...life can be translucent


When Yi?s answer is more important than your question:



Its happened to anyone who has consulted the I Ching enough: You ask a question of importance to you, you focus clearly on it so there can be no crossed wires in interpreting the appropriate answer. You receive the answer and move forward in time, prepared to meet fate. Then, soon another scenario begins to play itself out with uncanny accuracy, if the reading were to be applied, the details and specifics down to the Ts.! It becomes evident that Yi?s answer over-rode your question, calling attention to something of far greater significance.

I thought it might be interesting to post this question:

A) Would you also apply it to your original question, as though the time in question capsulated both synchronistic events?

B) Would you discount the answer toward your original question?


Oct 19, 1970
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Hello everyone...
I've been lurking and learning for several months now and felt I would like to put forth my simple answer (opinion) to the question posed...

It would seem to me the Yi's response would still apply to the original question. You (the receiver) were lucky enough to get the 'two for one deal'...*s* Yi, in it's wisdom, simply knew there was more to the original question than you did...

Take good care.


But of course! a 'two for one deal' --I like that.
Very practical of Yi & Very insightful of Ladyfaye. Welcome!

Candid, is there an example that you could share with us? I am curious how the two situations compare with each other.

Are there any parallels that link the two circumstances together or possible underlying significance (that makes any sense to you, that is) of how these two situations might relate?



Welcome, Ladyfea. Yes, very insightful indeed. Lurk no more, your input is appreciated!

Dharma, the event was so personally striking, the connection to the change line was so on, the whole experience has rattled my bones. I haven't yet completely thought through the experience and I fear to even present it. I'll say that it was a psychic experience which was awakened through an influence of another. A picture-vision to which I gave little attention when it was presented to me; one that I rejected on the grounds that I wasn't asking for those kinds of gifts... but the need arose and I "happened" to be there.. so I received the gift not for my own self, but to help a friend who was in deep sorrow over the loss of her 24 year old son. I didn't ask for it, but "She" held it out to me.. and I took the fruit from her (Universal Mother's?) opened hand... and mediated between mother and deceased son for an hour.

The original reading was pertaining to the day's practical matters: car, job, money. The strange experienced occurred immediately following the reading.

35 with lines in 2 and 6 (please pay particular attention to line 2 ~Wilhelm.)
Relating: 40

The matter of the original question did play out, in that there were three pretty good opportunities which I followed through with. (In a single day he is honored three times) But this paled in contrast to the relevancy of what transpired immediately following the reading.



side note: line 6 made perfect sense when applied to my ambition and potential over-assertiveness concerning the job search.

Me thinks Ladyfae is onto something there.

side note #2: I've spent another hour with the mother and son this morning. Reasoned the necessity to enjoy the union but not to hold back fate by unprofitable lingering and clinging. Both are at peace. His birthday would have been tomorrow. Mourn as is appropriate to mourn, laugh because the universe is playful and detach to follow your own path, was my council to each.

Anybody call the guys in white jackets yet?


Apr 8, 1970
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No, no employment for the characters in white coats. It sounds as though the universe is talking to you quite intensely of late, Candid. 35,2 is a strange and wonderful line, with many different ideas about what the mysterious gift from the ancestral mother might be. It seems to be a protective garment as close-woven as silk. Bradford suggests 'accept these limits as a gift...'

For you it looks like an intermediary's mantle - this seems to be one of those ancient symbols where only experience recaptures the meaning. Thank you for sharing yours.

Ladyfaye is spot on about the two for one deal! It reminds me of the odd moments where everyone seems to be receiving the same hexagram, for entirely different questions. There seem to be connections running at deeper levels than we can begin to grasp...


Apr 8, 1970
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An afterthought: the step of change for that line, 64 - not being quite ready yet to cross the river...
And the boundary, the close-woven, silk-like protective limit...


I have no intention of seeking anything from that realm. Its like sitting by the window between this side and that. Sometimes I open the window or door to let some fresh air in, it gets stuffy here sometimes. Sometimes a bird flies in (like last week) and sometimes a rat. Its not a wonder that a lone tree's shadow falls on the grave of a loved one; its natural, nothing magic in it. It isn't a mystery which needs solving. Its just our state of mind which is able to tune into other events in the universe, including the world of imagination, which gives an animated life to our thoughts and our individual position within that universe. Whatever personal meaning it may have had to us, its not the reason that it happened. Its just that we happened to look out the window... or, in the window, depending upon which side is really in or out. No mind is an island, but is a room in the mansion of God. "In my Father's house, there are many dwellings ~JC"

Its not to gain advantage over things, nor the universe itself. Its to play our part in the balance and the purpose of fellowship, which is a human example of the universe itself.

We clan with others so as to assure us of our correctness, to give affirmation of our existence and a hope of our significance. There is no blame in this because its really part of our own nature to separate. We see the window which separates because we are the ones who put the separation there to begin with. There is no blame in this.

To be satisfied in our present condition is the best we can do at a given moment. To be receptive to the creative impulse, is to move when its time to move, but then rest when its time to rest.

The window's a funny thing sometimes; the faces of the world looking in with expressions of disapproval. We always come up short through those eyes. At such times, what is one to do but to remain faithful to ones inner truth?



Aug 16, 1970
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Hi Candid,

I like all the answers so far. Another connection I notice is that you say you were asking about the day's "practical matters." And the second line changing speaks of an apparent obstruction to progress that leads to a shift in the whole level of progress you're operating on. So from your "side of the window," the answer told you your concept of progress was going to be challenged and successfully deepened, and at the same time, the tool by which you would recognize the opportunity was put into your hands. From the "side of the window" of the person you stopped to help, as the sun rose that day, someone was being sent forth with "firm and correct principles" that were such that he would recognize her need, and be capable of assisting.

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