...life can be translucent

why my cat is making poop in the bed?


Jan 2, 2016
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Despite anything has changed in the life of my cat (nor my daily, or my behaviour with him or in my life, nor the food, nor the water, nor the cat litter) he started doing poop in my bed :( He is sterilised and there is also another cat in the house, but they are very good friends. So I asked why my cat is making poop in the bed? And I got 8.5 to 2. Shall I make more care to him?
I also asked how can I stop the cat doing poop in the bed? and I got 54 unchanged.
Please help me! Thank you for any kind answer! Ciao


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May 29, 2006
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You don't need to consult the I Ching just stop the cat going in your bedroom ! Yuk, it's disgusting ! How can you let a cat shit in your bed ? Shut the bedroom door !

Oh well line 5 says beaters on 3 sides only so maybe the cat just needs coaxing out of the bedroom but I know I'd shut it out firmly - it's bad for your health...


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Feb 14, 2019
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This is funny. 8.5>2 and an open door … basially, right, why don't you close it.
However, your Question was: Why.
I'd probably think about if this cat mirrors something in your life having to do with your dignity.


Jan 2, 2016
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Hi thank you both. I do not close the door for two reasons: I live in a two rooms house, so there is not that much space. And the second is that every cat owner like to have the cats all the day around him and in the night sleeping in the bed :) Thank you for the suggestion about my life, but this is a very great period and I am not loosing but achieving dignity. And I do not know if a cat can be worried about that, since I think that more happiness for me means also more happiness for him...
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Apr 8, 1970
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Ignoring the readings for a moment, have you got him a vet check-up, to make sure there's no medical reason for the change?

If 8.5 really is why, then it sounds almost as though he is indirectly inviting/encouraging you to leave the bedroom and sleep elsewhere. I have no idea what that would be about!

And 54, I'm afraid, seems to say you can't stop him: you are not the one in charge here...


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May 29, 2006
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If 8.5 really is why, then it sounds almost as though he is indirectly inviting/encouraging you to leave the bedroom and sleep elsewhere. I have no idea what that would be about!


Yes I think a trip to the vet to see if there were any medical cause might be an idea but if his poo is just ordinary looking, not diarrheoa, it sounds like this is simply a behavioural thing.

And the second is that every cat owner like to have the cats all the day around him and in the night sleeping in the bed

Well having them in the bed is one thing, though I never wanted my cat in my bed, but actually cat shitting in your bed is quite another. It surely cannot happen more than once.

If there are only 2 rooms and you aren't prepared to vacate the bedroom for your cat's convenience then shutting him out of the bedroom/caging him would seem to be the only solution for now, until you find out a reason. Though how would you find a reason. He won't sleep where he shits because cats are clean they don't do that, so if he is shitting in his own bedroom (your bed) he surely doesn't want to sleep there any more, unless he's ill.

If he is a cat that is kept indoors all the time that might explain something of it as these do tend to have more unusual behaviours.


Jan 2, 2016
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Thank you Hilary :) interesting! I am going out for three days in the week end. So we can see what happens with the cat sitter...And yes unfortunately I am not in charge because he is who decide...I do not think at all there is a problem of health: the cat is good and also poop. But behaviour experts say that if the cat makes poop exactly where he is sleeping all the day long, is not for your fault but because there is something very wrong. This is why I asked why. Anyway I will try to close the door all the day long and also when I come back I will change the side of my sleeping putting the head towards north instead than south. Thank you all !!!!


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Sep 20, 1970
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I'm very late to this, but I have a guess (and some questions, if you don't mind, Mariella).

8.5 is about not cutting off access to freedom for game animals. From Hilary's book:

'A demonstration of seeking union:
The king uses three beaters,
Lets the game in front go.
The city people are not coerced.
Good fortune.'

Hilary says in her commentary, "When the king hunts, he leaves a way open for the game to escape. Only those animals who spontaneously come towards him will be taken."

2 as the relating hexagram - 2 can be a wide-open field, which does sound a lot like a bed, doesn't it. But Hilary makes this point in WikiWing, that maybe, "Hexagram 2 as relating responds, and only responds; it never adds shape or initiative of its own."

So my best guess about the reading - at this moment, pending further developments - is that it might mean, "Don't cut off his freedom, his access to your room (8.5) - it was only a one-time response on his part, not something he did on purpose (2 relating)."

If this was an accident, cutting off access to your bedroom might not solve the problem, it might cause him to pick some other, non-litter-box spot.

Other questions:

Is there any possibility that at that moment, his access to the box was blocked for some reason? Do you have more than one box? If the other cat was in there when this cat had to go...they're not people, they might not think to just "hold it' a minute or two - ?

Has this happened once, or more than once? Has he actually stopped using his litter box to poop in, or has he pooped in his box since pooping on your bed? You didn't mention urinating - can we assume he's still urinating in his box?

And - as best you can tell - was it one small piece of poop, or an entire normal-sized bowel movement?

If it happened only once, and it's a small piece, it could be completely an accident. Once in a great while this happens with my cats. I think what happens is that the last, small piece is close to coming out while they're in the box, but it didn't quite come all the way out, so then shortly after they leave the box it falls out of their bottom and they barely notice. I wonder if jumping up on the bed could have jostled it the rest of the way?

If you're pretty sure it wasn't that kind of accident...I think I might re-frame the question a bit, to ask why he's not using his litter box.

You don't want him to just stop using your bed, it's more that you don't want him going anywhere else but his box.

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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I can't help but think of the expression:

You can lead a cat to the litter box,
but you can't make him ____.


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Jun 3, 2006
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8.5 Says the king figures if the animals didn’t want to be shot at they could prevent it.
I wonder if the I Ching is saying the king-cat figures if you didn’t want your bed to be shit on you could prevent it?

That doesn’t reveal any ulterior motive or message. Perhaps the ic is saying don’t look for some deeper meaning. Just decide either to
8.5 Let him or prevent him.
2. That’s all you need to know.


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Sep 20, 1970
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I should say, for the record, since I probably have a reputation around here as a possibly crazy cat person, that I'm not opposed to putting cats in crates, or barring them from certain rooms, under certain circumstances.

Once when one of my cats was sick and urinating where she shouldn't, I asked Yi and got 37.1, "With barriers, there is a home." So until she was better, I put a large crate on top of my dining room table (...I live by myself), and in she went, with her food, water, bed, and litter box. Problem solved.

And I generally (not always, but usually) do keep mine off the bed, not because I don't like to snuggle, but because I need my sleep and I've found I don't sleep well if cats are on and off the bed, or on and off of me, through the night. That was a reading too - my question was about not sleeping well, not about my cats - Yi gave me 33.6 > 31. LiSe translates 33's Image as "The noble one distances himself from small people, without dislike and yet stern." (Which I find quite giggle-worthy to this day :D.)

I just don't think that's what Yi's saying here. But it's a guess. I don't think this is the clearest reading in all the world. (Understatement.)

As I said earlier, if he keeps doing this, which I don't think we know yet, maybe ask Yi a question from a different angle, about why he's not using the box. You don't want to keep him from pooping on the bed only to have him start pooping on the sofa. You want him to use his box.
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Jan 2, 2016
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Hi @Liselle and thank you. Unfortunately he made the poops 3 times on my bed in 6 days. So is for sure intentional. It was an entire normal-sized bowel movement and he made the poop also in the litter. So I think it was a message that I cannot read....This is why I was asking. But anyway your suggestion about open and close might be right. While I was away I closed the door of the room, but I opened a hole that is behind the second litter and when is open the cats use it to go out of the house and go to the balcony. There is another door that can be important for this cat: the door of the bathroom, because he is able to pee on the toilet bowl. And it might be possible that I close it.
I am back now but just since two days, and nothing happened yet. I hope he is ok now....but again who knows why...


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Sep 20, 1970
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Oh dear :(. Yes, that has to be intentional. It also sounds like you do have two litter boxes, so that's not the problem, either.

I'm not sure I completely understand what you're saying about the other holes and doors - are you saying he's urinating in the bathroom where he shouldn't, so you're going to close that door? And you opened a hole to the balcony? If he was used to that hole being open, and then it was closed, he could have been upset about that. (Won't other critters also use the hole, like mice and ants or whatever?)

Is he only urinating in that one bad place, in the bathroom? Cats are quite susceptible to urinary tract infections and kidney problems, so as always it might be good to check those things, but picking out one bad place is different from urinating everywhere, and seems to indicate it's not a bladder-control problem. (Caveat - not a vet!)

Another question: is he urinating, or spraying? As I'm sure you know, those are different things. Spraying is much less common with neutered males, but it can still happen. You know the difference, I'm sure - urinating is crouching down and relieving their bladder, and spraying is done standing upright - they raise their tails and squirt a bit of urine onto a vertical surface like a wall or piece of furniture. It's to mark their territory, not to relieve their bladder.

Hopefully, the things you're trying with the doors and the hole will work. *fingers crossed*

(I'm thanking my lucky stars I've never had these problems with any of my cats...)


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Feb 14, 2019
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I think hexagram 2, the relating hex, could be the bed. And then, 8.5.: Seeking union, having the good relations with others, and let people come and go and a way out. So the cat probably feels trapped somehow, enclosed, or just bored, and needs more attention - or some hunting grounds once in a while, an open window or so. Well, he might be seeking union.


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Sep 20, 1970
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Mariella, if you're still reading this - I should have mentioned this before, sorry.

Any chance you have room for a third litter box, preferably a covered one with a lid?

For my own two cats (actually, various combinations of two cats, once in a while three cats, going back years), I have two flat, open boxes and one covered one. What's interesting - and, who knows, could be relevant to you - is that they only ever poop in the covered one, and only ever urinate in the open ones. (With rare exceptions to both.)

It might be something to try, anyway, if you're still having a problem.

(I'm not getting this out of the reading; it's just what has worked for me and my cats.)

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