...life can be translucent

(Un)blocked (from the blog)


Apr 8, 1970
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I was waiting on a station platform with ‘cello when I started chatting with a young man with a guitar on his back. We talked music to start with – not that there was much overlap in our experience, but conversation flowed anyway. (He thought I might’ve heard of John Martyn, since he was ‘more from your era’. I’d never realised I had an era. Would that be the geological kind?) Presently, he asked whether the ‘cello was my job, and then found out what was. This is the point where most casual public transport conversations end in politeness and old-fashioned looks, but he was interested and wanted to learn more.

So we sat together on the train, found a notebook and pencil between us, and I drew lines and trigrams. He asked how you cast a hexagram; I pulled out three coins and started to show him. ‘What am I asking?’ I wondered, belatedly, as I cast line 1. ‘I suppose this is just a “hello”…’

The ‘hello’ Yi gave us was Hexagram 12, of all things, changing at lines 3 and 4 to 53. Blocked, shifting a little with Gradual Progress. I said this was what I got for casting a reading without having the good manners to think of a clear question, and then we talked about questions. I mentioned recently casting a reading for my year ahead, and he asked if we could do the same for him, so we did.

It was – of course – only after I’d got off the train and was walking along the platform that the 12-53 reading fully landed with me.

Blocked – casting coins without first opening the way to communication. Great goes, small comes. Not your finest moment, Hilary.

Gradual Progress – but there might just be something more going on, a journey beginning, a relationship taking shape…

12 line 3:

‘Embracing shame.’

Well, yes, quite.

12 line 4:

‘There is a mandate, no mistake.
Work with clarity, fulfilment.’

There was Yi, one step ahead of me as usual, pointing out that there was a real question to be asked and reading to be done.

(And for the young guitarist, if you happen to read this, do get in touch so we can talk more about your year!)


Mar 22, 1971
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Hi hilary

Looking at the story you tell and the cast that came about as part of this story, and me not being part of the story at all I would see this cast from a different perspective.

You and this man were not really having effective communication (12) until he showed interest in I Ching. With the man making the first move, by wanting to learn more, this opened the doorway sufficiently for you. While staying dignified and in your eminence you were gradually able to give width and depth to his basic cultural understanding of I Ching divination (53).

You did feel a sense of shame, through what you thought was an error on your part, but waited and gradually rose above this feeling on your inner landscape and did not let it impact your outer world unduly (12.3). Perhaps even realising this was not really a mistake, you carried on with his education and you both shared a beneficial time together (12.4) ending with you giving him an annual reading. Perhaps, fulfilling for him a greater role than you realise. ( I always wonder about the universal truth of these ships passing in the night brief encounters. )

I don't really see this as being about having asked a question or not at any time during the cast, but then again this has nothing to do with me. I have made many an oracle cast without asking any question at all and been given great insights about what was beneficial for me to see in that moment.

Because you are adept at the machinations of the I Ching and in giving readings off the cuff, you just went about things in a grounded way, competently and without ostentation. I'm assuming also that this was a sacrifice of your time as you make no mention of asking for any 'handsome payments' from your new found friend. This all sounds like a win / win situation. All, most definitely, aligned with the actions of a superior person faced with a 12 situation.

I'm wondering now whether the obstruction reading was for him rather than you, as the judgement, from my perspective, doesn't really align with your actions. Can you really be considered a victim for making that small slip of not asking a question to start with and did you the great really depart from you? If that's the case then that's rather a harsh judgement from Yi in my eyes. But then, perhaps, we'll never know. You have your story and your interpretations and that will have to suffice. My interpretation is just another perspective.

... of course, other interpretations are available for you to consider. :)

Good Luck


Apr 8, 1970
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For me, casting without asking did feel 'off'. I'd actually started casting before I realised what I was doing. The sense of conversation did come to life as I went along, though - well, there were changing lines, the Block was shifting. And I love the sense of 12.4 saying there is a real reading to be done.

The only 'sacrifice' involved was that I'd been going to eat on the train, so food was postponed!


Feb 29, 2008
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Did you tell him you are the founder of the most popular Iching website on the planet? I found the Yi after dabbling in Tarot, Geomancy, Runes and Astrology. For me the Yi gave me the most accurate responses everytime I also felt comfortable. I bought a paperback copy of the Whilhem Translation not that I understood it that well looking back. I do remember carrying it around and being with me all the time. I also remember showing my mother of which she found it interesting as well, however she did not pursue it.

I have had friends I have done readings for that are totally mystified at the accuracy, these can be people that have no interest in studying themselves. I would see 12.3 as apprehension of sorts or an uncomfortable feeling, as My Key mentioned 12 being the superficial conversations strangers have when first meeting,

Then 12.4 everything is back on track. Its interesting the difference or the contrast between line 3 and 4 its like you are working things out then line 4 you get the answer or there is harmony. I would have been confused at first with receiving line 3. Then 53 which is for me on path although as we all know not like a speeding bullet by on path none the less.

Be well,


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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he was interested and wanted to learn more.
He asked how you cast a hexagram
So Hilary showed him.

What should she have said? "No, I won't"?

And Mykey, I think we can trust Hilary to understand her own reading. Granted unless it's clearly wrong, which can happen to anyone sometimes, but this isn't that.

Sorry. Exasperated.


Mar 22, 1971
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So Hilary showed him.

What should she have said? "No, I won't"?
53 carries a sense for me that progress emanating from the woman (feminine energy) comes only following an initial move made by the man (masculine energy). Hilary took action in accordance with this aspect of 53.
And Mykey, I think we can trust Hilary to understand her own reading. Granted unless it's clearly wrong, which can happen to anyone sometimes, but this isn't that.

Sorry. Exasperated.
Hi Liselle
I think you may have picked up the wrong end of the stick. Or at least you have picked up a stick to shake that is not a stick that belongs to me.

Hilary's post was made in Shared Readings which by convention invites contributions of other perspectives from other people. I have offered my perspective, which differs from the take Hilary has, for her consideration. Just as I do for all readings I post in Shared Readings. Taking other perspectives into consideration, if they resonate, can sometimes enrich what the reading means for the querent.

Nowhere have I said that Hilary is wrong in her perspective; in fact I believe the opposite. Her perspective will always be right for her. I offer my reading because what Hilary wrote didn't fully resonate with how I see 12 <> 53 in this scenario and also to paint a picture that could equally fit her story so that other people reading this thread can see how different interpretations can pan out from one story line and one reading.

Just so you are clear, I make no comments to say that she should believe my interpretation rather than hers or that she is in anyway wrong.

I'm sorry that you feel exasperated although I'm not clear regarding what you are exasperated about.
Take Care
Last edited:


Apr 8, 1970
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Moss Elk, you wouldn't like to undelete your post about Hexagram 12, would you? It'd be interesting to dig into that.

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