...life can be translucent


What is the Supposed Capability of this Medallion?


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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What a tantalising title for a thread - I wonder what it meant ?


One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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Well, Rosada deleted the posting but it had to do with a particular glass paperweight...



Jun 3, 2006
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Sorry for the confusion. I tried to delete the thread but couldn't. I was asking about an object I came in posession of some years back. It's like a flat glass paperweight, round like a medallion with an image of a red rose and diamonds inside the glass and it's surrounded by a thin band of copper. The artist had a variety of these creations for sale. Some incased pictures of Egyptain goddesses, others scenes from nature, all kinds of things. Anyway, she explained she had created these pieces to awaken various forces within the person who would sit and hold the object while meditating. I purchased the one I have simply because I thought it pretty, but I don't recall what the artist said it was supposed to do. So yesterday I consulted the I Ching asking, "What is the purpose of this medallion?" I received 46.3.5>29.

46.3 One pushes upward into an empty city.
46.5 Perseverance brings good fortune.
One pushes upward by steps.

The reading didn't say anything to me so I posted it here to see if you all had any ideas. But then after thinking about it for awhile I decided the referance to an "empty city" and 29 being about self survival meant, well, maybe nobody could tell me, that maybe it's one of those things that only has the meaning you give it yourself. So not wanting to bother you, I tried to delete the posting. But now I'm glad I wasn't able to completely erase it after all, because having you comment on this has made me look at the reading again and now what I'm reflecting on is not whatever the artist may have had in mind when she created the piece, but I'm just thinking about where I was in my life 12 years ago when I got it and where I am now. Twelve years ago, although I lived in a city with thousands of people, I felt very lonely, it was indeed an "empty city". Now many "steps", many twists and turns later I am in the country with only one neighbor, yet she is my dearest friend. Had I had such a friend back in my former life I probably would have taken her for granted, or we might have parted over some trivial incident because we wouldn't have needed each other so much in a big city. Instead, we value each other greatly and don't let any of the ups and downs of life derail our friendship. So I don't know what the creator of this medallion had in mind, but coming accross it now with it's roses and diamonds and with these words from the I Ching, it makes me feel good about my life, and to think that maybe with all the twists and turns of the river - 29. - maybe some awareness, some appreciation of life's goodness is sinking in.
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Aug 19, 1970
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Rosada, this is a very interesting story. One small part of it makes me think of something I heard a long time ago. Someone - an artist - told me that things, objects, have a life of their own.

We think Michelangelo thought and thought for a long time, and then decided to carve out his statue "David". We think he knew exactly what he wanted to do, and used all his art and skill to achieve it.

This is not at all what happened, said my artist friend. A spirit took possession of Michelangelo and forced him to create "David" to its own specifications. This spirit is the angel that brought itself into the world as his sculpture. Michelangelo knew it as inspiration, something outside himself. Artists do not control their creativity - half the time they don't know or even agree with what their body is making. The object is not at all what they intended or planned to make. Creativity is like a river that flows through the artist, and uses her to bring forms into existence. Each object embodies an angel that struggles to show itself in material form.

So we should look for the spirit in the object, not the artist's intention. The artist doesn't know what his art means any more than we do. It's the object itself that manifests its meaning, the meaning it has always had even before it came into existence. That medallion of yours does not embody the ideas of its maker. It exists for a purpose the artist never imagined. If you look, you will see it.

Or so my artist friend said.


Beautiful, all. I love how you both interpreted, or molded it as artists.

Awhile ago I mentioned somewhere, a large rock I pass each day while walking? There's young Indian brave who sits on it, or so I imagine. I'd noticed that the area around the rock had old broken bottles, plastic containers, beer cans, and a cardboard campaign sign, which blew away after the last local elections. I drove there with rake and shovel a couple days ago, and cleaned the area up, also pruning catclaw branches back from over the rock. When I was finished, I asked the guy if he was happy with the spring cleaning. He laughed, and said it didn't matter much to him, it did not impair him in any way, but he was glad that it made me happy. I realized then, that the man was the spirit of the rock - which of course was my spirit - which of course is The Spirit.

So, my take on your reading, Rosada, is that the empty city is a place to build your own myth, and that step by step its meaning unfolds for you, as it is being created by you. I think that’s what any true artist hopes their art will inspire.


Jun 18, 2006
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"What is the purpose of this medallion?" I received 46.3.5>29.

Perhaps the purpose is to calm your emotions, to bring peace and tranquilly to your mind, thus making you feel more enthusiastic, cheerful and optimistic about your life. Maybe you are experiencing feelings of change, change for the better which must be undertaken slowly and carefully. The past has made you weary, so now you look questioningly to the future and what it holds for you. But the medallion brings only good and positive thoughts of peace and harmony and says gaze upon me and relax for all is well.


Jun 3, 2006
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You folks are absolutely the best. And look at us here on Clarity. We've had our ups and downs and it just keeps getting better all the time.
Thank you lindsay, bruce and willowfox.


Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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You folks are absolutely the best. And look at us here on Clarity. We've had our ups and downs and it just keeps getting better all the time.
Thank you lindsay, bruce and willowfox.

I agree. Just as well the post found its way back again.

I loved what Lindsay and Bruce said about art which is a subject very close to my heart.

The description Lindsay related seems to talk about when art is at its best. Most contemporary art that I see now doesn't have this elemental inspiration to it. Imo, only rarely do we see the type of art which sees the artist wholly in tune with his material to the point that he can allow "Divine" elements to overshadow his work and thus communicate something profoundly emotional to the viewer. This is something very much being lost right now.

I think these great masters of painting and sculpture were wholly "possessed" by this creativity even while their own personalities required work. Rodin could be said to have been in tune with stone and wood to a degree that manifested exquisite forms of classical art, yet he also treated women abominably.

Bruce's "rock spirit" or echo of the past (which maybe had a resonance with something in Bruce) is an interesting key to all this which is the idea of the Sacred.

Maybe in producing art that communicates something to the heart we tap into the realm of forces that operate at the Sacred level which is the realm of higher emotion perhaps. When our intention is focused here and the effort and dedication is present to produce the best example of that creativity, I think by default we are allowing Sacred dimensions to enter this activity - we in effect, become a vessel. And any activity can honour that sacred dimension with the power of the response depending on the power of the intention and dedication to that end.

The I Ching is definitely a work of art. I suppose all art at its best, is alchemical!

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