka said:
.... It seems like it is more of a delusion
Freedda said:
And did you ever think that's exactly what he wants you to think?
my_key said:
The nuclear of 64 is 63 after all that.
Delusion is an internal mental aspect where people can't tell what's real from what is imagined. The delusion is a firm and fixed belief for them even if it is fanciful. Who knows what goes on inside Trumps head but he is certainly good at creating illusions in the outer world for all to perceive in their own way. Whether that skill emanates from, or is supported by, a delusion minset who knows?
Hex 63 means 'settling things down' and after all that has gone on it remains the nuclear hexagram to Hex 64. So at the heart of all the activity and possiblities outlined by Hex 64 regarding the religious statements made there is a root which is fixed in things and moving things towards settling in their right place. It may take a while to exhaust the energy behind the comments and behaviours but the way is clearly signposted.

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