...life can be translucent


Two options 27.2.5-61 or 39.5-15


May 21, 2013
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I have two options I'm trying to decide between.

Option a) gives me more time, more privacy & saves on finances a little. 27.2.5-61
Option b) is less time, more comfort & a bit more expensive. 39.5-15

I'm going away to try and produce some work and also need to have a pleasant nourishing time.

I'm just stuck and can't decide. Option b) is just simpler.

Any thoughts to help me decide appreciated


Option a) gives me more time, more privacy & saves on finances a little. 27.2.5-61
27.2 - "turning away from the path", and "towards the hill" is ominous. Does this sound at all like that place?
27.5 - "turning away from the path" (again... exact same characters), dwelling is auspicious. Not able to "cross great water".
Is there any practical way to put this advice in use, regarding that place? (e.g. avoiding hills/elevations, not straying from well-trodden paths, not crossing great waters, spending lots of time indoors).
If you can see some practical references and heed the advice, then it sounds like a good answer. Especially because it moves from hunger (27) to inner truth (61), i.e. it will indeed be good financially for you, and also it will nourish your heart. If all this is metaphorical, then it advises to stick to what you usually do, and don't aim to produce too much work.
Bizarre answer I must say...

Option b) is less time, more comfort & a bit more expensive. 39.5-15
The line says that you'll encounter great difficulties in option b, and you'll need to enlist the help of friends.


May 21, 2013
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Thanks for your reply diamanda. I really appreciate it.

Darn I'd decided 39.5 was auspicious with the 'release thumbs, partners arrive' references. Oh oh.. I thought that meant I'd receive encouragement and support! So I had started to side totally with b)..

However a) is exactly as described geographically, how amazing. Also it would be more like a hermitage. Not aiming to produce too much, is very on point for me, I'm big on trying to find a harmonious balance and recover from over-productivity.. However a) is more complicated and I'm not sure I feel up to the necessary organisation.:rolleyes:


I think you might be confusing 39.5 with line 40.4 (39.5 doesn't say anything about thumbs).

Well ok, in 39.5 there are great difficulties, however friends will help you out and it will all end well (15). So perhaps it won't be that bad after all. Although the answer doesn't really speak about rest/work, so I'm wondering, if you take option b will it all be centered around those major difficulties? (hope not of course)


Jan 20, 2013
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Hi Lodestar,

congratulations on two thoroughly confusing and baffling readings :)
Seriously, I'd have a hard time to get a decisive answer from either. So here, are my thoughts for what they are worth (and that may not be much).

27 2 5 --> 61

What struck me most about the two changing lines of 27 was that there is to me a context of in-authenticity, or a warning of it. The Hex text says to pay heed of what you fill your mouth with, to me a warning of filling it with wrong things. This is taken up again in the warnings of Line 2 (Wilhelm says "This is unworthy, for he is deviating from his true nature. Kept up indefinitely, this course leads to misfortune.)
Line 5 is somewhat more encouraging, but warns against overestimating your own current powers. Could this lead to your reservations about the stressfull organization of option A?

What is interesting is that the changing hex here is H 61 - Inner Truth. The exact opposite of what I get from 27 2 5...
Is there something inauthentic or unworthy about option a? For example, is this "hermitage" being operated by a dubious organization (just totally guessing here, but in the context, it is the only idea coming up for me).
Or might the pursuit you plan there have an inauthentic element that first needs to be revealed and removed before going on to H 61?

39.5 --> 15

In the context of this being a larger financial burden, it could say that it might be difficult for you to raise the money, but that you will get unexpected help doing so. Still, the relating H 15 seems like saying that only modest results are to be expected.

All in all I don't see either of these options as exactly promising, solely based on the reading. Maybe you should look for an Option C?

brest wishes


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