...life can be translucent


Unwrapping continuous future - using dice to cast


Sep 17, 2019
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I have been exploring other means of casting to replace coins, since i like the feel of casting dice i have tried and here sharing my observations.

by using three common dice to match number of coins to cast for each line, i have picked the numbers 1,3,5 to map to Yang and 2,4,6 to map to Yin. Three dice cast at the same time will give you a combination for the line as coins would do. For example, 664 will map to tale-tale-tale and correspond to greater yin. where 133 will be in this case head-head-head and match greater yang, and 114 will map to yang-yang-yin or young yin. The rest goes as usual as with the coins. The difference will come later when assessing the maturity of each cast, see below.

i.e. you cast and you get six lines: 664, 133, 665, 335, 114, 663 which maps to (from bottom line to top, Y for yang and I for yin):
old yin(III), old yang(YYY), young yang(IIY), old yang (YYY), young yin (YYI), young yang (IIY)

this will map to kua #50 Ting(Cauldron) with changing bottom(1st), second and 4th lines relating to kua #22 PI (Outer Refinement), nothing extra at this point yet. If you stop here you just got yourself a replacement for coins in form of dice, if you like them better, I do.

Now, the exploration part, where we consider the numbers on the dice behind each cast, this might take us further in the future….

  • Think of each number in the sequence as next level maturity, let say if you get 1,3,5 for yang you will get early yang, active yang in full light and you get older yang closing in to change to evolve to yin. Same goes for yin, 2, 4, 6, as levels of maturity or development for each particular element within a cast.

  • When you cast three dice at the same time you get there elements for one line, these will be yang or yin at different number (1,3,5 or 2,4,6) they still be like coins just yang or yin to define the line state, but you can also assess them how far they are in their current state. Even the young yin might be quite mature (at number 6) and ready to become old yin sooner or later. Again, at this point each of the three elements behind the line can be reflected in various states of development. Where the coins will only tell you that 665 is the yin-yin-yang which means a solid “young yang” with dice you can actually see it being “young yang” at the end of it is development cycle, close to “flip” and become potentially an “old yang” hinting transformation of the line in the second iteration (in the third hexagram let say)

i.e. let say if you consider the numbers behind each line cast as combination to indicate maturity then you will have something like this for each line

665 -> yin-yin-young -> young yang -> with weight of 6+6+5 = 11 out of possible 11 for this combination, it means the next iteration or step for this line will be becoming a changing line “old yang” and quite soon, as it moved to the end of possible values in each sub-element.

You can now represent the whole evolution in this way:

Original hexagram – changing in next iteration (relating) to -> 22.3 – and here now the 3rd line (665) will become “old yang” with new change opportunity, relate to another hexagram -> 27

If you take time and read these hexagrams from 50 with focus on changing lines 1, 2, 4 and then 22 with focus in line 3 (665) and then follow the trail to hexagram 27 overall meaning you will actually see some continuation, very logical in meaning. This is a real example casted.

And with this example you can see that no other lines get into the state of another possible change even with three level iteration, some of them are still early in the development, nothing to continue. But it might be possible for other example. But in general, three consecutive hexagrams is most you get, considering the original, plus naturally changing second one and finally, if that happens by meanings of the dice numbers, you might get the third one. But that is it, in the third one, most of them might be or close to maturity or very young in development, but rarely in changing state, though they might…

Why you would do such a thing? Well dice as coins are the instruments of the divination after all, and they are used elsewhere to foresee the answers to the questions, so why not to use them to define the outlook. What they will give you is the power of numbers now. Expand the meaning, introduce the concept of maturity or evolution of each element. Or the numbers can be representing the weight in the role, importance… anyway you agree with yourself and the Universe… it is between you two.

Have fun!
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