...life can be translucent


water and bones of mother earth


Jun 26, 2008
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Somewhere in southern france I made a series of 64 images showing not alone water (29) in a canyon, but much more the bones and life of mother earth as we live it.

when walking in the limes and chalks unavoidably comes the realization that i am walking through the graves and bones of mother earth, millions and trillions years of smaller and larger skelletons make the mountains around me. That my bones and those bones are part of the same cycle from calcium and co2, life upon life upon life and death as part of life, solving in water, pushed under continents to be exhausted by vulcanic breaths, and made by life again, binding co2 and being a source of calcium again. the earth is alive and we are part of that life. never forget that fact.



Jun 26, 2008
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Ogalkin, I'm happy to hear you know about Lovelock and non-linearity. Yes, It is part of my education, like the work from Varela and Maturana and Capra. In my vision it is all obligatory stuff for advanced yi studies.
The only problem in visions like this is, that the con-sequence is not taken: the cosmos is really alive and intelligent.

come to think of it, If someone would grant me a scolarship I would be able to make a course in advanced yi-reading on basis of non-linear organizing, autopoiesis, and daoism.
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Oct 20, 2009
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And Jesus answered: "The blood which runs in us is born of the blood of our Earthly Mother. Her blood falls from the clouds; leaps from the womb of the earth; babbles in the brooks of the mountains; flows wide in the rivers of the plains; sleeps in the lakes; rages mightily in tempestuous seas.
"The air which we breathe is born of the breath of our Earthly Mother. Her breath is azure in the heights of the heavens; soughs in the tops of the mountains; whispers the leaves of the forest; billows over the cornfields; slumbers in the deep valleys, burns hot in the desert.
"The hardness of our bones is born of the bones of our Earthly Mother, of the rocks and of the stones. They stand naked to the heavens on the tops of mountains; are as giants that lie sleeping on the sides of the mountains, as idols set in the desert, and are hidden in the deepness of the earth.

"I tell you in very truth, Man is the Son of the Earthly Mother, and from her did the Son of Man receive his whole body, even as the body of the newborn babe is born of the womb of his mother. I tell you truly, you are one with the Earthly Mother; she is in you, and you in her. Of her were you born, in her do you live, and to her shall you return again." - The Essene Gospel of Peace of Jesus Christ
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