...life can be translucent


Universal laws



I have received several answers recently that by Lises definition mention following universal laws, so I asked what are those universals? 53.1.5, looking at Lises translation the phrase for everything there is a season popped into my head. Any other ideas???


Oct 26, 1970
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When i saw this question last week i was really touched. What faith you must have to ask such questions! It's been stewing in my brain for a while, and i'd like to say what i've considered .

To me the lines of change are all universal laws- some dormant, some mutable, activated by our faith or by our innocence or ignorance.

Followers of Krishna that I know say G-d, having infinite capacity, can and must manifest as both the whole universe and a single individual in it; so why couldn't the universal laws condense down into a line or two?

53.1 is the line of the child (and the man who remains a child) who's sure he has a place and work to do in the universe; certain he's no mere cog, his wild presumptions get him into trouble again and again. This line is equivelent to the Tarot 0 card.

53.5 shows a woman who's been there and done that, lost her innocence major, but then is surprised to find that she does have a mission, inescapable hard=wired into her(she coresponds to Tarot 2).

Is it not inescapable that she allies with the young man- as once she herself was befriended? i wont go into details but consider for yourself: This is sometimes called the oldest story, as it extends its flow forward and backward in time.

Now the resulting Hexagram, 22, can be seen as earthly fires burning at the foot of heaven's mountain, fires which illuminate the mountain. The emotions unleashed by the changes of your answer can surely illuminate the whole spectrum of human experience; and it might could be that self-awareness is the Grail-


thank you for answering, I missed it yesterday, you have given me a lot to think about.


Apr 8, 1970
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Stephen Karcher describes 53-54 as 'the way of marriage as an image of the soul's journey to realization.' So looking just at the hexagrams for a moment, it seems universal laws have a lot to do with steady, unstoppable progression towards more complete union. And that the union is a 22 kind of union, maybe, form that expresses living essence?

Um. Or something.

Oddly enough, this sounds like the exact, perfect opposite of entropy.


Ive been going over both of your responses, and I am struck by the amazing relevance to my own life as a whole, not just this question, or is that maybe the point somehow. The way Auriel defined the moving lines, I have been both of those off and on, currently I think more 1 than 3.

I actually would like more details about allying with the young man. As someone who has rejoined the dating world I found that line rather appropo in a literal sense. I am 38 and am continually drawn to men as much as 8 years younger than I am. I just seem to have more in common with them and find more passion and fire, more zest for life.

The souls journey to realization and seeking union also struck a chord. I do have tremendous faith, though I am more spiritual than religious. There is a reason my handle is seeker. I am on a constant journey seeking, well, everything, knowledge, realization, self discovery, truth, enlightenment. And seeking union, yes, not only with an individual, but in a nutshell isnt my search seeking union with the universe itself.

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