...life can be translucent


Where is God taking me? -> 24


May 25, 2021
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There are trials and tribulations underway... and I feel like I don’t have any other option but to carry on. Like I am being asked to step forward onto hot coal, yet I can’t even begin to see how I can bring myself to do so.

What support will I find during this period? 47 UC
I am totally on my own here. Abandonment, at least from the outside. How else can I find inner strength if I’m dependent on the external?

Where is God taking me through all this? to 24
A “the potter and the clay” type of situation. Moving forward is like being wrangled by the hands of God. Doesn’t sound very appealing to the one who has avoided change all his life. Hexagram 24 to me means a returning to Home. This returning to Home is the groundwork and purpose for this transformation.

Will it hurt? 23 UC
Yes, probably... “flaying”... not looking forward to it.

Would really like to hear other thoughts on this matter. Thank you.


Jun 3, 2006
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I think you are being advised to hang in there and not to abandon your original purpose.

Consider the sequence as advice for someone who had a bright idea (to dig a well?), but the
45.6 Group...
didn't share his vision so he
46.6 Is in the dark, digging on his own feeling...
47.Confined in a deep hole and he still hasn't hit water, still hasn't built...
48. The Well.
Should he keep digging? Where can he get help?

Interesting these symbols suggest that when one is feeling oppressed the thing to do is go deep within like you are digging into your self, you are working on building your own inner well, your ability to draw resources from within.

47. Confined. Oppression (Exhaustion).
Constancy of a great person, good fortune.
Not a mistake.
There are words, not trusted.

You feel you are in a situation where you are cut off and cannot reach out to others, like a minor trapped in a tunnel.
This is a great test of character where you must hold to your own beliefs and intentions without encouragement from others.
This is not wrong, it's just the way the world works. When we are trying to manifest an inner vision no outside advice can help. That is, words, advice, from outside can't be used for guidance.

It's time to learn to trust yourself.
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Jun 3, 2006
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Where is God taking me? - 24.
You are going through some changes at this time. You've seen things that are causing you to re-evaluate your loyalties and priorities. You are seeing where you had gotten overly influenced by outsiders opinions and now you are recognizing how you are to gently withdraw your support from situations that do not support you and Return to your proper position.

Will it hurt?
Only if you try to hang on to what is not in alignment with your purpose. Like holding on to your fat clothes even though you've vowed to lose weight.
23. Stripping away can be a "gradual, natural painless process"- Hilary.
Out with the old to make room for the new.
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Feb 6, 2021
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Where is God taking me through all this? to 24

With Hex. 49, you have trigram Flame below, Lake above. When these are in balance, they suggest that your own internal clarity - your inner flame - can lead to happiness.

Line 49.5 says: Great men wear tiger fur. Sacrificing captives before the (ritual, action) is complete.

So, people whom are 'great' can be many things: joyful, inquisitive, caring, creative, ... but they don't expect the God Tiger to do this for them - they instead 'wear' or make use of what has been given to us - the tiger's skin.

To do otherwise is putting the horse before the cart, or sacrificing captivies ahead of completing the ritual. Instead you should:

Ask not what God can do for you, or where she is leading you; but instead ask, what can I do for myself, - where can I take myself - by making use of the tools (furs) we've been given to wear.

Best, D


May 25, 2021
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Thank you, @rosada and @dfreed, for sharing your time and insights with me. (I'm tagging the two of you because my assumption is that by adding a @ before your names would notify you of my post). I found them to be of help in offering alternate perspectives so that I am not stuck in one way of imagining the future, which to me was full of hot coals and flaying (what fun!). It truly doesn't have to be that way.

dfreed, your questions are particularly potent. What can I do for myself? Where can I take myself? It's like I'm continuously making an unconscious decision of abdicating my own power and relegating it to (often unaware and likely unwilling!) others. What do I get out of that? I get to wait, I get a whole future of dragging my feet across hot coal. And if you don't do what I think you should be doing with the power that I've assigned to you (which of course should be used to my pleasure), I get to blame you "for all the suffering YOU'VE put me through!". Oh my oh my. I'm sounding like a narcissist aren't I? Haha! I guess a little self-awareness goes a long way.
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long yi

May 21, 2012
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My two cent worth comment to your reading analysis is in this poem:

At that moment (Author: Long Yi)

At that moment
You lost your dreams (Hex 47 exhaustion, the Chi has reached the lowest spot)

At the crossroad
You consulted your future

Please preach me a lesson
Where and when will I find my happiness? (Hex 37 family, nuclear hex of hex 47)

♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫易經… Iching
♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫塔羅… Tarot
♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫命理… Astrology

Come & fly with the angel (Hex 37, everyone can be an angel if you stopped your isolation, Hex 47)

Drop your burden
Lighten your load
Bring out yourself from the misery (Hex 44, nuclear hex of Hex 49: exit and re-entry, the Chi are opposing)

Take a look top down and
Nothing touches the ground (your walk-on hot coal assumption does not exist)

Life is a novel
A novel full of wonders
Even the character was once alone (example: hexagram 56 wanderer)
He or she made the land home

In times of crisis
Shut off the world demands; Dream!(Hex 47 exhaustion, close your eyes, feel with your heart)

Get the facts
Understand the process
Relax in the illusionary world of wonders (Tarot – the hang man)

Up to the Air
Where no worries climb up high (note: hexagram 1 chien)

See the world from a different light (Hex 63, after completion, nuclear hex of hex 24)
Fly away on the back on the angel

He had pulled you from the wreckage (Hex 23 collapse, wait for a better chance)
Wait for a second chance
Stop feeling not being good enough
Be weightless with self-confidence
You will find peace every night

Life is a windy road
You can change your world (Hex 49 revolution)
Whether there is an angel twister
It makes no difference
Spend no time waiting
Continue where the straight line has ended……(Hex 24 returning, the Chi are now coming together).


Apr 26, 2021
Reaction score
551 to 24

This does sound like pretty significant change. It's easier to say this from the outside, versus while experiencing it, but in many ways it is a beautiful answer to "Where is God taking me?" because we know it is for a good reason, as part of something larger and more divine.

49.3 The timing is very important. Even if there is a lot of pressure whether within or outside of you, have to faith to do things at the right time (and perhaps to trust they are happening at the right time in general)
49.4 The overarching paradigm or power dynamic is changing. You must speak your truth at the right time and make changes according to what you know to be true inside.
49.5 When you do this, it will bring you power, change, and opportunity on a totally different level. You'll be believed you just need to follow the external signs, your heart, and your truth along the way.

49 > 24 These changes are helping bring you back closer to yourself, your center, your truth, your dao. Keep going back to yourself. Let the new forms really be in alignment with the very center of your being. Don't do anything faster or slower than allows it to be authentic.

I'm not sure if there has been dishonesty, either you or someone else, or you've needed to do things that have felt out of alignment but truth is a huge theme in these lines. Being believed. Whatever it means to you to come back to the truth, rely on the truth, or surrender to the truth - I think that's what will be most helpful.

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