...life can be translucent


Trust or captives? Hex 61

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score
Hi there...

I've grown to accept Hexagram 61 as being about having trust... sincerity. The majority of the scholars whose work I am studying about the Zhouyi interpret the word as captives, and I see that the character for trust is very similar to the word for captives.

My question is how did captives become trust over time? Does anyone know or have a strong suspicion?

Thanks for your help.




Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
I don't think anyone knows, but various people have guesses. Mine would be something like this... The leader comes back from war, has the war chariots polished up and celebrates his triumph in public. But how can we know that he won, out at the borders that none of us here has ever seen? Only by his war booty: the present, tangible, graspable sign that he's for real.

(According to Kunst, the word was used to mean not only human captives, but also animals and sometimes objects. I think - though I should re-read this part - that it was already making its migration over to meaning truth and presence at the time the Zhouyi was written.)


Mar 16, 1970
Reaction score
From the universal perspective, what is represented is a mix of the qualities of expansive bonding within which is operating contractive binding. Contractive binding maps to a sharing of time with another/others operating in expansive bonding and so a context of sharing of space with another/others.

Refine the terms and the focus is on becoming influencial (wind in top) in a context of self-reflection (lake in bottom - and that reflection is literal as well as figurative)

Due to the ability to map the emotion of love/sex to lake, there is the sense of captivating the heart and so the sense of empathy (the love/sex focus leads into the focus on replication, mimic, copy, resonate)

The emotion of anticipation (of wrong doing) is associated with wind in lower, but the refinement of that, moving from reactive to proactive, and so from lower to upper position, allows for the sense of anticipation of right-doing, the consequences of cultivation and becoming influencing in some manner.

The capturing of the heart is reflected in such actions as a judge sympathising for a prisoner and going to bat for them.

The opposite to 61 is 62 where there is a focus on loyalty to the collective, the exaggerations of traditions etc are used to hold the collective together even if past its 'use by'/'best before' date; so again there is an appeal to the heart but in general.

61 is conditional, particular, in focus, 62 is unconditional.

61 shares space with 60 where the focus is on the unconditional setting of standards, and so limits. 60 opposes what pairs with 62, 56, where the focus on loyalty is conditional.

If you take the two pairs as a set, there is a general focus on qualities regarding issues of loyalties and being empathic to, sympathetic to 'whatever'.

As such there is included in the set a focus on the heart being captured so I can see how the traditional symbol associated with 61 mapped to 'captives' as well as 'inner truth' in that that symbol would be associated to the felt, generic, quality that includes a sense of 'capturing'.

If we review the spectrum of the quality labelled as '61' we find such associations as:

Its basic architecture, its 27-ness, is described by analogy to 29 where the focus is "with containment comes control" - so we can see the encapsulation element present that would go with 'captives' as well as 'inner truth' etc.

The quality 'begins', its 24-ness, through a state described by analogy to 59 - something being made, or in need of being made, 'clear'.

The quality 'completes', its 63-ness, through a state described by analogy to 18 - a focus on correcting some 'error', righting a wrong (and that can include capturing as well as empathising and going to bat for someone) - note 18 is associated with correcting errors in a collective sense all the way down to a pair (as in personal relationships) where the focus is on a need for continuous communications to ensure 'neglect' does not set in etc. and so misunderstandings avoided.

The summary of the full spectrum of 61 is:

00 :: (02) : What is this hexagrams's potential form? :: 61
01 :: (24) : How does this hexagram 'start', express 'beginning'? :: 59
02 :: (07) : How does this hexagram express uniformity, establishment of? :: 42
03 :: (19) : How does this hexagram express approaching the 'high'; defer to the 'low'? :: 20
04 :: (15) : How does this hexagram level things out, keep words close to facts? :: 9
05 :: (36) : How does this hexagram protect its 'light' when not its time? :: 57
06 :: (46) : How does this hexagram become more entangled with something/someone? :: 37
07 :: (11) : How does this hexagram balance/harmonise, mediate? :: 53
08 :: (16) : How does this hexagram express foresight/planning? :: 10
09 :: (51) : How does this hexagram express surprise, enlightenment, shock? :: 6
10 :: (40) : How does this hexagram express tension release through relaxing structure? :: 25
11 :: (54) : How does this hexagram expend early energy, imaturity? :: 12
12 :: (62) : How does this hexagram express overacting to establish unconditional loyalty? :: 1
13 :: (55) : How does this hexagram deal with abundance/overflowing? :: 44
14 :: (32) : How does this hexagram express commitment? :: 13
15 :: (34) : How does this hexagram actively invigorate others? :: 33
16 :: (08) : How does this hexagram passively attract? :: 41
17 :: (03) : How does this hexagram 'sprout'? :: 4
18 :: (29) : How does this hexagram assert containment/control? :: 27
19 :: (60) : How does this hexagram standardise? :: 23
20 :: (39) : How does this hexagram obstruct, go against, stand up to, the flow? :: 26
21 :: (63) : How does this hexagram complete, 'get it right'? :: 18
22 :: (48) : Where does this hexagram get its nutrition, what sustains it, keeps it going? :: 22
23 :: (05) : How does this hexagram wait for opportunity to come? :: 52
24 :: (45) : How does this hexagram celebrate its 'faith'? :: 38
25 :: (17) : How does this hexagram find a faith? What is its faith? :: 64
26 :: (47) : How does this hexagram integrate with the context, be it by choice or otherwise? :: 21
27 :: (58) : How does this hexagram express itself intensely, self-reflect? :: 35
28 :: (31) : How does this hexagram 'woo', express restrained enticement? :: 14
29 :: (49) : How does this hexagram reveal, unmask? :: 50
30 :: (28) : How does this hexagram express excess, go beyond what is required? :: 30
31 :: (43) : How does this hexagram 'seed', spread the word? :: 56
32 :: (23) : How does this hexagram 'housekeep', clear chaff to bring out the wheat? :: 60
33 :: (27) : What is the basic, skelatal form of this hexagram, The mud from which it has emerged? :: 29
34 :: (04) : How does this hexagram learn social skills? :: 3
35 :: (41) : How does this hexagram achieve clarity, concentration, distillation? :: 8
36 :: (52) : How does this hexagram express blocking, discernment? :: 5
37 :: (22) : What does this hexagram look like, how does it present itself to the outside? :: 48
38 :: (18) : How does this hexagram correct corruption, express that correction? :: 63
39 :: (26) : How does this hexagram express 'holding firm' to traditions? :: 39
40 :: (35) : How does this hexagram bring something into the 'light'? :: 58
41 :: (21) : How does this hexagram resolve problems? :: 47
42 :: (64) : How does this hexagram remain 'open', mis-sequence? :: 17
43 :: (38) : How does this hexagram 'mirror', deal with opposition? :: 45
44 :: (56) : How does this hexagram demonstrate conditional loyalty; loyalty at a distance? :: 43
45 :: (30) : How does this hexagram express guidance/direction setting? :: 28
46 :: (50) : How does this hexagram express conversion of the raw to the cooked, transformation? :: 49
47 :: (14) : How does this hexagram manage from the centre? Direct operations? Push ideology? :: 31
48 :: (20) : How does this hexagram elicit admiration and so invigorate others passively? :: 19
49 :: (42) : How does this hexagram reflect augmentation? :: 7
50 :: (59) : How does this hexagram make things clear, dispell illusions? lift the fog? :: 24
51 :: (61) : How does this hexagram express empathy? yielding, soft core, hard exterior? :: 2
52 :: (53) : How does this hexagram express gradual development, maturity? :: 11
53 :: (37) : How does this hexagram reflect rigid structure as a form of tension release? :: 46
54 :: (57) : How does this hexagram cultivate and become influencial? :: 36
55 :: (09) : How does this hexagram express making small gains to be noticed? :: 15
56 :: (12) : How does this hexagram neutralise attacks on its core beliefs? :: 54
57 :: (25) : How does this hexagram stand up to say its piece, ignoring consequences, disentangle? :: 40
58 :: (06) : How does this hexagram compromise, meet half way? :: 51
59 :: (10) : How does this hexagram traverse a path carefully? :: 16
60 :: (33) : How does this hexagram draw-in its enemies, competitively entice? :: 34
61 :: (13) : How does this hexagram express association with the likeminded? :: 32
62 :: (44) : How does this hexagram persuade/seduce? :: 55
63 :: (01) : How does this hexagram express singlemindedness, competitiveness? :: 62


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