...life can be translucent

What Work?...and day to day?


Aug 16, 1970
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I have many competing demands on my time. My sense is in flux of what forms my enthusiasms and instincts toward service might most appropriately take. In some ways, relaxing, and just holding the container is most appropriate. But also maybe stirring. And, all the while, there are things that must be done. And others that want to be done (one frustration I have is not being able to spend as much time here as I would like!) So, two questions:

Q: What Work am I meant to be doing these days?
A: 55==>34 (2)

Q: How can I take that answer and use it to successfully follow through on day-to-day activities?
A: 36==>24 (3)


Hi Willow,

At face value I'd say you're suited for police work, justice work, and/or uncover work of some kind.

Funny because this isn't how I think of you, but your reading could definitely be interpreted this way.



if memory serves, you were trying to find a way to deal with this very same issue way back when you first arrived here

<BLOCKQUOTE><HR SIZE=0><!-Quote-!><FONT SIZE=1>Quote:</FONT>

Q: What Work am I meant to be doing these days? A: 55==>34 (2)<!-/Quote-!><HR SIZE=0></BLOCKQUOTE>

i see a forceful attempt at progress as opposed to following a natural progression. stop chasing after what seems profitable and wholeheartedly *be* an example of it. the least resistance lies in being a worthy *demonstration* rather than a *pusher* of values. in other words, allow things to speak for themselves don't speak for them. you may have to sit with this for a while before you really get what i'm saying to you

<BLOCKQUOTE><HR SIZE=0><!-Quote-!><FONT SIZE=1>Quote:</FONT>

Q: How can I take that answer and use it to successfully follow through on day-to-day activities? A: 36==>24 (3)<!-/Quote-!><HR SIZE=0></BLOCKQUOTE>

focus more on *being* rather than *doing* - the answer will not be immediately obvious so don't be impatient. you will eventually discover the misunderstanding that has kept you struggling with this after you've trustingly focused on the "act" of *being* naturally you; the error that makes you struggle now becomes glaringly obvious after the fact

ironically, you will accept the truth, and the answer will hit home loud and clear, when you no longer struggle with the reality of who you really are... because then you will have comfortably settled in with the business of being true to yourself and not the "idea" of who you think you're expected to be

hope you find the sense in this,
hi willow

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