...life can be translucent


What if I commit to becoming a Buddhist Nun?


Apr 26, 1970
Reaction score
This is a major decision for me. I have 11 dogs to take care of (maybe they can come with me to the nunnery) and financial matters to settle. However, Lama Zopa Rinpoche - when I asked him- said to read a certain text and see how it makes me feel first. Others in the sangha told me to take my time and talk to sangha members. The Yi gave me hexagram 30 lines 1,2,3 and 6 moving to 40. Please advise.

Thank you!

And May all have a blessed 2017!


Apr 26, 1970
Reaction score
Gosh this is so important. A major decision. Anyone?


Clarity Supporter
Jul 20, 2015
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Hi circe,

"What if I commit to becoming a Buddhist Nun?" to 40 ~ You will fulfill your spiritual potential ~ however ~ you will likely have to let go of eleven attachments, first.

Here's Kari Hohne's 'Essential i-Ching' on 30:

Reading at a Glance: Li is associated with enlightenment, nurturing and the idea of serving clarity of purpose. The judgment says ‘care of a cow brings good fortune.’ Should you have the opportunity to care for a cow you learn about interdependency, a mindset of being docile, serving another, and the voluntary dependence you share with life. The more you feed the cow, the more the cow feeds you. If it stays healthy, you stay healthy thus ‘that which is bright rises twice.’ Li shows your interdependence with others in relationships and your interdependence with the way. Life is what you make of it. Clarity and inspiration abound when receiving this hexagram and the greatest place to find this is by stepping out of your routine to observe nature. The plants would tell you how by sitting still you can follow your inner guidance and flower. The river would tell you to go with the flow. Animals might tell you not to make the hunt for nourishment so complicated, follow your instinct, use your senses and honor the blessing of your meal.

Wherever you look, you will see poetry. Critical Mass as the influence and the Abysmal as the cause are both reminders to be moderate and sincere to avoid having events crash down around you. When life becomes complicated, you need only look for the inspiration that reminds you to follow that which keeps your inner light burning. A time of great creativity or a quantum leap in insight is emerging. Clarity teaches you that the only sign post you need can be found by aligning your inspiration to the path you walk. Li is the shining light of inspiration that marries your inner and outer world into Clarity. What motivates you and what are you passionate about? Follow that.

Witness the unchanging: cling to the firmament.

“The clinging means resting on something. When the waters of the Abysmal flow into the pit, we search for something to cling to." Li is the image of the Clinging Fire, formless except the essence of fuel that keeps it burning. When the changes are underway your only footing is the reference point of the Self. When it too, is undergoing transformation, you must find something more meaningful to cling to.

What emerges from any difficult transition is the discovery of that thing which will guide and support you when all else is taken away. This is like a light that is always burning in the darkness. Although events ‘out there’ orchestrate the changes, they merely lead you to cultivate a shift of awareness ‘in here.’

The master said: “The cultivation of the self consists in the rectification of the mind.” The rectification of the mind usually consists of letting barriers go. "That which is bright rises twice." Even the most difficult circumstances cultivate your inner fire in a way that allows you to shine more brightly ‘out there.’ After the Abysmal waters have receded, we often arrive at the suchness existing at every moment, without the need to look any further. You may discover: 'what is… is,' and stop fighting the very thing that shapes you and reveals your purpose.

“Life is like a flowing river; identify its current to know contentment.” When life is free to move spontaneously, a beautiful harmony can be observed. Obstruction only emerges because you may classify things in terms of good, bad, right or wrong, but the idea of obstruction is a man made illusion. Nature is blind to the idea of obstacles, except in the way that it tears them down. What you may call difficulty is the tearing away of what is blocking your inner light and movement.

The unnatural things that we build to obstruct life’s forward progress will never be a match for its enormous power to break them down. Even water will immediately break down the molecules of whatever substance comes into contact with it. Li is the expression in attitude and behavior of an openness that allows all things to keep moving forward. Whether it is removing the outworn, or building something new, nature is always productive. This transformative power unleashes inner direction and awakens you to a powerful center that you can cling to.

Li can have a message about fate or dharma where a synergistic meeting offers growth through the challenges it presents. The master said: “When the mind is like a mirror, it grasps nothing, refuses nothing, receives, but does not keep.” This is an important mindset during any fated encounter where another is your teacher. To approach the gateway, you can use mind as a portal or a prison. When you “unblock the openings” you can view a world bathed beneath the power of your inner light.

Line 1 The footprints run criss cross = if one is sincere, no blame. Changes to (56) Wanderer. It is normal to make mistakes when first trying to manifest your desire. There is no blame because you are sincere in your attempts. If the situation appears overwhelming, go back to your original intention. What is it that you wanted? If you can align your actions with the sincerity to follow through, you will succeed. The greatest gift of the Wanderer is knowing that the home is within.

Line 2 Yellow light of the sun = supreme good fortune. Changes to (14) Great Possessing. You are fully comprehending what needs to be done and you are inspired about doing it. This can be a new situation or a new outlook that comes from the desire to follow your inspiration. All lights are green to move ahead. Great Possessing reinforces the good energy at play in this situation.

Line 3 When the sun sets, we beat pots and sing or bemoan old age = misfortune. Changes to (21) Biting Through. Worrying about the progression of time can make you feel old or late in terms of life stages. It is better to focus on the here and now and sing. You have the opportunity to view the glass as half full or half empty. While a period may be coming to an end make the most of it. If you would rather complain, that is your choice but not the best use of the time or talent.

Line 6 The leader issues orders = eliminate those who do not serve the greater purpose. Changes to (55) Abundance. It is sometimes necessary to eliminate what is deficient or not serving you in order to achieve a state of Abundance. When others are influencing you in ways that bring you down, you might need to let them go, but it doesn’t mean they are bad people. However be sure to look at the good and bad aspects to see if discipline or making intentions clear might turn the situation around. The punishment may be too strict and you would suffer from judging in haste.



Apr 26, 1970
Reaction score
Thank you so very much radiofreewill. I had this unchanging hexagram even when I had asked whether I ought to undergo a Long Life White Tara initiation recently - and I did get initiated. 11 attachments? Whew! I thought you would mention what these may be but I do have some idea. 'Inspiration' is the term that leaps out from your response. It's the term I used when I asked whether I could ordain. I was inspired by one of the nuns who used to be a well known actress and personality in the glamour realm and just dropped it all one fine day. I used to be a model and am still attached to appearances. Thank you for copying out this long text!

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
when I asked him- said to read a certain text and see how it makes me feel first.
He says slow down.
Others in the sangha told me to take my time
They say slow down.
Gosh this is so important. A major decision. Anyone?
Posted 4 hours 37 minutes after first post.
You seem impatient. You are talking about a major life decision, why are you rushing it?
I was inspired by one of the nuns who used to be a well known actress and personality in the glamour realm and just dropped it all one fine day. I used to be a model and am still attached to appearances.
I can't help but wonder how much you are influenced by the surface appearance of things, and positions, and how that is affecting your thinking on this matter. Meaning, the surface idea of being a nun.

All I will comment on about the reading is line 1,
Bradford: Taking steps but seeming confused. Respect this. Avoid errors. (does line 1 also say to slow down?)

butterfly spider

Hello Circe,
I was getting embroiled in your dog problem and then saw this....
I wrote a reply- before reading the reply by Moss Elk above...so have changed it slightly but...

There is a link between the dog scenario and your decision to be a nun scenario. It feels to me as if you are looking for something external to satisfy you - wether love for animals, or love of a life as a nun, which to a certain extent gives you an external facade. I have no knowledge of Buddhist nuns, but for someone with such an affinity to dogs may need a lot of thinking through. Are there not other ways of finding fulfillment....

Slow down, think perhaps and meditate on paths forward on this one. I suddenly thought of Mother Theresa, and her readings, which might help perhaps...



Apr 26, 1970
Reaction score
Sure Moss Elk. Of course there's no rush. I did not say I'm in a hurry. I need to think this through. Thank you


Apr 26, 1970
Reaction score
Thank you Butterfly Spider. You know, love is not external. Whether for dogs or the Dharma. Both are important and no reason why they can't go together. One monk did say I could take my dogs along. We'll see. I have to write to the nun and ask lots of questions!


Apr 26, 1970
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The monk did tell me that dropping afflictions is a gradual process. Wearing the robes does not mean one has dropped them instantly. It takes time.


May 3, 1971
Reaction score

Won't say much, except maybe in email, but hexagram 40 has to do with letting go of attachments. You will have to decide if you are ready to do that. There are attachments we are aware of and attachments we are not aware of. The decision itself may involve attachments or non attachments.

long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score
Hexagram 30 is composed of two ying gua Li trigram ↑.

Within classification, since both Li gua points its chi to the sky, and it is a GO hexagram. There is no yang gua in this hexagram, this may mean no harmony and real happiness in life. GO hexagram means depart with regret.

Hexagram 40 composed of a zhen trigram (upper trigram) and a kan trigram (lower trigram)
Zhen is a yang gua ↑. Kan is also a yang gua. It is also a GO hexagram which means departure with regrets.

The nuclear hexagram of hex 30 is tui metal and sun wood (hexagram 28).
Your original motive is that things are in conflict metal and wood, everything is falling apart. You try to run for an escape.

The nuclear hexagram of hex 40 is kan water and li fire (hexagram 63)
Your intended outcome in your mind is that you will seek harmony because kan water pull chi water and li fire ignites chi up. The pull together situation may generate the harmony.

However, nuclear hexagram is motives and not facts.

If we translate the hexagram 30/40 combination back into xiao shing layout, now you see
Main hexagram 30
Change hexagram 40
1. House of kan: hexagram 63
2. House of kun; hexagram 20
3. House of zhen: hexagram 51 (movement)
4. House of sun: hexagram 28 (oldest daughter)
5. House in the middle: hexagram 19
6. House of Chien: hexagram 14
7. House of Tui: hexagram 60 (youngest daughter)
8. House of ken; hexagram 39
9. House of Li: hexagram 30 (middle daughter)

Hexagram 51 means movement. You must realize the purpose of your trip because this is a GO hexgram with regret. The middle house is hexagram 19, you realize time is not that cool in becoming a nun by September 2017 because what you can do is supervise and watched.

Hexagram 28 tells the story that you cannot bear your current responsibility in life.

From the six line method
神煞:天乙—子申 福星—丑亥 日禄—卯 羊刃—寅 驿马—亥 桃花—午 华盖—丑
干支:丙申年 庚子月 乙酉日 壬午时
旬空:辰巳  辰巳  午未  申酉

六神  伏神    离宫:离为火(六冲)     震宫:雷水解
         【本 卦】           【变 卦】
玄武       ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟己巳火 世○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙庚戌土  
白虎       ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙己未土     ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财庚申金 应
滕蛇       ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财己酉金     ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟庚午火  
勾陈       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼己亥水 应○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟戊午火  
朱雀       ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙己丑土  ×→  ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙戊辰土 世
青龙       ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母己卯木  ○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母戊寅木 

Line 6, you see what others try to do, and you think of following. In fact brother si fire is hollow under the year and month, these folks will do nothing.

Line 4 is the administration on the move for recruitment to join the temple. There is no easy takers because the brother line is wu fire, hollow under the month and in conflict with the organization or organizer for recruitment.
Line 1 is the attempt to give up possessions, but one cannot let go.
Line 2 is the attempt to gain spiritual growth, but in fact there is no growth because child line chen earth is hollow under the year and the month.

My conclusion is: just you wait and rethink.
Tai Shing and Xiao Shing hexagram analysis exist in Iching.
Tai Shing and Xiao Shing are also under Buddhist religion. Enlightenment does not come from becoming a nun, rather it is finding the harmony within yourself. If you cannot give up your dogs, let alone other attachments to become a nun under the restrictions and rules of a temple.

Do you recite the Great Compassion Mantra (Da Bei Zhou / 大悲咒) seven times per day and also Heart Sūtra (at least 3 times per day) with opening and closing prayer. Try that first before considering other options. Enlightenment will come.


May 3, 1971
Reaction score
Hexagram 30 is composed of two ying gua Li trigram ↑.

Within classification, since both Li gua points its chi to the sky, and it is a GO hexagram. There is no yang gua in this hexagram, this may mean no harmony and real happiness in life. GO hexagram means depart with regret.

Hexagram 40 composed of a zhen trigram (upper trigram) and a kan trigram (lower trigram)
Zhen is a yang gua ↑. Kan is also a yang gua. It is also a GO hexagram which means departure with regrets.

The nuclear hexagram of hex 30 is tui metal and sun wood (hexagram 28).
Your original motive is that things are in conflict metal and wood, everything is falling apart. You try to run for an escape.

The nuclear hexagram of hex 40 is kan water and li fire (hexagram 63)
Your intended outcome in your mind is that you will seek harmony because kan water pull chi water and li fire ignites chi up. The pull together situation may generate the harmony.

However, nuclear hexagram is motives and not facts.

If we translate the hexagram 30/40 combination back into xiao shing layout, now you see
Main hexagram 30
Change hexagram 40
1. House of kan: hexagram 63
2. House of kun; hexagram 20
3. House of zhen: hexagram 51 (movement)
4. House of sun: hexagram 28 (oldest daughter)
5. House in the middle: hexagram 19
6. House of Chien: hexagram 14
7. House of Tui: hexagram 60 (youngest daughter)
8. House of ken; hexagram 39
9. House of Li: hexagram 30 (middle daughter)

Hexagram 51 means movement. You must realize the purpose of your trip because this is a GO hexgram with regret. The middle house is hexagram 19, you realize time is not that cool in becoming a nun by September 2017 because what you can do is supervise and watched.

Hexagram 28 tells the story that you cannot bear your current responsibility in life.

From the six line method
神煞:天乙—子申 福星—丑亥 日禄—卯 羊刃—寅 驿马—亥 桃花—午 华盖—丑
干支:丙申年 庚子月 乙酉日 壬午时
旬空:辰巳  辰巳  午未  申酉

六神  伏神    离宫:离为火(六冲)     震宫:雷水解
         【本 卦】           【变 卦】
玄武       ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟己巳火 世○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙庚戌土  
白虎       ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙己未土     ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财庚申金 应
滕蛇       ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财己酉金     ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟庚午火  
勾陈       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼己亥水 应○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟戊午火  
朱雀       ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙己丑土  ×→  ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙戊辰土 世
青龙       ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母己卯木  ○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母戊寅木 

Line 6, you see what others try to do, and you think of following. In fact brother si fire is hollow under the year and month, these folks will do nothing.

Line 4 is the administration on the move for recruitment to join the temple. There is no easy takers because the brother line is wu fire, hollow under the month and in conflict with the organization or organizer for recruitment.
Line 1 is the attempt to give up possessions, but one cannot let go.
Line 2 is the attempt to gain spiritual growth, but in fact there is no growth because child line chen earth is hollow under the year and the month.

My conclusion is: just you wait and rethink.
Tai Shing and Xiao Shing hexagram analysis exist in Iching.
Tai Shing and Xiao Shing are also under Buddhist religion. Enlightenment does not come from becoming a nun, rather it is finding the harmony within yourself. If you cannot give up your dogs, let alone other attachments to become a nun under the restrictions and rules of a temple.

Do you recite the Great Compassion Mantra (Da Bei Zhou / 大悲咒) seven times per day and also Heart Sūtra (at least 3 times per day) with opening and closing prayer. Try that first before considering other options. Enlightenment will come.

Since I have known Circe for a while, I would say there is a lot of truth to this idea that there is no happiness in life. I have tried to not answer Circe one way or another but just to hint at the meaning itself, and would be very happy for her one way or another, but at the same time I do have some reservations about motives for doing this. At the same time, this is in marked contrast to her past and is quite a step, and a noble one in many ways. I would not be discussing this here if it had not been for this particular reading which is very good. I want the best for Circe, and hope she really does spend time considering this.

If one goes by Alfred Huang's explanation of controlling lines, in this situation, the fifth would control, and it speaks of tears flowing. This is her past. In some ways I suspect she is reacting to her past, just as has been quoted above. It may be a bitter sweet experience for her, as she would find good and bad in it. But so much depends on what is really transpiring within her. There may be motives she is not consciously aware of.


Apr 26, 1970
Reaction score
Hello Long Yi

How kind and generous of you to give me such a comprehensive reading. What do you mean by " because what you can do is supervise and watched."? Supervise and watch what? By closing and opening mantra do you mean 'Gate gate paragate parasangate bodhi svaha'? I will certainly follow your suggestions and rethink.


Apr 26, 1970
Reaction score
Hi Gene

So it is not really leaving the world behind with regret but merely regret about the past? However, I fail to see how this reading is good. It seems to just warn of hidden motives according to the readings offered by kind people here. Thank you Gene.


May 3, 1971
Reaction score

maybe hidden motives. This idea may be a reaction to your past. When things happen that unsettle us, sometimes we make decisions we think are good at the time only to find we have set up other conditions that don't make us any happier. I have done it, I think most people or every one of us have done it at one time or another. This may or may not be the case, but I do get that feeling from Long Yi's reading, and from what I have known about you and your life. I do care.


Apr 26, 1970
Reaction score
Hi Gene. Nothing has happened to unsettle me recently. It is just pure inspiration after meeting that serene Indian nun who used to be a model.

However, while my ultimate aim is enlightenment (and thus, benefit to others), I do feel insecure about living alone as an old woman. Maybe I shouldn't. But questions arise: When I die, will anyone know? If not, how will I be able to die in a serene manner that will ensure a pure rebirth which will be beneficial to others too? Sure we have death meditations, etc. but dying alone is an unsettling thought. For an advanced practitioner, it is not at all unsettling because death is just a transition and where it leads depends on your karma and final state of mind. I know that being part of a pure-minded community and practising morality myself along with the like-minded will offer some security (I practise it already, having taken 6 precepts -5 pratimoksha precepts plus chastity - plus the Bodhisattva vows from His Holiness The Dalai Lama last year) . This longing for spiritual security in my old age is the 'hidden motive' I think. I don't know whether it makes my motive impure. If it does, then I have no right to want to become a nun. I shall write about this honestly to the venerables and see what they think.


May 3, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Gene. Nothing has happened to unsettle me recently. It is just pure inspiration after meeting that serene Indian nun who used to be a model.

However, while my ultimate aim is enlightenment (and thus, benefit to others), I do feel insecure about living alone as an old woman. Maybe I shouldn't. But questions arise: When I die, will anyone know? If not, how will I be able to die in a serene manner that will ensure a pure rebirth which will be beneficial to others too? Sure we have death meditations, etc. but dying alone is an unsettling thought. For an advanced practitioner, it is not at all unsettling because death is just a transition and where it leads depends on your karma and final state of mind. I know that being part of a pure-minded community and practising morality myself along with the like-minded will offer some security (I practise it already, having taken 6 precepts -5 pratimoksha precepts plus chastity - plus the Bodhisattva vows from His Holiness The Dalai Lama last year) . This longing for spiritual security in my old age is the 'hidden motive' I think. I don't know whether it makes my motive impure. If it does, then I have no right to want to become a nun. I shall write about this honestly to the venerables and see what they think.

Ultimately, we ALL die alone. There is no escape from that. Even if we have a hundred friends around us, we are still dying alone. Even if we have the most wonderful partner in life, even in life we are still alone. And yet we are not alone, because ultimately we are all one. Still, even in that oneness, we are alone. This is not to induce melancholy. It is simply a recognition of what is. As far as insecure, I can certainly understand it. That is certainly what is going to happen to me. In old age it is often hard to take care of ourselves. We need others, especially if some form of mental sickness kicks in. Or if another kind of disease debilitates us. I have been fortunate in that the only problem I have ever had is knee problems. However, that will change in time. Nevertheless, we cannot fear life or what life brings us. Our karma is our karma, and ultimately all karma is just to bring us to a higher state of understanding. Do not allow fear to control you. You will be okay. Anything more I will say in email, if I know what to say.

long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score

The open verse that I used is (in Chinese)
Kāi jīng jì, wú shàng shèn shēn wéimiào fǎ, bǎi qiān wàn jiénàn zāoyù, wǒ jīn jiànwén de shòu chí, yuàn jiě rúlái zhēnshí yì
This is followed by:
Great Compassion Mantra (Da Bei Zhou / 大悲咒) seven times
Heart Sūtra (1 or 3 times)
Prior to the closing verse, we will have a special prayer saying our own name to thank for everything we have and received, confessed for any wrong that were committed. In that part, we ask for enlightenment from our learning the religion and guidance.

The close verse that I used is
回向偈,愿以此功德 庄严佛净土
上报四重恩 下济三途苦
若有见闻者 悉发菩提心
尽此一报身 同生极乐国
Huí xiàng jì, yuàn yǐ cǐ gōngdé zhuāngyán fú jìngtǔ
shàngbào sì chóng ēn xià jì sān tú kǔ
ruò yǒu jiànwén zhě xī fā pútíxīn
jǐn cǐ yī bào shēn tóng shēng jílè guó

Temple monks and nuns only use the open and close verse without the paragraph in between for buddhist living at home.

Based on the above practice as a religious prayer, a buddhist learns to have inner peace and do not have worries. In times of difficulty, help will come to you. In times of uncertainty, the answer will reveal itself with all the help one needed. In layman terms, one fears nothing, and have no worries what the future holds.

When one increases the number of citation Great Compassion Mantra (Da Bei Zhou / 大悲咒) to 49 times at time of trouble in the heart or wishing for certain matter to be resolved, the answer will reveal itself. Strength will come to you. People with bad faith around you will disappear.

Many things no longer bother you, such as fear of the unknown. When there is more than one person in a system (temple, corporation included), there will always be conflict and sometimes disagreement. Negotiation skills still come into place. Leadership is still required to inspire others and to build a community with harmony.

Under Tai Shing hexagram, line 5 in a hexagram should be a yang line to reflect its proper position of authority. In your hexagram 30, it is a ying line (line in the improper position) with the assignment of child line wei earth. Line 5 conflicts with line 2 chou earth. Line 5 wei earth is the empty element under the day of you reading (perhaps yourself). Your thoughts are in conflict and you cannot feel the bottom of the matter in your heart.

The buddhist bible known as Palm of the hand 一掌經 is a standard book used to compute whether a person is suitable to be a nun or a monk, as based on the co-ordinate of the birthday (year, month, day, hour). Further, the head of temple also know certain techniques in judging the face astrology of the person concerning the suitability for a long term affiliation as a resident of a temple.

When I was a child, I spent several summers living with the monks learning some of these basics. I was the runner boy for soya bean buying, cleaning the bibles and assisting sometimes in religious ceremony.

I have also seen monks returning to the business world as leaders, while some monks continue to remain in a temple, building it up from an empty land to a temple with many buildings and infrastructure.

I have also seen some older ladies seeking refuge as their final home inside the temple, and later on leave because of conflicts and unhappiness.

When you start practicing your prayer regularly and you will not just follow what other say. You will lead and find the path that is best suited for you. You do not need to consult the oracle to try to seek an answer when the answer is actually in yourself whether you can move forward.

My two cents worth is rethink...


May 3, 1971
Reaction score
Quoting Yang Li.

"My two cents worth is rethink..."

I have to agree. And I think in terms of what Long Yi is saying, "We all receive the help we need when we most need it." The universe is not unfriendly. It ultimately works to our advantage. Both Buddhist, and Christian teachings teach this. From a Christian point of view it is said, "For all things work together for good for them for those love God, for those who are called according to his purpose." (Not an exact quote, it has been a long time for me since I read St. Paul's work.) But much like this is said in all religions. You are going to be okay. I will be too. Karma works for our own salvation ultimately. Everything is good if we accept it. The Buddhists seek absorption into oneness, the Christians sing, "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine, oh what a foretaste of glory divine." It's really a very different way to say the same thing. Ultimately the Buddhists seek peace of mind which comes from non attachment even to life itself. The Christians say, "We take up our cross daily..." sacrificing to the divine, and becoming absorbed in Christ, in Buddha. We can do this whether a monk or a nun or whatever.

Anyway. I think Long Yi has hit the nail right on the head. I would give the same advice.


Apr 26, 1970
Reaction score
Yes of course. Enlightenment is freedom from delusion such as fear. Thank you both. Long Yi, are you an ordained monk? So good to hear about your life as a child. And thank you for the prayers. I will have to recite it in English.My daily practice is basically Confession to the 35 Buddhas, the Vajrasattva practice (another purification practice) and I also do the King of Prayers for the recently dead. Also Om Mani Padme Hum (Chenrezig mantra) at least one round of the rosary/',mala'. Also recite some part of the Golden Light Sutra daily.


Apr 26, 1970
Reaction score
However. The Taoist Philosophy Book of Changes and at least another book on the Yi says that when one gets three lines changing in a hexagram, one only reads the judgments of the two hexagrams. If so, there is light, illumination, enlightenment in 30 and release/relief in hexagram 40.

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