...life can be translucent


US During the COVID-19: 32.3.6 to 64, 61.5 to 41, and 46.2 to 15


Oct 26, 2018
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I heard from a psychic website that COVID-19 will enable authoritarianism that will lead the US is split up into several regions. However, the tarot card readers say that Trump will lose in 2020 and one said that it take a lot to take Trump down while another said that Mueller will help take Trump down.

What is Trump up to? 32.3.6 Lasting (Duration) to 64 Not Yet Across (Upon Completion).
Hex 32: Lasting, creating success. Not a mistake. Constancy bears fruit, Fruitful to have a direction to go. (Oracle) Thunder and wind: Lasting. A noble one stands firm and does not change his bearings. (Image)
Line 3: Not lasting in your character, Maybe accepting a shameful gift. Constancy: shame.
Line 6: Shaking up lasting, pitfall.
Hex 64: Not yet across, creating success. The small fox, almost across, Soaks its tail: No direction bears fruit. (Oracle) Fire dwells above stream: Not Yet Across. A noble one carefully differentiates between beings, so each finds its place. (Image)
64 context=Trump has not completed his goal of becoming a dictator.
32.3=Trump will not be able to complete his lifelong goals.
32.6=There will be changes in the US.

What will Trump do in the coming months? 61.5 Inner Truth to 41 Decreasing.
Hex 61: Inner truth. Piglets and fishes, good fortune. Fruitful to cross the great river. Constancy bears fruit. (Oracle) Above the lake is the wind: Inner Truth. A noble one deliberates over legal proceedings and delays executions. (Image)
Line 5: There is truth and confidence as a bond – no mistake.
Hex 41: Decreasing: there is truth and confidence. From the source, good fortune. Not a mistake, there can be constancy. Fruitful to have a direction to go. How to use this? Two simple baskets may be used for the offering. (Oracle) Below the mountain is the lake: Decreasing. A noble one curbs anger and restrains desires. (Image)
41 context=He will decline in his power.
61.5=He will work with others.

How close will the US get to becoming authoritarianism? 46.2 Pushing Upward to 15 Integrity (Modesty).
Hex 46: Pushing upward, creating success from the source. Make use of seeing great people. Do not worry. Set forth to the south, good fortune. (Oracle) Centre of the earth gives birth to wood: Pushing Upward. A noble one with patient character Builds up small things to attain the high and great. (Image)
Line 2: True and confident, And so it is fruitful to make the summer offering. No mistake.
Hex 15: Integrity creates success. A noble one completes it. (Oracle) In the centre of the earth there is a mountain: Integrity. A noble one reduces what is too much and increases what is diminished. Weighing things up to even out their distribution. (Image)
15 context=There will be people preventing the US from falling into authoritarianism.
46.2=People will be stepping up to protect democracy.


Jun 3, 2006
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It will be interesting to look back at these readings at the end of the year and see how they mesh with actual events!


Jun 3, 2006
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Your questions are so general that it is not possible to know if your interpretations are right or not. For example 32 - 64 for “What is Trump up to?” could mean all kinds of things. Maybe it means he’s 64. Planning how to 32. Continue to be president or maybe it means that at this moment he’s just up to keeping on keeping on.
“What will Trump do in the coming months? 61.5 - 41” could also refer to any number of things. Hilary says 61.5-41indicates decreasing distrust of others rather than decreasing power so arguably it could mean he continues to rely on his own intuition/inner truth and surrounds himself with only those who will agree with him.
Finally, “How close will the United States get to becoming Authoritarianism?” is such a subjective question I don’t know how you could begin to answer it but I’m more inclined to interpret 46.2 as saying we’re Pushing Upward in that direction.

But anyway, those are just possible alternative readings and no doubt there are many others so that’s why I say it will be interesting to see what time will tell.
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