...life can be translucent


Will her soul return me? 17.5 changing to 51


Mar 23, 2017
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Last night my 17 year old dog Skylla died. She was still completely aware but her body was shutting down. I had to take her to be put down and she knew what was happening and she was scared. I did my best to help her not be scared, I couldn't stand to see her suffer anymore.
The bond I shared with her was the most powerful thing I've ever experienced and I feel like I have been ripped apart and am no longer whole.
I lost my other dog Pan 2 days ago because she was hit by a car. I know death is a part of life, but I don't know how to go on without Skylla.
I believe in reincarnation and I just want to know if her soul will come back to me. I asked the Oracle if she will come back to me and this was the answer. I'm having trouble interpreting the answer and was hoping someone could help me.
Thank you


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I glanced at this and thought 'more', more than you know or expect. 17.5 is a sublime line, Hilary's translation from wikiwing

'Sincere and confident in excellence.
Good fortune.'

You got hexagram 17, following, very apt for a faithful dog I feel. This is a line of well placed faith bringing sure results so to speak. In fact you described the line in a sense when you said

The bond I shared with her was the most powerful thing I've ever experienced and I feel like I have been ripped apart and am no longer whole.

The answer confirms the reality and power of that bond. Although you grieve there is 'good fortune' because the connection is 'sincere and confident in excellence' so this just makes me feel there is more to come to you from this than you even might know right now.

I lost my other dog Pan 2 days ago because she was hit by a car. I know death is a part of life, but I don't know how to go on without Skylla.

Both dogs within a few days. How sad for you. I have known dogs who live together tend not to want to hang around without the other one, maybe Pan was leaving with Skylla just a bit ahead of time.

Beautiful answer though so I hope you can take some comfort from that.


Mar 23, 2017
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Thank you so much for your thoughtful insight. It gives me great comfort to know that oracle is saying she will come back to me. I think that is the only way I can go on without her for now. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question. It means more to me than you could know!


Jan 20, 2013
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Hi Mellissande,

getting Hex 17.5 in answer to your query looks like a deep and resounding YES to your question. The spirit of your dog is following you and looking out for you. Trojina already interpreted this reading perfectly, so there is not much to add for me - other than the changing Hex 51 which to me could be something that when you recognize your dog's spirit around you, it could be something of a shock (or rather an unexpected way of realizing it, coming when you don't expect it. ) So expect the unexpected!

All my good wishes to you, losing a pet is very heartbreaking indeed...



Mar 23, 2017
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Thank you so much Maui. I was wondering about that part of the reading. I didn't know if it meant the shock of her passing or the shock of losing my 2 babies so close together or even some other loss that is about to happen, and I was worried that it meant her soul is in shock. I wonder if it could be referring to the way in which she might reincarnate or reenter my life like you were saying. I feel so strongly that our souls cannot be permanently separated. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and insights into this reading and the situation. You have no idea how much comfort this community has brought me at this difficult time!


Jan 14, 2013
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Auspicious reading for a sad time

I like this interpretation from LiSe Yijing:

"9 at 5: Inspiring confidence in excellence. Auspicious.
Everybody is able to surpass the restrictions of his human life. When one resonates to higher things, one can make them part of life, and thus give life an essential meaning. One needs a form to exist, but it does not have to be a small form."
This reading seems quite direct. Your lovely dog is now surpassing the restrictions of her earthly life and in a sense so are you. You are resonating to the higher things, the soul journey, if you will, of your pets and of yourself. Your pets will always be part of you.

My heart goes out to you, mellissande17, these partings are always heartbreaking. But your pets will never be far from you. They love you with their whole hearts, just as you love them, and love never dies.


Mar 23, 2017
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Wow that is a very interesting interpretation! Thank you so much for sharing this with me! I have read this answer many times since they passed and every time I do I find comfort. Thank you for your insights Poised! I truly appreciate you taking the time to share your wisdom with me!


Mar 23, 2017
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One thing I would like to add to this thread is an observation that I made when contemplating this answer. 17.5 seems to talk about death in a way as it says that the superior man goes inside to rest at the appropriate time. Then in researching 51 I realized that it is associated with the season of spring which is of course a time of resurrection of life after the time of death which is winter. Spring is universally associated with new life in almost every culture. This seems to be a very direct answer when I look at it with this information in mind. Just wanted to share that train of thought. Thanks!

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